Rose Rhapsody in Blue (Rhapsody in Blue) - a description of the variety of shrub


Rosa Rhapsody in Blue has a truly unusual bluish-violet color. Its beauty and originality disarms even the most zealous adherents of dense plants, and a rich iridescent shade makes the rose a highlight of any flower garden.

Rose Rhapsody in Blue

Rhapsody in blue - a variety of roses belonging to the class scrub of English selection. It was bred at the end of the last century in the UK. The name of the flower was in honor of the famous blues play by composer J. Gershwin - "Rhapsody in Blue". However, the original plant was named as "Frantasia".

Rose blue rhapsody belongs to the park abundantly flowering varieties. The plant has petals of purple-violet color with a light base and delicate golden stamens.

Rose Rhapsody in Blue

Blue-yellow gamma and green, leathery, large, shiny foliage further enhance the overall impression of the culture. Terry petals and small 5-6-centimeter flowers are combined in decorative brushes that have a very pleasant aroma.

Plant height 30-120 cm, flowering period - about three summer months.

It is interesting! The color of the flower is close to the blue tint so close that the rose is considered the bluest of the known varieties.

Like any other variety, Rhapsody in Blue has advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • stunning thick purple color;
  • the variety is very unpretentious in care;
  • abundant and constant flowering;
  • bushes have good growth;
  • the flower is resistant to precipitation (rain);
  • delicious aroma;
  • the rose tolerates winter well.


  • fast flying around flowers;
  • the color of the flower depends on the location;
  • bushes can sometimes be rare and slurred;

A blue rose is capable of beyond recognition to transform even the most unprepossessing flower garden. It is great for refining personal plots, as well as for decorating hedge defects. With its help, designers create unusual flowering arbors and arches. The flower looks great both in the solitary planting and in the mixborder.

For reference! The rose variety does not need special care or in specific growing conditions, since it belongs to unpretentious varieties.

Flower growing

Rosa Perennial Blue - description of the variety

Planting seeds is considered the longest and most fruitless option. The probability of growing is very small, so this method is rarely used. Most often, seedlings are planted on the site with 2-3 woody developed shoots, intact bark and strong roots.

The optimal period for planting is the end of spring - the beginning of summer. In regions with a warm climate, landing is usually done in September-October. Southerners are recommended to plant roses in the fall, since the influence of summer heat does not have the best effect on the planting of seedlings.

Flower growing

Location selection

Branching and densely leafy will not allow the bushes to develop normally in case of a deficit of free space. 70-100 cm should be allocated under one bush. The site should be calm and lighted (most of the day). At the same time, it is recommended to protect roses from prolonged exposure to direct and sunlight in order to avoid burnout of flowers. The plant will be most comfortable in light shading. It is also important to ensure that there are no drafts in the area.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before planting, a mixture of compost and river sand should be added to the area with clay soil. In addition, you can add bone meal and superphosphate (one hole - 40 g).

Sandy soil also needs processing. Usually it is added humus with clay in a ratio of 1: 1. Or you can make a mixture, which should include peat, sand, humus, clay and garden soil (in equal shares), as well as bone meal and superphosphate (a handful). The size of the pit under the flower is 50 × 50, the depth is 30 cm.

It is interesting! The roots and shoots of seedlings should be trimmed before planting. Leave 30 cm at the roots, shoots up to 40 cm. A day before the procedure, the rhizome of the plant is placed in water (with the addition of Kornevin).

Landing procedure step by step

  1. Dig a hole, add water to the bottom. After absorption, pour the substrate with superphosphate.
  2. Place the seedling in the ground. The vaccination site should be located 2 cm above ground level.
  3. Sprinkle the roots with earth and compact.
  4. Water abundantly, after absorbing, spud.
  5. Mulch the topsoil.

For mulching, peat, humus or sawdust should be used. In spring hot weather, it is recommended to cover the seedlings with paper caps. After plant survival, they can be removed.

Plant care

Rosa Hello - a description of a scrub from the Farniente series

Despite the unpretentiousness of the flower, the Rhapsody blue rose needs proper care.

Plant care

Watering rules and humidity

The plant should be watered abundantly. In the summer, about 10 liters of water are poured into one bush.

Watering is carried out 4 times a month, in the heat up to 8 times a month. This is best done in the early morning or evening.

When buds and leaves are blooming, the plant needs high humidity. In autumn, the frequency of irrigation is reduced, especially in rainy periods.

Top dressing and soil quality

In the phase of active growth, as a top dressing, you can use a nitrogen supplement or mullein (1-2 times). At the end of August, the plant needs a potassium-phosphorus supplement (for example, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, ammophos, superphosphate).

Fertilizer must be applied in this way:

  1. A few grooves form around the plant.
  2. Pour them with water.
  3. When the liquid is absorbed, fertilize with liquid fertilizers.
  4. Pour and cover with soil.

Note! The first 11-12 months after planting, the flower does not need fertilizers.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning of roses is carried out 2 times (in spring and summer). The main forming pruning is spring. It should be started only after the establishment of warm weather.

Trimming is done as follows:

  1. Dry, too thin, and damaged branches are removed. 2-year-old twigs are also worth cutting.
  2. The upper part of the bushes is trimmed, the processes on the sides are shortened on the main shoot.
  3. Up to 5 strong shoots are left, old shoots from the middle of the bushes are cut completely.
  4. With medium pruning, leave up to 6 kidneys, with low pruning up to 4 kidneys.
  5. Cut off at a distance of 1 centimeter above the upper external kidney. It is desirable that the cuts are beveled.
  6. The final step is to lubricate the slices with garden var.

Rose transplantation is made in the fall. The bushes should be seated at a distance of at least half a meter from each other (with a margin of 70 cm). When transplanting, humus is introduced into the soil, after trimming - mineral fertilizers. In March, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are fed.

Features of wintering a flower

Despite the fact that the blue rose is quite winter-hardy, it should be covered during cooling. This is especially true of young immature flowers, which are not yet 3 years old.

It is interesting! Before the immediate sheltering procedure, it will be necessary to remove all the inflorescences and leaves, as well as trim (up to 40 cm) and spud bushes (30 cm).

As protection, usually use an air-dry shelter from spruce spruce branches or oak leaves. On top of the structure is covered with a cloth (non-woven).

Flowering roses

Rosa Weasley (Wisley) - a description of varietal shrub

Rhapsody in Blue is characterized by long and plentiful almost continuous flowering.

Flowering roses

Flowering begins with the onset of summer (in June). It can be divided into two long waves with a monthly almost imperceptible break. The plant blooms with small tassels of fragrant 6-centimeter violet-blue flowers.

It is interesting! Throughout the summer period, the rose should be fed with organic nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to flowering. In some cases, summer pruning is done to increase the flowering time.

A blue rose may not bloom for several reasons:

  • Late or incorrect pruning. In this case, flowering can occur much later.
  • Unsuitable soil. The soil must be fertile, fresh, water- and breathable.
  • Irregular top dressing.
  • Too young or old flower.
  • Because of illness.

If the rose does not bloom, do the following:

  • Cut blind, small, thin shoots growing below and inside the bush.
  • Perform stimulating pruning on a strong bud or leaf (the flower itself will show this by forming a new shoot). Everything on top is removed.
  • Feed the plant with potassium and humate fertilizers with trace elements.

Flower propagation

Rose Rhapsody in Blue propagates mainly by cuttings, sometimes by bends and very rarely by seeds.

Flower propagation

As a rule, the Rhapsody rose is propagated by cuttings. Preparing for harvesting planting cuttings should be at the time of lignification of the shoots - it is after this that propagation is carried out.


  1. Cut the strongest and healthiest cuttings (10 cm above the kidney). The correct cut is an acute angle at the bottom and a straight line at the top.
  2. Cuttings are placed in a root growth stimulator (solution).
  3. After the roots, transplantation into the ground.


  1. Lean one of the young shoots against the ground, fasten it and sprinkle with soil.
  2. After the roots, the new bush is separated from the parent and replanted in a new place.


  1. Plant seeds in a container with nutritious soil mixture and water.
  2. Cover the pots with film or glass cover.
  3. After germination, remove the shelter.
  4. Transplanted sprouts in the ground.

Important! The latter method is considered the most impractical and difficult, so it is rarely used.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rosa Rhapsody in Blue is resistant to diseases and pest attacks, but does not have absolute immunity. Sometimes a rose is attacked by such insects - a spider mite, a rodent sawfly and aphids. You can fight them with the help of insecticides and acaricides.

English Rose Rhapsody can be affected by powdery mildew, rust, gray rot and leaf spotting. Plants are treated by removing diseased areas and spraying the flower with Bordeaux liquid, fungicides and iron sulfate.

You can admire the beauty of the Rhapsody in Blue variety indefinitely, however, a truly flower impresses with its appearance only during the period of active flowering. Due to abundant, spectacular and long flowering, the hybrid is highly regarded both among professional gardeners and amateurs.
