Ampel begonia - planting and care in the open ground


The name "begonia" was given to the culture in honor of Begon (governor of the French colonies), the organizer of the expedition to the islands located in the southern United States. Ampel begonia belongs to the most interesting species. On attractive bushes, asymmetric foliage grows, luxurious flowers of various colors and shapes. The culture is easy to care for, even a beginner can grow it.

Ampoule begonias: planting and care in the open ground

Usually, ampeliferous cone begonia is grown in a hinged pot, flowerpots. It is decorated with verandas, arbors, terraces, arches in the garden. Outdoor plants must be carefully looked after. The ampelous shrub has a root system in the form of tubers, shoots 20-60 cm long, large foliage 10-15 cm. It blooms with many unisexual flowers, which are simple, semi-double, double.

What does it look like


Tuberous ampelic begonia is planted with stem cuttings to preserve the original signs of culture. It is also grown from seeds, placing each in the ground.

Planting and caring for the tuberous ampelous begonia takes place in 2 stages: first, the tubers are planted in the apartment, after which the grown plants are taken out to the site.

Note! For ampelous plants, land with slightly acidic properties is needed. It is necessary to mix thoroughly 1 part of sand, 1 part of turfy soil and 3 parts of leaf.

Soil preparation is necessary so that the culture is not covered with mold, so you should calcine the substrate in the oven for half an hour.

Planting tubers

When tubers are purchased, it is necessary to carefully consider them, they should not be damaged. The top of the stems should be tight. It is necessary to ensure that each tuber has at least three tubercles, this indicates the presence of three kidneys.

Planting tubers

When spring comes, plant growth begins with the planting of tubers. Germination begins by placing the convex side down on a moistened cloth. The place where the tubers stand should be warm and well lit.

Important! From time to time, tubers should be sprayed with settled warm water.

When small whitish roots grow on them, you can transplant them into the ground.

In low but wide pots, broken brick and gravel are poured to the bottom. After falling asleep the soil. It is pre-treated with fungicides. The convex side of the tubers is placed in a moistened substrate and covered with earth. It should be remembered that the upper part of the seedling should be a few centimeters below the upper edge of the pot. When sprouts appear on the tubers, then their upper part is covered with earth.


After 2 months, you can transplant plants into pots with a height of 12 cm or more. First you need to pour broken brick and expanded clay to the bottom, then add soil so that 1 cm remains to the edge of the container. The pots are placed on the windowsill. 2 weeks after the picking, plants are fed with complex fertilizers, and then 1 time in 2 weeks. After 20 days, the plants can be moved to the garden.


Begonias like moist air, shading, the absence of cold winds, and nutrient land. When the plants heat, the tips of the foliage dry. You can spray the air near the plants in the evening, but not spray on the foliage and stems, as drops of water can cause stains and rot.

Important! Begonia is fed 1 time in 10 days. Water the crop regularly, but not too abundantly, as plants prefer moist air rather than waterlogged land. It is better to water in the evening, when the sun has already set, settling water.

Winter preparations

By autumn, the begonia leaves fall, shoots dry up. For wintering, it is better to move it to the house. But in winter, the room temperature should be 15 ° C. Pots, planters can be placed in a dark place and not watered. After they remove the tubers from the pots, shake off the soil from them, put them into storage in a cardboard box filled with dry peat. Store in a dark, cool and dry place. From time to time, tubers should be inspected. If the peat is too dry, then you need to moisten it. If a musty odor occurs, ventilate the cardboard box. When sprouts appear on the tubers, they are transplanted into pots with the ground.

Ampelic tuberous begonia: popular varieties

Garden begonia on a flower bed - planting and care

Ampel begonia is of two types. Plants that have tubers can be grown both outdoors and in the house. But the evergreen leaf begonia is planted only at home.

Grade Alcor

Ampoule pink begonias:

  • Alcor. The plants have fleshy shoots and bright emerald foliage. It blooms from May to October. In this begonia, in shape, the flowers resemble camellias, the color in the center of the bud is faded pink, and along the edges - salmon;
  • Pink reaches a height of up to 30 cm. The flower has thin stems and pale green leaves. The buds are small, saturated pink. They hang down like shoots;
  • Venus F1. It has long stems, blooms before the onset of frost. Terry flowers are white-pink in diameter up to 6 cm.

Ampelic white begonias:

  • Illumination White. A large number of snow-white terry flowers blooms. Roots in the form of tubers, long and thin stems, asymmetric foliage;
  • Lapland F1. Terry and semi-double flowers, snow-white, with a diameter of 6-8 cm. They are similar in shape to camellias. Roots in the form of tubers. Each plant has 5-8 drooping stems 30-45 cm long.

Grade Illumination White

For your information! Very interesting variety Mix. This is a hybrid with medium height bushes. Terry flowers can be of various tones. It blooms for a very long time; it is easy and simple to care for this begonia.

Ampelous yellow begonias:

  • Begonia Golden Balconi ampelous. The stems are up to 25 cm high. The flowers are orange and yellow, terry, have a diameter of 13-15 cm. The flowers emit a pleasant smell. It blooms from May to October. For landing, you should choose a well-lit or slightly shaded place. It is advised to plant in a loose and nutritious soil that has a neutral reaction;
  • Belleconia Ivory (cream). The flowers have pointed petals that resemble dahlias. The culture has flowering stems 30-40 cm long;
  • Margarita F1. Flowers resemble yellow roses.

Grade Golden Balconi

Ampelic red begonias:

  • Carmen. It has stems hanging down down to 40 cm long and beautiful dark red flowers. Plants are planted on flower beds, they decorate verandas, terraces and arbors;
  • Belleconia Elserta (red). This is an ampelous terry, not tuberous begonia. It has excellent immunity to disease and is very resistant to pest attacks. There are a lot of flowers on the stems; they are located on long, drooping shoots;
  • Santa Cruz Sunset. It has stems 40 cm long. The flowers are orange-red, similar to fuchsia.

Variety Santa Cruz Sunset

Bolivian ampelo begonia

Bolivian ampelium begonia was discovered in Bolivia in 1864 by R. Pierce. He brought the plant to the UK. Bolivian begonia has tubers. It came from a species that grows on rocks, very sensitive to water and cold. Its daylight hours are 14 hours. It grows at temperatures above 13 ° C. She needs fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.

Note! This species is not grown like other species. If you put them in an open area too early, when the days are short and low air temperature, then the culture will hurt. The later you move it to the site, the better it will grow, and sooner the buds will appear.


5-8 stems up to 40 cm long grow on the bush. The culture has semi-double and double flowers, which resemble camellias, with a diameter of about 6-8 cm. Stems hanging from baskets, flowerpots, and cache-pots look great. Begonia looks great both in summer blooming and in winter alone due to its abundant greenery.


Scarlett plants are up to 20-30 cm tall. The foliage is lanceolate, the edges are serrated. Leaves can be either bare or heavily pubescent. The flowers are large, double, can be of various colors: white, yellow, dark red. 2 flowers grow in axillary inflorescences.

Ampel begonia is no worse than other species for home and outdoor cultivation, and in some moments even better than the same petunia. In care, you should follow simple rules, and then it will delight you with abundant flowering.


Watch the video: A Guide To Hanging Basket Plants & Flowers (September 2024).