How to propagate garden jasmine in spring and summer


The jasmine garden flower has another name - mock orange. The plant belongs to the evergreen, climbing species. Homeland growth - subtropics. Terry jasmine bush belongs to the Gortenziev family and has a strong and very refined aroma. Chubushnik is easy to grow and care for.

How to propagate garden jasmine

When breeding jasmine, it is important not to damage the parent flower. A positive result directly depends on the choice of method and time of reproduction.

Dates when this can be done

For each type of breeding, there are generally accepted terms. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the summer. Sometimes gardeners harvest cuttings in early autumn and store them until spring in a cold room. Landing of autumn material on the site is made in late March. Sowing seeds in open ground can be carried out in the autumn, winter or spring.

Jasmine Garden (Chubushnik)

Remember! Before planting in the soil, it is advisable to treat the slice with any stimulant.

Features of propagation of garden jasmine in spring, summer and autumn

Young shoots take root better in the summer. The root system of the handle develops rapidly, and by the onset of cold weather is fully formed.

How to propagate jasmine seeds in winter:

  • The air temperature should not fall below -10 degrees.
  • Sowing is carried out directly in the snow, to a depth of 25-30 cm.
  • The landing site is covered by any plant material and is pressed by heavy branches.
  • In the spring, a home-made structure is neatly cleaned and young seedlings are shaded from dangerous sunlight.
  • After that, you can plant jasmine in a previously prepared place.

When spring planting, it is advisable to plant the seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Before this, they should be treated with a light solution of manganese. The seed is mixed with dry sand and sown superficially on nutrient soil. To protect against freezing, plantings are covered with peat, garden moss and sprinkled with rotted manure.

Reproduction by layering is carried out in late April, early May. This time is ideal for the full development of jasmine before the onset of cold weather.

Note! When dividing the bush at home and outdoor jasmine-like mock-ups, it is important to have time to carry out the procedure for a month (from mid-September to mid-October).

Methods of breeding mock up with a description

How to breed mock-up - in spring, in summer

To select a specific method, it is important to understand how jasmine propagates at home. Common jasmine dilution options are:

  • lateral shoots - layering;
  • apical cuttings;
  • root division;
  • seeds.

Rules for propagation by cuttings

Breeding plants in this way is carried out in spring or summer.

Propagation of jasmine by cuttings in the summer is carried out carefully so as not to damage the mother plant. Important Terms:

  • only green shoots are used;
  • the length of the handle should be more than 6 cm;
  • shoots older than one year take root worse;
  • the presence of long internodes will not allow you to grow a strong plant.

Breeding jasmine cuttings in the summer

When grafting, a twig is lowered into the water or immediately planted in the ground.

Cuttings of jasmine in the summer in water is best done with twigs with a heel. To do this, the stalk is cut off near the base and the lower leaves break off. It is better to plant a bush in water at room temperature. An activated carbon tablet is added for disinfection.

Having figured out how to propagate jasmine by cuttings in the summer, it is easy to get a strong and healthy plant. You can plant the prepared twigs in a room pot with nutritious soil. A light substrate consisting of a mixture of sand and peat is suitable.

Attention! The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil.


  1. A thick layer of expanded clay, which will serve as a natural drainage, is necessarily laid at the bottom of the pot.
  2. A stalk is carefully planted in pre-moistened ground.
  3. The container with planting is covered with a glass vessel to create greenhouse conditions. The rooting process occurs at a temperature of + 22-24 degrees.

The procedure for cutting jasmine can take from 10 to 14 days. The appearance of new leaves and shoots is a sign of the correct rooting of a seedling.

Important! The time of planting a plant on a personal plot directly depends on the choice of the method of cuttings.

How to cut jasmine in spring? It is better to carry out reproduction with lignified branches.

In autumn, after the leaves fall completely, adult shoots must be cut. Branches are cut into cuttings 10-12 cm each. In winter, planting material is stored at a temperature of 0 to -3 degrees. Any boxes filled with moistened sand are perfect for these purposes.

In spring, cuttings are treated with a biostimulant and planted in fertile soil, which consists of turf, sand, and a light substrate. A month later, roots form on the cuttings. In summer, young plants are regularly watered.

Advice! Loosening the earth should not only under the bushes, but also in the aisle.

To form and stimulate new growth in the spring of next season, you need to trim the shoot. The height of the hemp can not be more than 15 cm.

Spring Jasmine Pruning

Seed Planting Rules

Seed propagation is only suitable for natural jasmine species. Hybrid varieties are not bred this way. Before sowing seeds in open ground, pre-sowing treatment is carried out. Seeds are soaked for several hours in warm water. After swelling, they are sown in light moist soil and covered with any transparent material. Planting of seed material is possible twice a year.

Jasmine seeds

Remember! For young shoots, direct sunlight is fatal.

Before autumn sowing, the seeds are stratified - the period of freezing can last 1-2 months. For convenience, the seed is mixed with sand and sown surface in approximately October - November. Top soil is covered with organic fertilizer.

Before spring sowing, the seeds are soaked for 3 hours. Landing in pre-prepared containers is made in mid-March. The substrate should be as light and nutritious as possible. After planting, the container is covered with any transparent material. After about 10 days, the first sprouts will appear. Their picking is carried out when the first 4 true leaves appear.

Advice! To treat the plant and prevent decay, young seedlings are treated with a solution of manganese.

Healthy seedlings can be transplanted into open ground in May or June. The landing site should be sunny and protected from wind loads. By autumn, seedlings will grow noticeably and they will need to be covered with mulch in front of the cold. In the spring of next year, young shoots need to cut off all the shoots. This procedure is carried out to form a beautiful bush.

On a note! Jasmine grown from seeds will bloom only after 7 years.

Jasmine grown from seeds

How to propagate layering

To understand how to dilute jasmine with layering, you need to familiarize yourself with the process technology:

  • The most developed shoot bends and fits into a special cavity, which is then filled with nutrient soil.
  • To accelerate the rooting process, constant moistening of the soil and hilling of the bush is required.
  • In winter, it is recommended to cover the shoot with any organic substance. It can be compost or humus.
  • Next year, layering can be separated and transplanted to a prepared place.

Two options for propagation by layering

Having studied different options, you can decide how to grow jasmine from a branch: cuttings or layering.

How to propagate by dividing the bush

Jasmine can be rooted by dividing the bush. To do this, the day before digging the plant, the soil is watered abundantly. The root system should be divided into several parts, the resulting delenki planted in shallow pits. Abundant watering is required.

Caution! All measures should be carried out as carefully as possible to protect the roots of the plant from damage.

Having understood how the jasmine shrub propagates, you can decorate the entire plot with these fragrant plants without any special difficulties.

Seedling Care

The plant loves the most moist soil and does not tolerate a dry climate. At elevated temperatures, jasmine should be watered regularly. After each watering, the soil under the bush is subject to loosening.

How to propagate gooseberries in spring, summer and autumn

Feeding is recommended to be done at least 3 times a year:

  • In spring, the soil is fertilized with organic fertilizers (slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 is well proven).
  • In summer, nitric preparations should be added to the ground. A mixture of urea (15 grams), Superphosphate (30 grams), potassium sulfate (15 grams) diluted in 10 liters of water is suitable.
  • After flowering, the soil will help restore the mixture of Superphosphate (15 grams) and potassium sulfate (15 grams). Solids dissolve in a bucket of warm water. Watering is done directly under the bush.

On a note! Mulching the soil with peat or sawdust will help maintain the desired moisture level.

Healthy flowering plant

Transplant Rules

For a jasmine transplant, a maximally bright and sunny place is suitable. The plant responds positively to bright light. With a lack of sunlight, the shoots are pulled out, the flowers become smaller or even fall off.

Chubushnik and jasmine - what is the difference

The substrate for planting should consist of:

  • humus - 1 part;
  • river sand - 2 parts;
  • sheet land - 3 parts.

The pit should have a size of 60 * 60 * 60 cm. The bottom layer is drainage. You can use gravel or expanded clay, the minimum thickness is 15 cm. On top of the drainage, the recess is filled with a prepared substrate.

On a note! The root neck of jasmine sinks to ground level. Strong penetration can cause root decay.

After planting, the plant must be watered abundantly. Stagnant water can lead to the death of shrubs.

Jasmine Ornamental Bush


Jasmine is a plant that does not require special care and is unpretentious to the place of growth. The main thing is compliance with all the rules of cultivation, watering and top dressing. As a result, a snow-white shrub will ennoble the owner, turning the most ordinary landscape into an exquisite one.


Watch the video: Flora Series - Growing Jasmine - How To Grow Jasmine Plants In Containers (October 2024).