Violet Summer twilight - description and characteristics of the variety


Violet Summer twilight is an elegantly flowering crop. It is distinguished by beautiful variegated foliage and large double flowers. Florists love this cultivar of Saint-Paul for its unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities. To achieve lush and long flowering, certain requirements must be observed.

What violet looks like Summer twilight

This variety of Saintpaulia has its own characteristic differences. Species signs can be determined even by a beginner grower.

Plant characteristics

Violet Summer Twilight features a neat flat outlet. Its size is average, and the diameter of an adult plant does not exceed 25-30 cm.

The main color of the leaves is green, but a wide variegated border is clearly visible along the edge, which covers most of the plate. This is a distinctive feature of the variety.

Saintpaulia leaves Summer twilight slightly concave, quilted

Which family belongs to

Saintpaulia Summer Twilight is a perennial herb. It belongs to the Gesneriaceae family.

The culture is characterized by rounded leaves that are collected in a basal rosette. The root system is branched, superficial. The stalk is short.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

According to official data, this new variety was obtained in 2007. Its creator is breeder K. L. Morev. The main direction of his activity is the development of new varieties of multi-flowered senpolia. And Summer twilight is proof of this.

Features of violet care Summer twilight Moreva at home

Caring for this violet does not require special efforts from the grower. It is enough to adhere to standard rules, so the Summer Twilight variety is suitable for beginners.


Violet Fairy - description and characteristics of the variety

Violet develops well at a temperature of 20-24 ° C. The plant easily tolerates heat and cooler weather, if there are no sudden changes.

Note! In the case of a prolonged stay at elevated temperatures, the variegation of the flower decreases.


The variety Letnie sumerki can fully develop both on a rack with artificial light and on a windowsill. The daylight hours should be 10-12 hours, which is significantly less compared to other species.

Important! Lamps in the autumn-winter period must be suspended at a height of 25-30 cm above the flower.


Variety Summer Twilight Moreva should be watered sparingly, but the root system should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, use settled water at room temperature.

The standard watering regimen is 2 times a week, in the cool - 1 time in 7-10 days.

When watering, moisture should not fall on the leaves


Spray Saintpaulia Summer twilight is recommended only in rare cases. To do this, disperse moisture in the form of fog at a distance of 30 cm from the flower. Moisture should not remain on the leaves at night, especially in winter, as this can lead to the development of diseases.


For the full growth of the senpolia, humidity within 60% is required. If the air is too dry, then water containers are placed nearby to increase the area of ​​evaporation. It is also recommended to spray the leaves more often to increase humidity.


The soil for the senpolia should be moisture- and breathable. The level of acidity in her should be increased. Prepared balanced primer primer is sold in every flower shop, but you can prepare it yourself.

To do this, mix the following components:

  • sod - 2 parts;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • coconut fiber - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • perlite or vermiculite - 1 part.

Top dressing

Variety Summer twilight responds well to fertilizers, so the violet must be constantly fed with a frequency of 1 time in 10 days. During the active growth of foliage, fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen are used, and during the formation of buds - phosphorus-potassium.

Note! With a lack of nutrition, the flowers of this species become smaller and become faded.

When and how it blooms

Violet Raisins - description and characteristics of the variety

During flowering, the violet Summer Twilight is an unforgettable sight. A large number of flowers are formed in the center of the outlet, which against the background of colorful leaves look especially elegant.

Types of flowers

Saintpaulia Summer twilight has large flowers. Their diameter is 5-6 cm. The flowers are voluminous, lush. With the mass blooming of buds, flower stalks may not withstand the load and lie on the leaves.

Flower shapes

According to the description, this variety has semi-double and double flowers, in shape resembling a star. The main color is white, but it shows prominent blue-violet spots of regular shape. The edges of the petals are wavy. Thanks to this feature, a feeling of lightness is created. In summer, the color is brighter, and in winter, in conditions of lack of light, much paler.

Contrast of colors depends on lighting.

Flowering period

Summer twilight, like all the violets of Morev, with minimal care and adequate lighting can bloom all year round. Buds abundantly form not only adult violets, but also starters.

Changes in flowering care

At this time, it is important to control soil moisture. A lack of water can lead to wilting of flowers, and then the plant will need time to restore the buds.

During the flowering period, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is impossible to spray the violet at this time, so that the flower does not lose its decorative effect.

How Saintpaulia propagates Summer twilight

Violet Magenta - description and characteristics of the variety

Propagate this variety of Uzambara violets best leafy cuttings. You need to cut them from the second or third row of the outlet. The lower leaves are unsuitable for reproduction, for this they do not have enough life potential.

The slice must be done obliquely to increase the rooting area of ​​the cuttings. After that, they are planted in the soil. Young outlets appear after 3-4 months. When the seedlings get stronger, they must be separated from the cuttings.

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

Violet Summer twilight is recommended to be transplanted periodically. For this, you should choose wide pots with drainage holes, since this culture has a surface branched root system. It is important to choose the right diameter for the container. For young seedlings, it should be no more than 5 cm, for starters - 6-7 cm, and for adults - 9-12 cm.

Violet transplantation algorithm:

  1. Lay the drainage on the bottom with a layer of 1-2 cm.
  2. Sprinkle it with soil.
  3. Place the outlet in the center.
  4. Fill the remaining voids with earth.
  5. Water abundantly.

Note! When the outlet becomes 3 times wider than the diameter of the pot, it must be replaced.

Possible problems in growing

Variety Summer twilight is characterized by high natural immunity, but gross errors in care can lead to its weakening. As a result, the plant increases susceptibility to pests and diseases.

Leaf problems

If moisture gets on the leaves, brown spots may appear. The tips of the leaves dry out in low humidity or when touched in winter.

With excessive lighting, the leaves of the violet fall and begin to cover the pot



Variety Summer twilight is resistant to pests, except for spider mites. When the flower is damaged, the growth of young leaves is inhibited, the rosette is covered with a small cobweb, and a yellowish coating appears on the surface of the plates.

To destroy the pest, the flower is sprayed with the drug "Actellik" or "Fitoverm". Processing is carried out twice with a frequency of 7 days.


With moisture stagnation in the soil and cool conditions, the Summer Twilight variety may suffer from powdery mildew. A sign of the disease is a whitish coating on the leaves, which prevents photosynthesis. As a result of this, the plant does not develop and does not bloom. If untreated, the violet dies.

To combat powdery mildew use drugs:

  • "Fitosporin";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Soon."

Signs of improper care

It is possible to determine that not everything is in order with violet, according to certain criteria. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the care and maintenance conditions, otherwise the plant will not only not please bloom, but may die.

Alarming symptoms:

  • leaf deformation;
  • lack of stable growth;
  • poor flowering;
  • dull leaves.

Look after the violet Summer twilight is easy. But in the absence of normal conditions, even such a variety will not be able to fully develop and flourish.


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