How to make Hoya bloom at home


The homeland of the amazing hoya creeper is the coast of Australia. In Europe, she came from the greenhouses of the English Duke. The name of the breeder who has been engaged in breeding of hoya for almost half a century, and gave the name to an exotic flower. In home gardening, there are several flowering varieties of a tropical beauty, but many gardeners are faced with the fact that an adult plant does not want to throw buds.

Hoya does not bloom: what to do

Hoya is unpretentious, but not always blooming. To understand why this happens, you need to analyze all the factors of care and find errors in them.


Why not color Hoya:

  • due to lack of light. The plant must be rearranged on the windowsill, well-lit at least half a day. Wax ivy does not like the bright sun and can get burns, so you have to shade the curtains with glass during the day. In winter, the plant does not have enough light, so it is necessary to create artificial lighting.
  • the second reason may be the age of the plant;

Hoya doesn't bloom

  • perhaps the plant grows in a large pot. The root system is not long, but branched, so it is better to plant the flower in a small square-shaped container and not transplant for 5-7 years so that the root system fills all the free space;
  • affects the development and flowering phase of watering, however, the degree of hydration depends on the type of plant. Hoya is watered only when the topsoil is completely dry. Representatives with thin leaves need moisture constantly. On hot summer days, the leaves of a plant of any kind need irrigation;
  • in winter, the flower is placed in a cool room. At such a time, watering is moderate, without fertilizing.

Note! The soil should be loose, let air through. If the soil is compacted, the roots of the plant may suffocate.

If you eliminate all mistakes and look after the room hoya with love, then there is hope that the hoya will bloom in the new spring.

Room hoya bloomed

Wax ivy diseases

Hoya - types and varieties, home care

Violation of the conditions for caring for the flower leads to a change in appearance and answers the question why the hoya does not bloom.

Changing the appearance of hoyaCause
the green stalk of the flower turns redthe plant is hot
shoots lose their color, turn yellow, die, inflorescences fallplenty of bright light
leaves turn yellowhoya got a leaf burn or she doesn't have enough light
leaves are fallingexcessive soil moisture
spots on the leavesthe plant was watered with cold water or in the soil an excess of fertilizers
slow growthlow nutrient content in soil

Important! It is necessary to periodically inspect the plant so as not to miss changes in its condition.

Hoya diseases and methods of treatment

Various pests can infect wax ivy at home:

  • nematodes - small transparent worms - settle on the roots and suck out nutrients from them. The diseased plant changes the color of dark green leaves to yellow;
  • the spider mite chooses a different habitat - the lower side of the leaves. A spider web appears in their sinuses, the leaf plate becomes stained. The plant can be saved by frequent spraying, as the spider mite is afraid of moisture;
  • brown and small tubercles on the leaves indicate the appearance of scabies. The scabbard sucks the juices from the plant;
  • a fool - a white-winged insect - selects specimens growing in waterlogged soil, but not the moth itself is terrible, but its larvae, which feed on leaf juice.

A diseased plant stops growing, discards dried leaves. If you do not spray the hoya in time with one of the drugs (actofit or actar, confidor maxi or sunmight), it will die.

Important! Hoya can be helped by replanting in a new disinfected soil.

Hoya transplant

How to make Hoya bloom at home

Hoya propagation by cuttings, rooting and transplanting at home

Why does not perennial wax ivy bloom, because it is unpretentious? He becomes moody if you rearrange the flowerpot to another place. Florists say that the whim of the ampel variety can drag on for 2 years. If, in subsequent years, the plant does not bloom, then you can help him in this:

  • in winter, the plant is placed in a dry room so that the soil in the flowerpot dries out. In this case, you must not overdo it and make sure that the leaves do not turn black. When the earth decreases in volume by 2 times, put the flower on the east window. In spring, the hoya will throw out many inflorescences;
  • There is another way how to make the fleshy hoya bloom at home - the plant needs to make a heat bath. Place the flowerpot in water heated to 30 ° C so that the root system is completely covered with water. In this position, the flower should be held for about 30 minutes, then shoots should be placed in the bath for 1 hour. After a warm shower, the plant blooms.

Flowering care

Hoya home care, diseases and pests

How to care for room hoya during the flowering period, because it is during this period that she needs increased attention:

  • it should be remembered that the hoya is a guest from the tropics, she does not tolerate high temperature, so the amount of watering and irrigation of leaves in hot weather should be increased;
  • watering must be done carefully so that water does not fall on the buds;
  • do not touch the inflorescences, they are very delicate, can fly around;
  • during flowering, the plant spends a lot of energy, so a complex fertilizer should be applied under the root system.

Note! If a long bare branch appears among the shoots, there is no need to prune it. She is the harbinger of future flowers.

Hoya is gaining color

When Hoya Blooms at Home

Hoya, which blooms in spring and lasts a long time, is beautiful. The flowers are unusual, resembling five-pointed stars (they are white in the Tricolor hoya). They can be confused with handmade crafts. They are collected in inflorescences of 20-30 flowers in one bowl, the color of which depends on the species. A drop of nectar glistens between the petals, the sweet smell of hoya envelops the entire room. Distinctive features of the leaves and inflorescences of different types of wax ivy are presented in the table.

ViewLeaf featureFlower color
Meaty hoyasophisticated, along the edge is a white canvassmall white flowers with a pinkish tint
Hoya is regalshiny, ovallarge inflorescences of dark red color
Hoya decoratedelongatedflowers of unusual color - apricot, orange
Hoya vayetisharp, reddish huelight burgundy
Hoya Kerryheart shapedcream
South hoyaglossywhite petals with raspberry core
Hoya Tricolorleaves of different colorswhite stars

Note! Blooming hoya will be a decoration of any home.

Wax ivy: home care

How to make hoya blossom, flower growers are often interested, because the liana is very beautiful. From flowerpots with blooming hoya and other ornamental plants, you can create designer compositions, decorate the veranda. Care for wax ivy is simple: regular spilling, top dressing, creating bright lighting, transplanting, reproduction.

Design composition

Pests and plant diseases

Tropical liana, like other indoor flowers, in violation of the conditions of care can be affected by pests and diseases. In a warm and humid environment, fungal diseases spread. But, even if the flower is in a dry microclimate, it is possible that it will not be attacked by pests. The fact that the liana is sick will be indicated by twisted, fading leaves, a white coating on them. Treatment should be started immediately and do not wait until the bacteria get to the vascular system:

  • a bad specimen should be isolated from other indoor flowers and put in a dry room, stop spraying;
  • after inspection, all affected areas of shoots are removed;
  • the flower is replanted in new soil;
  • Hoya should be periodically sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or other means, which include copper, as well as fungicides against fungal diseases of indoor plants.

Important! It is necessary to carry out all preventive measures in a timely manner and not wait until the death of plant tissues begins.

Hoya soil and top dressing

Reproduction of wax ivy should be carried out as it grows. You can take soil for succulents, but many gardeners prefer to make the soil mixture on their own. The composition can be prepared from the following components, mixing them in equal amounts:

  • perlite (1 part);
  • land for succulents (1 part);
  • a little chopped moss;
  • tree bark (1 part);
  • a quarter of a coconut substrate that can be replaced with coconut tablets.

For your information! Hoya is characterized by increased growth, so it is necessary to feed her. It is better to take organic fertilizers.

Australian beauty


The root system of waxy ivy is branched, rapidly growing. So that the soil in the flowerpot is not depleted, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers 3 times during the growing season. The last time you need to take fertilizer that does not contain nitrogen to slow the growth of shoots. In spring, you can pour fresh soil into the flowerpot. Fertilizing wax ivy is better in the evening, while the earthen lump should be wet. A sick plant should not be fed and fertilized.

Note! In winter, the hoya has a rest, so frequent feeding is prohibited.

Subject to the basic conditions of keeping and caring for the flower, hoya can please blooming inflorescences for a long time.
