Rosa Schneeewittchen - cultural description


Landscape designers are increasingly using the Schneewithichen rose to decorate arched structures, verandas and terraces. The variety of spiky perennial with spikes is characterized by amazing snow-white flowering. To grow bushes healthy, it is important to strictly observe the rules of agricultural technology.


The height of the bush reaches 400 cm, and the width indicator is within 100 cm. Long shoots can curl. Leaf blades literally dot the branches of bushes. Chic buds are painted in a white palette. Depending on weather conditions, the color of the petals may take on a pink or greenish tint. Each shoot contains about 4-5 buds. A subtle scent of flowers spreads over the garden. The diameter of the opened buds barely reaches 4-6 cm. The structure of the petals is semi-double.


Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of a variety of scrub are:

  • a huge number of buds on the bushes;
  • long flowering period;
  • maintaining the shape of buds after cutting flowers for bouquets;
  • high level of resistance to fungal infections;
  • continuous flowering ability when growing bushes in the southern regions.

For your information! The main disadvantage of the Schneewithchen variety is the presence of a weakly expressed aroma in the flowers and the lack of the possibility of cultivating plants in regions with cold climatic conditions.

Use in landscape design

Kneading Schneevitchen is often used for the purpose of vertical gardening of the territory, park zone and squares. A wicker rose will help create an amazing arch, decorative trellis or columns.

Growing Features

Rosa Ashram - Description of a re-flowering culture

When planting seedlings, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists, which will help not to make mistakes. When choosing a place for planting the stem, it is worth giving preference to well-lit areas that are reliably protected from drafts. In the first weeks after planting, bushes should be shaded with a special garden net to avoid sunburn.

Note! Landing is best done in April or late September. Plants planted in the spring have a rapid development of leaf blades. Autumnal specimens manage to take root firmly and at the beginning of summer begin to please with abundant flowering.

A few weeks before planting, the soil is dug to a depth of 55-75 cm and mixed with a small amount of peat, humus and lime. You can also bring some fresh manure into the ground.

Step-by-step process:

  1. In the selected area, recesses are dug. The distance between the bushes should be 120-150 cm. Dense plantings provoke the development of fungal diseases. Plants with spikes in this case lose their green mass and cease to bloom.
  2. Dimensional characteristics of each recess should reach 45-45 cm.
  3. The root system of seedlings is soaked for a couple of hours in a root solution.
  4. After a specified period of time, the seedlings are placed in the pits.
  5. Roots are accurately leveled.
  6. The pits are sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil so that the root neck of the plants is 7-8 cm below the soil surface.

Gorgeous flowering

Plant care

Proper crop care will help to avoid a lot of problems with green spaces. Below are the main recommendations regarding the care of seedlings.


Rosa Boscobel (Boscobel) - description and characteristics of the culture

Rosa Schneevitchen needs systematic soil moisture. Bushes need to be watered every 3-4 days. On hot summer days, it is necessary to moisten the soil every evening.

Important! During the preparation of the plant for winter cold, experts recommend pouring 2-3 buckets of water under each bush, which will prevent the root system from freezing.

Top dressing

Due to the abundant and prolonged flowering of Schneewittchen, the rose needs enhanced nutrition. Top dressing is introduced in April and throughout the flowering period. It is recommended to systematically apply nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers and organic top dressing. Mineral fertilizers and organics alternate.

Note! During the bud blooming period, it is unacceptable to introduce manure, compost and humus into the soil.


Climbing rose Schneewithhen needs systematic pruning. Broken and weak shoots must be removed without regret. Branches that thicken the crown are also cut off. Formative pruning is carried out from the first year of planting. In the summer, you can remove the blooming buds, which will contribute to a long and abundant flowering.

Winter preparations

At the end of September, the shoots are shortened and pressed to the surface of the earth. Spunbond and film material are pulled over the branches. From above, a structure is constructed of boards, which must be covered with a layer of spruce branches.

Note! When laying shoots on the surface of the soil, it is recommended to first pour the litter, consisting of spruce branches, dry grass and fallen leaves.

Florists recommend preparing in stages. At the end of September, you can start laying shoots. After a couple of weeks, you should start wrapping up the plants.

Reproduction of climbing roses

Rosa Maria Theresia - cultural description

The rose of the floribunda Schneewithhen can be propagated by the cuttings method. This procedure is carried out not only in the summer, but also in the winter.

Going to the harvesting of cuttings, it is necessary to cut only those branches on which there is a pair of internodes. Slices are made at an angle of 45 °. Climbing cuttings are processed in a root solution and placed in a sand-soil mixture, poured into containers. After that, film material can be pulled over the container. The film is systematically removed for the purpose of ventilation, and the soil is moistened from the spray gun. As a rule, after 21 days, the cuttings take root. After a couple of months, you can plant seedlings in open ground.




On each shoot there are 4-5 buds endowed with a naturally pleasant, but hardly perceptible aroma. Small buds literally dot the branches. The elongated buds of the white climbing rose Schneevitchen can decorate any garden plot. Flowering in the southern regions can last year-round.

However, in some cases, gardeners cannot enjoy gorgeous blooms. The cause of this trouble can be:

  • soil in which there is a shortage of nutrients. Slimber prefers a fertile and loose type of land;
  • a large amount of wild growth formed at the base of the rose. Small branches with foliage and thorns are located near the root of the plants. It is very important to remove such shoots in a timely manner so that the decorative culture does not become wild;
  • a large percentage of nitrogen in the soil. The substance allows the plant to quickly grow green mass, but at the same time you can forget about lush flowering. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil in a small amount. In some cases, it is advisable to introduce a small amount of superphosphate and potassium salt instead;
  • damage to the bushes with diseases that stop flowering and can cause the death of the bush. It is very important to systematically inspect green spaces for the presence of diseases. Timely revealed ailment will make it possible to cure the floribunda rose.

Continuous flowering


Diseases and Pests

Rosa Schneevithen is susceptible to diseases of the type:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • gray rot;
  • necrosis;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • mosaic virus.

The cause of most diseases is fungal infections and improper watering. It is very important to remove the affected branches in a timely manner, which will avoid the spread of infection.

In mid-spring, preventive treatment of plants using special preparations should be carried out.

In addition to diseases, pests such as spider mites and aphids can also harm the Schneevitchen variety. Affected bushes need immediate treatment with insecticides.

Rosa Schneevitchen is a real decoration of any garden plot. Gorgeous blooming roses will add a zest to any territory, and a pleasant aroma of flowers will be an added bonus.
