Marsh marigold (Сaltha palustris) - herbaceous plant for the garden


Wild plants embody the beauty of nature. Very often they have medicinal properties, beautiful flowers. Kaluzhitsa is marsh, which is also called the "yellow eye", precisely from such.

Plant description

Marsh marigold is a perennial herbaceous plant, a representative of the Ranunculaceae family. The natural habitat is European, Siberian and Far Eastern open spaces of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia. Height varies from place of growth. On solid soil, it is only 40 cm, and in water reaches 3 meters. The stalk is thick and fleshy, can be straight, creeping or ascending. The leaves are painted dark green, heart-shaped with jagged ends. Length - 15-20 cm. On the opposite side of the leaf, veins of red-blue color are clearly visible. With prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, they form a tube. The diameter of the flowers is five centimeters. The main part is yellow, but there are golden, white and orange.

Detailed description

Common varieties of Caltha palustris

  • Multiplex A small plant with double yellow flowers;
  • Flore Pleno. Dimensions about 25 centimeters, flowers - double, yellow;
  • Aiba. Early flowering neat plant. Height - 22 cm, and width - 30 cm. Flowers - white color with yellow stamens.

Healing properties

Weigela shrub - ornamental flowering plant for the garden

Marsh marigold is the basis for many drugs. It is used to treat anemia, colds, skin problems, as well as metabolic disorders. An aqueous infusion of calendula helps get rid of diseases of the respiratory tract, fever and urinary tract. This representative of the plant world is poisonous, so do not use it inside yourself. Possible nausea, vomiting, burning, damage to the mucous membranes and skin.

Appearance story

Types of mint - Field, Kotovnik Lemon, Swamp

The first publication about the plant dates back to 1753, when it fell into the field of view of Karl Linnaeus. However, there are even mentions in ancient Roman and ancient Greek written sources, where it is called "long-flowered". It is also said that it was used to treat eye diseases.

The plant got its modern name during Kievan Rus. It grew in marshy areas (kaluga - swamp), hence the name - kaluzhnitsa.

Common varieties

Features of caring for marshmallow at home


Ornamental shrubs for the garden and garden

The plant needs regular and plentiful watering. You must always ensure that the earth remains moist.

Important! Avoid fluid stagnation!


Marsh Kaluga is very fond of water, so at least once a week you need to spray it from a spray bottle.


This is a very important aspect for successful growth. It should have maximum value. If the humidity drops even a little, the decorative effect may deteriorate.


Normally, the plant will feel loamy, with good porosity and a high content of nutrients. Well-lit areas and places with partial shade are suitable for kalugnitsa.


Top dressing

For the good growth and development of the marrow, it will be enough to feed it with complex mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season. Once every few years, composting will not hinder.

Features of winter care, rest period

Problems with wintering in this plant are not observed. Kaluzhnitsa is characterized by endurance and good tolerance of frost. Shelter needs only warm southern species and terry kaluzhnitsa. To do this, it will be enough to sprinkle them with peat in order to avoid freezing.

When and how it blooms

The flowering period lasts 2 months - from April to May. During this period, buds on long peduncles open. The glitter of the petals collects the rays of the sun. As a result of this, it becomes warmer inside the bud and pollinators begin to fly towards it. The flowers themselves consist of five petals and a simple perianth. However, the appearance of flowers is possible only in plants that have already reached the age of 8-10 years. There are both ordinary flowers and double flowers.

Important! With the beginning of the flowering period, kaluga needs to be fertilized with agents with a high content of minerals. This will improve the formation of buds and give them splendor.

After flowering, you need to immediately cut off the dried inflorescences. This will ensure the active growth of green leaves and ensure their beautiful appearance.


The best option for growing a new plant is to buy ready-made seedlings from the manufacturer. However, you can cook it yourself. To do this, in the spring, seeds should be sown in a container or pot with fertilized and moistened soil, then stratification.

It consists of two stages:

  • seeds for 30 days are aged at + 10 ° C;
  • the next 60 days they are kept at + 20 ° C; at this stage the seeds germinate.

Then the seeds are sown in open ground. Planting seeds without seedlings is also possible. If you sow freshly picked seeds at the beginning of summer, then shoots will appear by the end. Purchased seeds are best sown before winter. Then they will also undergo a natural stratification, and in the spring you can see shoots.

Vegetative propagation methods

For the reproduction of an adult plant, the following methods are applicable:

  • division of the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • layering method.

Division of the bush is one of the most common methods of reproduction. The dug bush is divided into several parts, which are then planted.

Important! Care must be taken to ensure that the parts are always wet, as well as the interchange.

The procedure is carried out in early spring before flowering or in the fall.

For cuttings, take the upper part of the stem and cut the cuttings. After rooting, you can plant in the ground.

Layering method. To do this, select a few strong stems. We take them to the ground and sprinkle them with fertile garden soil. Layers are watered and fed in the same way as the mother plant. Next spring, small rosettes with roots are formed on the layers, which are separated and transplanted.

Breeding methods

There is another way of propagation by layering: internode. To do this, the stem is also tilted to the ground, but fixed in the area of ​​the internode. Next, the stem is covered with peat or light soil.

Attention! In all methods of reproduction and transplantation, it is also worth observing the humidity regime. The roots of the plant, its parts, soil - everything must be moist, otherwise there may be problems with rooting and further development.


A transplant is best done in autumn or early spring. It is considered optimal once every 3-4 years. This anti-aging procedure can be combined with root division. It is necessary to cut neatly and into large parts, otherwise it will be difficult for the kaluzhnitsa to take root. Over time, kaluga grows and loses its decorative effect, so rejuvenation is necessary.

Growing problems

Kaluzhnitsa is a plant resistant to diseases and pests, but some troubles still exist.

Pale leaves or leaves with rusty deposits are a sign of powdery mildew. The reason for this is the hot summer. The solution will be the treatment of leaves with Bordeaux liquid (a solution of copper sulfate in lime water).

Possible planting difficulties


Drying or falling leaves are a sign of lack of moisture. In this case, the irrigation schedule should be reviewed.

If the division is carried out during the growing season, then the marigold may begin to drop leaves and buds, as well as wither. This is a temporary problem - having been ill, the plant will recover and continue to develop normally.

Pests do not threaten the plant. The only thing you can encounter is a poor flowering of the marigold. This is due to a lack of moisture or insufficient light. It should increase watering and transfer (transplant) the flower to a more sunny place.

How to care for the plant


Marshmallow is not a very popular plant. And in vain. When used correctly, this flower is a remedy for various ailments. Beautiful flowers will be the perfect decoration for a site or artificial pond. To plant such a representative of the plant world in his country house will be quite out of place.


Watch the video: Caltha palustris, marsh marigold, calta, Sumpfdotterblume κάλθα η ελοχαρής (October 2024).