Thuja Aurea Nana Oriental - variety description


This plants is considered quite moody. However, with the exact observance of the recommendations for the care of the thuja, Aurea Nana will take root well on the site, delighting the owners with an original and elegant look. The article details the rules of care that allow you to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

General description of thuya Aurea Nana

Initially, thuya Aurea Nana was grown in the northwestern part of China. Now it is planted in landscape design almost all over the world.

This plant is known for its slow growth and longevity. In one year, it can grow no more than 5 cm. Life expectancy reaches a thousand years.

Adult plant

Species features

In the appearance of the thuja Aurea Nana, the following features are noted:

  • the dense crown of this shrub has an oblong shape. Its diameter does not exceed 70 cm;
  • branches, widely branched, have a golden hue. During the winter period they change color to bronze;
  • young shoots begin to grow in two rows. In the fourth year of life, the crown acquires a rounded shape;
  • in most cases, the height of the bush does not exceed one and a half meters. However, sometimes there are specimens reaching 2.5-3 m.

For your information! This plant is able to grow well in urban environments.

There are two varieties: thuja western Aurea Nana and thuja eastern Aurea Nana. The difference between them in appearance is insignificant.

Combination with other plants

Thuya Nana is widely used for landscaping gardens or cottages. With its help create compositions on alpine hills, in flower beds or rocky gardens.

One of the popular uses for landscape design is to create a hedge. Thuja goes well with annual bright red or blue flowers.

This plant looks beautiful when it is among low coniferous crops.

Here are a few species that go well with Aurea Nan's thuja:

  • rhododendron;
  • hydrangea;
  • magnolia;
  • white roses;
  • heather;
  • Thunberg Barberry.

This list can be supplemented by a number of other plants.


How to properly care for the thuja Aurea Nana

To get a beautiful and healthy ornamental plant, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the rules of care. If they are broken, the plant will not be able to fully develop, which will necessarily affect its appearance.

Thuja landing rules

Thuja east - varieties, description, sizes

A good time when it is recommended to plant Aurea Nan's thuja in open ground - early May - early September. This is due to the fact that a seedling planted in the spring has a better chance of withstanding winter frosts.

To ensure the full development of thuja, you need to prepare a special soil composition for seedlings. To do this, you can use a mixture of two parts of sod or sheet soil and take one part of peat and sand. When the hole is prepared, it is necessary to pour the resulting soil mixture into it.

The size of the pit is recommended to be calculated in such a way that the root system of the seedling can fit freely and there is still little space left. For this, it is usually sufficient to provide a depth and width equal to 60-80 cm. It is also necessary to make a drainage layer at the bottom. If the groundwater in the area is too close to the surface, its thickness should be at least 15 cm.

Important! When planting, you need to position the root neck of the seedling so that it is at ground level.

For thuja Aurea Nana, top dressing is required during the spring and autumn periods. In April or May, nitroammophoska must be introduced into the earth at the rate of 30 g per 1 m².

In September, it is necessary to feed the plant with potash fertilizers.

A tree near the house

Light and humidity requirements

For the cultivation of thuja Aurea Nana, it is worth choosing a place with good lighting. However, it must be borne in mind that too intense sunlight can damage the plant. Therefore, areas with minor shading are best suited for this.

When watering, the following rules must be observed:

  • at first it is required to do this twice a week;
  • after a couple of months, you can switch to another regime and water once a week;
  • with the onset of extremely hot days, the plant's need for moisture increases dramatically, so it is worth increasing the frequency of watering;
  • an important sign that the shrub needs moisture is a dry outer layer of soil.

Seedlings most often require regular watering during the first year of life.

It is recommended not only to water the ground, but also to spray the needles from the spray gun.

If you mulch with chips or pieces of bark, this will allow you to keep the earth moist longer.

Winter preparations

Thuya Aurea Nana is able to easily endure winter cold. However, young plants need the use of special means to survive frosts. In addition, it must be borne in mind that not only winter colds, but also direct rays of the spring sun are dangerous.

So that young plants can better tolerate the cold season, it is recommended to cover them with spruce branches or agrofibre.

Note! Thuja eastern Aurea Nana is more frost-resistant than western.

Cropping and shaping the crown

Pruning is done in spring. This removes old, diseased or dried branches. It is not necessary to engage in the formation of the crown due to the fact that it acquires its appearance in a natural way.


How thuja Aurea Nana breeds

To propagate the shrub, use cuttings, seeds or division of the bush. Each of these options will be discussed in more detail below. These methods are suitable for both thuja eastern Aurea Nana and western.

Seed cultivation

Rosa J. P. Connell - yellow grade description

They are harvested in the fall. Seeds must be stratified. To do this, they are kept during the winter in the refrigerator or under snow on the street. In the spring they are planted in open ground. It is important that this place is not in direct sunlight. If necessary, protective shields are installed above the landing site, giving a shadow.

To plant seeds, make shallow grooves. The seed spread on the ground is sprinkled with sawdust, which was obtained from conifers.

The soil should be loose and slightly moist. When the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to mulch peat. Every two weeks it is recommended to feed them with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

Sprouts will develop very slowly, in the first year their height will reach 7-8 cm.

To transfer the first winter they need to be covered with spruce branches, and then with a film.

Important! Landing at a permanent place is carried out in the third spring. By that time, young thuja will reach 50 cm.

Young plant


Propagation by cuttings

To use this method, in June it is necessary to break off lignified shoots with a length of not more than 20 cm. Their age should be 2-3 years.

It is important that the heel is present on the separated branch. The place where the branch was broken off must be lubricated with a heteroauxin solution.

For germination, a prepared soil mixture is used, consisting of sand, peat, turf land, taken in equal parts. This composition is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to carry out disinfection. The stalk is planted in such a way that the heel is at a depth of 2-3 cm.

To ensure high humidity, the stalk is covered with a plastic film. Watering the sprout is carried out using spraying. At the same time, it is worth ventilating the plant daily, however, this can only be done after the cuttings are rooted. Airing time is gradually increasing. This is done to harden the plants.

So that the sprouts can survive the winter without loss, they need to be covered with spruce branches. For warming, you can sprinkle with dry leaves or wood sawdust. If frosts are stronger than −5 ° C, then it is necessary to additionally cover thawed Aurea Nana with a film.

Bush division

Thuya Aurea Nana may have several trunks. In this case, the division of the bush is possible. To do this, use a sharp knife to separate the roots so that one of the trunks has its own. For this there is no need to dig a plant. Separation can be made by tearing part of the root system in the ground. In this case, it is necessary to use a disinfected tool. Places where the roots were cut, smeared with crushed coal.

Dividing is usually carried out during the spring. The separated part is transferred to a new place. So that it grows well, it is sprayed with a growth stimulator before planting, and then they provide high-quality watering.

Shelter for the winter


Possible diseases of thuja Aurea Nana

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

The most dangerous pests for thuja western Nan and eastern are aphids and false shields. To combat them, you can use drugs kalbofos, actellic or similar.

In the process of growth, thuya Aurea Nana may experience various problems:

  • sometimes the needles on top may turn yellow. The most likely cause is an excess of fertilizing;
  • sometimes problems arise when grown in a particular soil. If it is clayey, the plant will lack moisture, and if it is made of pure sand, then water will leak down too quickly through it;
  • if the shoots turn white, the most likely cause is a lack of iron in the ground.

If you provide quality care for this plant, you can grow a beautiful coniferous plant in your garden. The main thing is to water and cover in a timely manner for the winter.
