Hoya flower - what the varieties of Karnosa, Kerry, Bella, fleshy, multiflora look like


According to the encyclopedia, hoya is an evergreen tropical plant from the Lian family. Her homeland is Polynesia, Southeast and South Asia, Australia. Grows in sparse forests, using tree trunks as a ladder to the sun.

Hoya flower - what is this plant

Science knows more than 200 species of this plant. Under natural conditions it grows both on trees and on rocky slopes of mountains. Some species hang from the support, there are curly ones. Some in the process of evolution acquired antennae, which are securely attached to the support. The leaves are also different: some are heart-shaped, others are oval. Mostly they are dark green in color, but there are also spotty ones.

The appearance of the plant

How to bloom

Hoya - types and varieties, home care

Hoya refers to those types of plants that grow at home. Refined grace of forms and a wide palette of shades make it a great object for decorating a garden or window sill. Peduncles look like inflorescences. On one such inflorescence, about 30 buds bloom.

Flower stalks plants

Hoya Karnosa

Karnosa is a wax ivy that has gained popularity due to its flowering. The buds are small in size, pale pink or pure white. They have a strong but pleasant aroma. The liana itself is quite unpretentious in care, but for its flowering, several conditions must be met:

  • a plant loves light. She feels good on the eastern and western windows, since on the southern windows there is a lot of heat and light for her. It’s better to cover up a bit. Burns may appear. It requires a lot of space, growing rapidly. This is a liana, and she needs support;
  • you need to water in the summer every day. In winter, enough twice a week;
  • with good care, flower stalks appear in late spring and continue to be updated until autumn;
  • the intensity of the smell increases in the evening;
  • breeds in room conditions. Any shoot is cut off and planted in a container with soil;
  • poorly tolerates heat and dampness.

Important! You can not buy a flowering plant. It does not tolerate a change of scenery. Three times a year, the liana should be redeemed completely in water. She loves it very much.

Hoya Kerry

Kerry is a vine that stays green all year. Its leaves have a heart shape, each of which reaches no more than 15 cm. This plant has several forms of leaf colors (with white edges, speckled and multi-colored). With proper care, the plant will thank the owner with luxurious flowering. Inflorescences are medium in size. The shape of the peduncles resembles a star. It can be white, pink and yellow. From the first month of summer until the end of September, the apartment is filled with the smell of caramel. In winter, the plant hibernates.

Hoya Bella

The analogue is Epiphyte, or Hoya de Seren. The plant likes to grow in hanging pots. The root is weak, not powerful capacity. The stem is gray-green, thin and with lots of leaves. At the end of the vines, inflorescences of 5-9 pcs. Are formed. Their shape resembles a star. The edges of the flower are white, and the core is pink or purple.

The upper part of the leaf is dark green, and the lower is closer to white. Size no more than 4 cm.

Important! When transplanting, you should know that Bella is a poisonous plant.

It is watered in a different scenario: when it blooms - 3 times a week, when not - 2 times a month, less often in winter. He likes damp and sunlight, especially in winter. It does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes. Propagated by cuttings.

Meaty hoya

At home, the meaty hoya took the lead. The length of its shoots is 6-7 m. The leaves are dark green, grow opposite each other. The structure is leathery. This ivy is also called wax. Inflorescences look like an umbrella. The shape of the bud is similar to a star. Each inflorescence can have up to 50 buds of brown, light green or white.

Kind of meaty hoya

Important! It begins to bloom from May to mid-autumn. It has a bright aroma. Leaves are poisonous.

Hoya multiflora

Multiflora has the appearance of a bush. The leaves are deep green, thin and curly. Inflorescences have the shape of an umbrella. Each can have up to 20 white buds. The shape resembles a star with petals bent back. Small root system. He loves light, but does not tolerate heat.

Hoya Matilda

Homeland Matilda Australia. Inflorescences resemble the shape of an umbrella. About 20 buds of pink and white bloom simultaneously. The leaves are oval in shape from pale green to saturated green.

He loves sunlight, but does not tolerate heat. Small root system. Needs support.

Note! The longer the daylight hours, the longer this hoya blooms.

Hoya Lakunoza

It has several varieties:

  • small plant with a dark purple color. The inflorescences are in the shape of a ball and have about 20 cream-colored flowers with a yellow core;
  • silver color leaves. Inflorescences are white. Grows slowly;
  • leaves are diamond-shaped, dark green, covered with silver dashes. Inflorescences are spherical white. The smell is intense.

Hoya Tricolor

Tricolor belongs to variegated plants. The leaves are colored, elongated glossy. The inflorescence has the shape of an umbrella with 7-9 purple flowers.

Hoya Compact

Compacta is an evergreen ivy. Bright pink flowers, collected by an umbrella, count up to 20 pcs. They smell bright, reminiscent of perfume. The leaves are dark green. Liana falls from a height, twisting in a spiral, which gives her a unique look.



Hoya vayeti

Vayeti is an ampel plant. Requires a place to hang. The length of such a creeper can be 10 m. The Vayeti variety does not look like its relatives. A bright red ball that liberates odorless nectar abundantly. The leaves are elongated 15 cm in length. Young shoots of red color. Darken with age.

Hoya Locke

Loki is from Vietnam. The leaves are dark green elongated, smooth. Inflorescences contain about 20 flowers of a white shade. Flower shape is a star with backward bent petals.

Hoya Gracilis

Gracilis is a liana. It has strong branches. Leaves are dense and oblong. The color is light green with spots that are slightly noticeable. Flowers are collected in inflorescences from dark red to pink-white with a core of a more saturated color.

Hoya Obovata

Obovata is a tropical plant. The stems grow thick and strong. The leaves are large, have the shape of a blade. In the center is a lighter strip. Young foliage has a shade of silver. Blooms with an inflorescence of 15 pcs. light lilac stars.

Hoya Obscura

Obscura is from the Philippines. The stalk is thin. The leaves are long with well-visible veins. The color is light green. Inflorescence has up to 30 flowers. They have the appearance of a bell with the ends of the petals bent back. They can have all the colors in pink and yellow. The smell resembles a lemon.

Hoya Retusa

Retuza is a rare plant native to Indonesia. The leaves are thin in dark green. Flowers are very unlike the rest of the species. Bright core. Located denser than other colors.



Hoya Pubicalix

Pubicalix is ​​from the Philippines. This is a vine with a thin stalk. The leaves are long and smooth with spots of silver color. Flowers grow with an umbrella. In inflorescence up to 30 pcs. Colors range from deep red to pale pink.

Hoya Undulata

Undulata is a vine. The trunks are thin and very long. Leaves are spotty, wavy edges. Inflorescences hang down in the form of an umbrella, where there are 2-5 flowers. The shape of a flower is in the form of a star with petals bent back. The color scheme is very diverse: from white-purple to pastel cream-white. Almost odorless.

If you grow hoya in a greenhouse, then in the cold season you need to warm the room to 15 ° C. This flower is an exotic plant, but not very moody. You can safely begin its reproduction at home even to an inexperienced grower.
