How to feed hydrangea - fertilizers for growth and lush flowering in the garden


Hydrangea belongs to the Hydrangea family. Varietal variety is impressive: from 80 to 100 species are distinguished. One of the most unpretentious is panicled. It is worthwhile to figure out how to feed hydrangea so that it is not only healthy, but can bloom profusely.

The Importance of Feeding in Hydrangea Care

Timely application of fertilizers to the soil has a beneficial effect on the growth of hydrangeas. Year-round top dressing accelerates development and helps to tolerate temperature fluctuations.

Outdoor Hydrangea

For plant growth

Top dressing, carried out immediately after winter frosts, is necessary for the formation of healthy foliage and strong shoots. How to feed hydrangea in the spring? The first application should be in March, the second in May. At the same time, nitric preparations are recommended. Urea or potassium sulfate is used for this. 10 grams of the composition is diluted in 5 liters of water and poured under a bush.

For lush flowering

Often, flower growers ask themselves: how to fertilize hydrangea for lush flowering? During the period of active budding, the use of nitrophosphorus fertilizer or Agricola will help to significantly increase the number of buds on a flower. For 1 liter of water, 2 grams of the drug is added.

How to feed hydrangea in June? To form a flower mass in June, potash and phosphorus additives are introduced into the soil. For this, superphosphate is used, which is diluted according to the instructions on the package.

In the fight against disease

Most often, hydrangea is damaged by a chlorosis infection. A plant becomes ill with a critical lack of iron. The disadvantage of this element is due to the surface root system of the species. It is recommended to use iron-containing preparations, for example, Fevorit. For prevention, the composition is used: 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. By sprinkling this solution, you can protect the flower.

To change the color of the buds

Hydrangea buds can change color when applying certain fertilizers. Feeding hydrangeas with preparations containing aluminum sulfate will result in bright blue inflorescences. The introduction is carried out during the period of budding and active flowering.

Artificial color change

Experimentally, "coloring" compounds were developed that can be prepared for coloring garden and indoor representatives:

  • 40 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of ammonium are dissolved in a bucket of water. Regular application of the solution under the bush will cause the hydrangea to stain blue.
  • When mixing quicklime and wood ash in a ratio of 1: 1, a solution is obtained that can adjust the color of the flowers. If you pour it under the root during the period of active formation of buds, then the flowers will turn pink. Depending on the amount of this composition, the shade of the inflorescences will change.

What to do before applying fertilizer

How to feed hydrangea in spring for lush flowering in the garden

You can’t just water the plant with fertilizer. Hydrangea is pre-prepared:

  • Before feeding the flower must be watered. It is strongly not recommended to fertilize dry ground.
  • Around the root system (at a distance of 10-15 cm) a small and shallow trench is dug. Mineral preparations are introduced into it.
  • Work is carried out only in the morning or evening.

Note! It is advisable to water the hydrangea at least 1-2 days before fertilizing.

Options for feeding hydrangea and their dosage

The market is oversaturated with all kinds of fertilizers and top dressing. The proposed products are divided into mineral and organic, designed to care and protect the flower. The folk remedies that have been successfully used for growing hydrangeas have proven themselves well.


How to feed dahlias for growth and flowering

Fertilizers based on natural or natural products are called organic. For many years, they not only fuel, but also warm the plantings in the winter season.

Kefir, whey, sour milk

Summer residents have been using dairy products for many years to maintain flower crops growing on a personal plot. For these purposes, any fermented milk product is perfect. Feeding hydrangea with kefir is carried out only in diluted form, the optimal ratio is 1: 4.

Cow dung and bird droppings

When using organics, you can use rotted manure and litter. They are bred in a ratio of 1:10 and alternated with minerals.

Bread or yeast top dressing

Soaked black bread or dry yeast previously diluted in warm water promotes the growth of green mass. At the same time, 1 loaf of black bread is soaked in 10 liters of warm water for 2-3 days. The fermentation process takes place in the sun or in a warm room. Before applying fertilizer under the bush, the composition is carefully filtered.

Potassium permanganate

The use of potassium permanganate in diluted form not only improves the formation of buds, but also behaves perfectly in the care and protection of the plant from all kinds of pests. Hydrangea is watered and sprayed with hydrangea.


Feeding with ash is not recommended due to the fact that hydrangea is sensitive to soil acidity. The introduction of ash into the soil significantly reduces the pH, which can lead to rapid death of the flower.


For top dressing with mineral composition, it is first diluted in water. 25-30 g of urea is added to 1 bucket. When making, the norm is observed: 1 bucket of the resulting composition is made per 1 square meter of landings.

Vinegar and other acidifiers

The bush is not able to fully receive nutrients from the substrate, if its pH does not match the required. How to fertilize hydrangea to increase acidity? Successfully apply citric acid diluted in the amount of 40 g of the drug in a bucket of water.

Additional Information! You can use a lemon only after its complete dissolution.

Experienced growers are advised to use apple cider vinegar diluted with water. Optimum proportion: 100 grams per 10 liters of room temperature water.


Mineral fertilizing can consist of individual substances or whole complex compounds. In floriculture, the use of complex options is permissible, since it is not necessary to carry out calculations and observe dosages.


The drug refers to special means intended for fertilizing hydrangeas. It initially contains all the necessary trace elements. A liquid preparation is a means consisting of humates.

Yellow agricola


Integrated mineral nutrition. It has proven itself for use in the summer. The use of nitrophoska in the formation of inflorescences not only protects the flower from harmful insects, but also protects the flowers from premature fall.

When and how to feed hydrangea: timing and schedule of fertilizer application

How to feed clematis in spring for growth

There is a generally accepted feeding scheme:

  1. In the spring (immediately after awakening the species). Into the soil is introduced: ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate or identical preparations.
  2. At the time of formation of the first flower buds. The use of phosphorus and potassium will help not only increase the number, but also the size of future flowers.
  3. The main goal of the third (autumn) top dressing is to stimulate the formation of peduncles. This requires the introduction of phosphate and potassium preparations into the soil.

Spring for active growth

During the period of active growth (in spring), to form a beautiful leaf, the flower must be fed with nitrogen. How to water hydrangea to maintain the required level of nitrogen? 20 grams of urea and potassium sulfate are mixed, dissolved in a bucket of warm water. Under each street plant make at least five liters.

Top dressing in the spring

In summer during budding

Summer is a period of active bud formation. A hydrangea fertilizer for abundant flowering should include minerals: phosphorus and potassium. The use of complex preparations or superphosphate top dressing stimulates the formation of large flowers. Watering is performed under the bush.

Type budding

On a note! Do not violate the dosage, as this can lead to falling of inflorescences.

Autumn to prepare for wintering

After completion of the flowering process, the plant requires no less attention than during the period of active growth. It is at this time that flower stalks are formed, thanks to which the species will be able to bloom next year. Before natural winter hibernation, superphosphate preparations mixed with sulfuric acid powder are added to the soil. 20 grams of each species is bred in a bucket of warm water.

Consequences of deficiency and excess fertilizer

If abnormal external changes appear on the plant, this is the first sign of improper introduction or lack of nutrients. For example, with a lack of potassium, brown spots appear on the flower.

Timely plant care

An excess of micronutrients is difficult to fix:

  • If the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen, the plant will not be able to tolerate the winter season. Freezing of the buds and young stems will occur. An excess of nitrogen usually leads to the fact that hydrangea may not bloom at all.
  • If you do not combine fertilizing with watering, then too much salt concentration will collect in the soil. The root system will stop forming.
  • An excess of potassium will lead to a sharp yellowing of the foliage, the inflorescences will begin to fade.

On a note! It is forbidden to use nitrogen fertilizers before hibernation.

Pre-watering will balance the level of trace elements in the soil. The introduction of any organic or mineral products should be carried out only when absolutely necessary.

Beautiful garden decoration


Proper and timely soil fertilization will help not only to grow a beautiful bush, but also give long-term flowering. With the help of fertilizing, you can develop the immunity necessary for the winter period.


Watch the video: See What Happens When You Add Epsom Salt to Your Plants (October 2024).