Rosa Blanc Meillandecor - cultural characteristics


Rosa Blanc Mayandecor is a beautiful snow-white variety. Will perfectly fit into landscape design. This variety is loved for its unpretentiousness in care and undemanding to soil conditions.

Rosa Blank Mayandekor or Madeiland

The variety was first bred in 1987 in France. Rosa White Madeiland is a sprawling bush with thick stiff shoots of a light green hue. According to the description, the height of the plant can reach a maximum of 140 cm. Width varies between 120-215 cm.

Terry rose flowers have a white color with a slightly pinkish edge. They gather in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. Each flower has about 60-70 petals. The size of the flower is 7-9 cm. The aroma of the flower is weakly expressed.

Rosa Blank Mayandecor

Large glossy leaves of a typical shape have a dark green color. The stems are strewn with a large number of thorns. This rose bush is great for growing in a container or on the lawn. The plant can be used as a groundcover, decorating garden decor. Its advantages include resistance to frost and rainy weather, prolonged repetitive flowering.

Important! The plant has good resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spotting.

Rose Blank in Landscaping

Growing a flower: how to plant in open ground

You can grow Madiland seeds or seedlings. Each method has its drawbacks.

Seat selection

Rosa Nadia Meillandecor - characteristics of French culture

Landing is carried out on a well-lit area with partial shade appearing alternately. Constant exposure to the sun will negatively affect the flower. He will fall ill or burn out.

It is better to plant a plant on the western or southeast side. Particularly suitable for planting is slightly acidic or neutral, loamy soil with a good drainage system and aeration. The best time for planting is 2-3 weeks before the onset of steady frost. You can also plant a plant after a period of thawing the soil.

Seedling Selection

The seedling must be healthy. Before landing, you must trim it. Strong seedlings usually have 5 buds. Seedlings of medium strength can have 3 buds. In a weakened seedling, the shoots are shortened almost the entire length. Only 3 mm should be left at the base.

Damaged roots are removed before the start of healthy tissue. Then the roots of the bush are cut to 20-25 cm and immersed in a solution of water and Kornevin for 11-12 hours. After that, the roots are moistened with a mixture of clay and mullein in 3x1 proportions.

Site preparation

To prepare a landing site, do the following:

  1. Dig a hole 60x60 cm deep at a chosen location at a depth of 70 cm. Put the top layer on the edge of the hole.
  2. At the bottom of the pit lay a drainage layer made of small pebbles, broken bricks and gravel.
  3. On top of the drainage, fill a layer of 40 cm from the prepared mixture of earth and fertilizers. After sprinkle the hole with a fertile layer.

Important! Planting pits should be prepared 10-14 days before planting roses in them. During this time, the earth will have time to settle. Otherwise, the rose will go deeper.

Landing procedure

To plant a plant, you need to do this:

  1. Lower the seedling into the pit. In this case, gently straighten the roots and position the plant so that the root neck is approximately 4 cm below the top layer of the earth.
  2. Sprinkle with the ground the landing site and crush.
  3. Water the bush well. For every bush there are 10 liters of water.


After 2-3 days, it is necessary to loosen the soil and spud to a height of 10 cm. If the rose was able to take root, then after 10-15 days the first young shoots will appear. After their appearance, the bush can be unleashed. The best time for this procedure is cloudy weather.

Plant care

Rosa White Madeiland requires care, like all plants. Basic care rules include a number of treatments.


Rosa Lavaglut - cultural characteristics

It is recommended to prune the rose at the end of winter, when it gets rid of foliage, before spring. Living in a warm region is better to trim in January. All leaves and flowers should be cut. This will provide rest to the plant before flowering. To do this, use sharp manual secateurs or secateurs with a sliding blade. Dull secateurs will damage the stems and kidneys.

Important! Black and dark brown stems should also be pruned for further growth.

Top dressing

After planting in the first year, the plant is fed only in autumn with fertilizers containing phosphorus, calcium and potassium. In the second year, it will already be possible to do spring and summer dressing.


The bush must be watered no more than 1-2 times a week. By the onset of cold weather, the frequency of watering is reduced.


In rainy summer, it is recommended to treat the plant with copper sulfate to prevent the appearance of a fungal disease.

Shelter for the winter

Cover the base of the bush with earth, put spruce needles, cover it with sand and cover it with fir spruce branches. Carefully remove the lashes from the supports and lay on the spruce branches. Upstairs also lay fir branches and wrap everything with film.

Important! In the spring, it is necessary to gradually get rid of the shelter, opening the branches, and then freeing the entire plant.


Flowering roses

Rose White Meidiland belongs to the re-flowering varieties. The flowering process occurs from spring until autumn with two pronounced waves. Abundant flowering occurs in the first wave, leaves are almost invisible. During the second wave, long shoots (1.1 m) appear, which subsequently wilt due to the severity of the blooming flowers.

Rosa Boscobel (Boscobel) - description and characteristics of the culture

Repeated flowering by summer pruning. It is necessary to get rid of faded flowers. This stimulates the growth and emergence of more buds.

Important! After flowering in the fall, overgrown rose bushes should be cut, branches infected with fungi should be removed. This will help rejuvenate the plant, prevent the development of diseases, improve the decorative look.

Why does not bloom and what to do

Rosa ground cover Blank Meyandecor may not bloom due to improper care, poor seating, inappropriate climate, infection with fungal diseases. You can solve the problem by transplanting the plant to another place, correctly pruning and treating with antifungal agents.


Flower propagation

Propagated Blanc Meillandecor rose with cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. Such bushes are root. If the aerial part dies, new shoots are formed from the root neck.

Important! The most common method is propagation by green cuttings. Rooting cuttings can be done directly on the bed. The harvesting of cuttings occurs at the beginning of the lignification of the shoots. In the case of roses, this also falls at the beginning of flowering.

Cuttings are harvested from the middle part of the semi-lignified shoots during the flowering period. Need to leave 3 kidneys. The length of the handle should be more than 7-10 cm. To avoid unnecessary evaporation of moisture, the leaves are cut to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length. You need to completely get rid of the bottom sheet. In addition, a straight upper cut of the cut is made above the kidney by 0.5-1 cm and a lower oblique cut under the kidney. After this, the stalk is planted.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rose can be susceptible to such diseases:

  • Gray rot. It strikes peduncle buds covered with a white coating. Most often, roses with light flowers are sick from this. A glyocladin tablet placed under the plant in May and August will cope with this.
  • Infectious burn. Catching the plant after removing the shelter. On the shoots, a bright red ring appears, turning black. Over time, he dies. The sick shoot is trimmed to a healthy part and treated with RanNet.

Aphids, scale insects, caterpillars, chafers, pennies can harm the bush. They are eliminated using manual sampling.

Lovers of roses will appreciate this variety. If you provide him with proper care, then you can count on lush flowering.
