Hydrangea Polar Bear (Hydrangea Paniculata Polar Bear) - variety description


In order to give aristocracy and charm to any garden, flower bed or flower garden, a new variety was developed - Hydrangea Polar Bear. For breeding, 2 varieties were crossed: Limelight and Grandiflora. The shrub reaches from 0.5 to 1.5 m, its crown has compactness and airiness, thanks to the dense inflorescences having the shape of a cone. It is in them - the main feature of the variety.

For hydrangea panicled Polar Bear, well-organized care is important. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and has a distinctive resistance to many pests and diseases, as well as high and low temperatures.

Fine Hydrangea Polar Bear

Note! A good quality is the fact that this variety of hydrangea is actively grown in apiaries due to its excellent melliferous properties.

Origin and appearance

The Polar Bear variety is a Dutch novelty, the result of fruitful work by breeders in 2013. It was obtained by crossing the panicled Hydrangea varieties Grandiflora and the panicled Hydrangea varieties Limelight. The distinctiveness of the Limelight variety is in the pistachio color, which changes to pink in the fall. Grandiflora is famous for its lush large inflorescences. The resulting Polar Bear hydrangea variety has the best characteristics of its parents and has virtually no shortcomings and weaknesses.

The plant itself is a powerful decorative shrub capable of reaching even 2 m in growth. The shoots are straight, strong and tough, which large inflorescences are unable to do harm. The foliage has an oblong shape and a saturated green color, which persists until late fall.

The most important characteristics of the variety:

  • frost resistance (up to -40 ° C);
  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • ability to recover as soon as possible in case of damage;
  • persistent immunity, allowing the plant to resist the effects of diseases and pests.

Hydrangea inflorescences have the shape of a cone, a dense long structure, reach a length of 35 to 40 cm. They are filled with small flowering flowers, which quickly fall off. The diameter of the flowers can be in the range from 3 to 4 centimeters. The color of the inflorescences initially has a pistachio hue, which is replaced by snow-white by the middle of the flowering phase. In the final phase of flowering, the color acquires a pale pink hue.

All inflorescences are evenly distributed over the area of ​​the bush, externally creating the appearance of a huge airy bouquet. The beginning of flowering is mid-summer, the end is late autumn.

Hydrangea transplant after purchase in open ground

In order to plant Polar Bear hydrangea in open ground, preparation of the site and following the planting algorithm will be required.

What you need for landing

Hydrangea Pastelgreen (Hydrangea Paniculata Pastelgreen)

Hydrangea is planted in the Polar Bear in spring and autumn. When choosing an autumn planting, it is necessary to select the time taking into account the fact that the plant must fully take root before the cold, but at the same time not begin to grow. Otherwise, under the influence of negative temperatures, the plant will die. In addition, it is important to take care of a protective shelter for the plant in winter cold.

Greater reliability is characterized by spring planting of hydrangea. This is due to the fact that severe frosts are no longer expected during this period, and light frosts are not able to harm the plant. With proper care, after 3 years, the flower will delight you with chic air flowering.

Optimal place

In order for Hydrangea Polar bir in the open field to feel comfortable, you will need to choose a place well lit by the sun's rays and protected from through winds. At the same time, young seedlings must be protected from sunlight in the lunchtime.

Tip. When choosing a place, it is also worth paying attention to neighboring plants. You cannot plant Hydrangea Polar Bear near trees that absorb water intensely. This will lead to the fact that the moisture-loving bush will lack moisture.

In addition to the requirements of the plant for moisture, no less attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. For planting, it is necessary to prepare a composition consisting of the following components:

  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 2 parts of sheet land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of sand.

It is important to consider! This type of hydrangea does not accept the presence of lime in the soil composition. The soil should be slightly acidic, with a pH level of 5.0.

Planting hydrangea on poor or calcareous soil requires the mandatory introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or peat.

Step-by-step landing process

The step-by-step process of planting hydrangea Polar Bear is as follows:

  1. At the selected site, you need to prepare a pit that will be 2 times higher than the parameters of the root system of the seedling.
  2. If the occurrence of groundwater is high, then an arrangement of the drainage layer at the bottom will be required, which will prevent stagnation of water.
  3. On top of the drainage layer, put the seedling together with an earthen lump.
  4. The rest of the space is filled with prepared soil composition.
  5. The area around the trunk must be carefully compacted, watered, then mulched with wood sawdust, needles, straw or film.

Landing Features

Before planting, the root branches must be shortened a little, cut the shoots, leaving 3 to 5 buds.

Propagation of hydrangea polar bear

Hydrangea Strawberry Blossom (Hydrangea Paniculata Strawberry Blossom) - Description

Hydrangea can be propagated by all known methods. The most effective is the Cherenkov method.

Features of hydrangea propagation


In the process of caring for the shrub (pruning), you can pick up branches for propagation. The following actions must be carried out with them:

  1. Put in water for 3 days.
  2. On each stalk, the number of internodes should be at least 4.
  3. The lower part of the handle must be treated with a special composition - a growth stimulator.
  4. Plant each stalk in a specially prepared composition, where 1 part peat, 1 part sand. At least 2/3 of the length of each shank must be in the soil.
  5. It is important to cover containers with cuttings with a film of polyethylene.

Important! Cuttings require being in a constant humid environment, it is recommended to choose a cool room. The basement is ideal for this. Storage under such conditions should continue until the very first green shoots appear. As a rule, this happens by the end of summer.

Seed cultivation

Propagating this variety with seeds is not easy and almost pointless. In rare cases, the resulting plant will retain all varietal characteristics.

Hydrangea Polar Bear, description of growing from seeds:

  1. Planting material does not need to be stratified.
  2. Put on the surface of the soil and sprinkle lightly with sand.
  3. It is important to regularly spray the crops with a spray gun.

The first sprouts will appear already in the first month after planting. To accelerate the germination process, it is necessary to fertilize regularly crops with a solution of complex fertilizers.


Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Candle - Description

Hydrangea Polar Bear is not considered a capricious plant, but for proper development, you need to follow some rules of cultivation and care.

Watering mode

Hydrangea is a water-loving plant and requires regular hydration of the trunk circle. On hot days, you need to pour at least three buckets of water under each bush. During periods of heavy rainfall, reduce watering.

Top dressing

In order for the bush to please with abundant flowering, it will require regular feeding. To do this, pay attention to the following scheme:

  • in spring, organic fertilizers will be required;
  • when buds appear, you need to make a mixture of superphosphate, urea and potassium;
  • in the middle of summer (July), the plant will need complex fertilizers that can be actively combined with watering;
  • preparation of hydrangea for winter involves the introduction of special mineral fertilizers.

During flowering

Hydrangea flowering begins from mid to late July. In order for this process to happen correctly, you will need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Proper and balanced nutrition. It is very important not to overdo it with the introduction of organic fertilizers - it is better not to overfill.
  2. Diffused sunlight. The plant develops easily, being in partial shade or under the crown of a spreading walnut. When exposed to direct sunlight, the bush will also please with its flowering, but not for long, because the petals will soon burn out.

Also, for long and intensive flowering, loose and acidified soil, rich in humus, is required.

During rest

Trimming the bush should be done in the spring. In autumn, it is only necessary to remove wilted inflorescences from the branches.

Pruning should be done before budding. To rejuvenate old bushes, you need to cut large branches in early spring.

Winter preparations

Hydrangeas Polar bear frosts can be harmful, so do not delay the preparation of plants for winter. This must be done immediately after flowering. To do this, remove all the foliage in the fall, collect the branches in a pile and wrap them in special material for shelter. Then incline them to the ground and cover with branches of conifers. In the spring, release the bush only after the frost ends.

How to prepare a polar bear hydrangea for winter

Note! The roots are also worth insulating for the winter. For this, straw, peat, foliage are used.

With proper planting and organization of proper care, Hydrangea Polar Bear will delight you with an unforgettable sight of its colors. This applies to the height of flowering, when numerous panicles densely filling the bush, delight with their beauty, airiness. Such a plant will become an indispensable element in many landscape compositions.


Watch the video: Hydrangea Management (October 2024).