Planting parsley in different ways: how to choose the best


Parsley is a two-year plant, but it is grown, as a rule, as an annual crop. The most common method of cultivation is sowing in open ground, but there are a number of other options that can accelerate the harvest, as well as grow greens all year round.

Parsley - beloved by many greens

The smell and taste of parsley is familiar to everyone and loved by many. The culture has been used in the preparation of delicious and aromatic dishes for several centuries. Depending on the variety, not only the leaves can be edible, but also the roots, which are used as a spice.

Many gardeners plant parsley on their plots, since the culture is used in the preparation of various dishes

Parsley planting methods

There are several ways to cultivate green culture:

  • winter landing;
  • in the open ground;
  • in the greenhouse;
  • at home.

Let us dwell on each of the methods in more detail.

Planting seeds for the winter

Parsley winter sowing is performed, as a rule, to obtain early greens: it is possible to feast on it earlier for 2 weeks, or even for a month. Such seedlings have great resistance to low temperatures, frosts and diseases. In addition, they ripen faster than planted in the spring. However, it is worth considering that parsley planted before winter is not suitable for storage - it should be consumed immediately.

Landing time

Compliance with the timing of sowing is an important factor and will eliminate the germination of seeds in the fall. It is necessary to plant seeds before the first frost, that is, until the moment when the soil is covered with ice and the night temperature is set at -2-3 ˚С. Landing dates are in October or November, which also depends on the region. A good option would be to sow in frosty weather. If heat persists until December, then the dates are shifted.

Choosing a landing place

Autumn planting is performed in those areas where cabbage, cucumbers, and potatoes were previously grown. In addition, you need to consider that the best place for parsley is where in the winter there is more snow. The site should be protected from the effects of winds, well-lit and not located in a lowland. The preparation of the seat should be taken from the end of summer.

For growing parsley, you need to choose sunny and windproof areas

Bed preparation

For winter planting of parsley, a bed with cultivated loose soil, fertilized with organic substances, is necessary. Prepare it like this:

  1. After harvesting the previous crops, the land is fertilized with mineral fertilizers: potassium salt and superphosphate, 15-20 g per 1 m².
  2. A little later, they add 20 g of nitrate to the same area.
  3. To make the soil easier, the top layer is mixed with peat or sand.
  4. Then, organic matter is calculated at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 m².

It is best to sow parsley before winter in those regions where moisture remains for a long time when the soil is thawed.

In autumn, organic and mineral fertilizers for digging are added to the future bed for sowing parsley

Seed preparation and sowing

With winter sowing, seed preparation comes down to choosing high-quality seeds. No additional measures, such as soaking, are carried out: they are planted with dry seeds.

Before sowing, parsley seeds are calibrated and only the largest

After calibrating the seeds, you can start sowing:

  1. On the site mark out a bed 1 m wide and dig it to a depth of 10 cm.

    For planting parsley, a bed of 1 m wide is dug up to a depth of 10 cm

  2. Make grooves with a depth of 2-5 cm with a distance of 15-20 cm.

    For sowing seeds, furrows are made 2-5 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other

  3. Sand is poured at the bottom, a little compost, and then seeds are sown densely, filling them with earth.

    Pour sand, compost and sow seeds into prepared furrows

  4. Mulch planting with peat or humus.

Mulching allows you to keep warm and serves as protection against the wind.

Video: Autumn planting of parsley seeds

Rhizome planting

If parsley was planted in the traditional way, then the plants can be left on the site in the winter. In order for the culture to complete its vegetation cycle, it is necessary to cut leaves from it no later than September. When the cold comes, they carry out the hilling of plants, after which they are covered with mulch (sawdust, straw, needles, foliage).

Parsley can be planted in the winter with rhizomes, for which they are left in the garden or cleaned in the cellar

In the spring, when the snow begins to melt, the mulch layer is removed, and a shelter from the film is built over the beds. Expect the appearance of fresh greenery should be in April, and you can cut it off until the peduncle appears. Parsley rhizomes for the winter can be removed in the basement, and in the spring to plant them. To do this, you must:

  1. Shorten the roots to 12-15 cm.
  2. Clean from dry and rotten leaves and petioles.
  3. Treat with growth stimulants.
  4. Plant under the film with a distance of 8-10 cm.

Planting seeds in open ground in spring

The most common way to cultivate parsley is direct sowing on a bed in the spring.

Soil preparation

The plot is prepared in the fall (in September or October). Start with a deep digging of the soil. As with winter landing, it is necessary to introduce organic matter (in the same quantities). As for mineral fertilizers, if in the autumn they add potassium salt and superphosphate, in the spring they fertilize the bed with ammonium nitrate, 10 g per 1 m². A week before sowing, it is recommended to cover the area with a film, which will ensure weed germination. After that, the film is removed and weeds are weeded out. Thus, it is possible to ensure unhindered growth of parsley seedlings, which allows them to gain strength. This is extremely important at the initial stage of development.

Seed preparation

For normal germination of parsley seeds in spring, pre-treatment is necessary. Otherwise, they will sprout for a very long time. Sprouting can be accelerated by the following actions:

  • when sowing in spring or summer, the seeds are soaked in water with a temperature of + 18-22 ˚С, the best option is to put them between the layers of a wet cloth for germination;
  • water is changed at intervals of 3-4 hours;
  • after 2-3 days, the seeds are placed for 18 hours in a growth stimulator (for example, Energen).

During the preparation of parsley seeds for sowing, they are soaked for better germination

During the soaking of seeds in a nutrient solution, it is additionally recommended to supply oxygen, i.e., to sparge. After this treatment, the seeds should hatch within a week.

To obtain air bubbles, a conventional aquarium compressor is used.

After soaking, the seed must be hardened. For this, the grains are placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, where they are for a week, then they can be sown.

Video: parsley seed germination before sowing

Sowing dates

Due to the resistance of parsley seeds to frost, it can be sown in early spring. Leaf varieties continue to be sown until early August. If root varieties are used, then the sowing deadline is mid-May. With late planting, it is unlikely to be able to harvest a good crop, since the root crop simply does not ripen.

Rules and landing patterns

Parsley seeds are sown in open ground in the following order:

  1. On the prepared bed make shallow furrows with a distance from each other of 15-20 cm and spill them with hot water.

    Furrows prepared for sowing seeds of parsley are shed with hot water

  2. Sow seeds to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, sprinkle with earth and lightly tamp.
  3. Mulch humus.

    After sowing parsley seeds, the bed is mulched with peat or humus.

If there is a threat of a nighttime drop in temperature, the beds are covered with a film.

Video: spring sowing parsley

Features of planting root and leaf parsley

Planting root and leaf parsley has some differences:

  • root varieties are planted with an interval between seeds of 1-4 cm;
  • leaf parsley is sown at a distance of 10-12 cm, and curly - 8-10 cm.

Features of planting parsley in a greenhouse

Growing parsley in greenhouse conditions is convenient because greens can be obtained even in the winter months. In addition, there is much more space in the greenhouse than at home on the windowsill.

Growing conditions

Despite the fact that parsley is resistant to frost, it is not recommended to plant it in a heated greenhouse before the end of January. If the greenhouse structure is not heated at all, then in winter it is undesirable to grow a culture. You can start sowing in early March. For the normal growth of green mass, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at +12 12С. If the indicator reaches a mark of +20 ˚С, the plants will feel uncomfortable, which will manifest itself in withering leaves.

To parsley was magnificent and tasty, you need to try to create the necessary conditions for it:

  • in winter, for good growth of green mass, it is necessary to provide artificial light sources;
  • watering should be moderate, it is better to carry it out after cutting the greens;
  • optimal humidity is 75%;
  • temperature changes should be avoided;
  • the greenhouse must be periodically ventilated to maintain optimum humidity and temperature.

For planting and growing parsley in a greenhouse, it is necessary to create optimal conditions

Soil preparation and planting dates

The ideal soil for parsley cultivation is light loam or sod-podzolic. The rest of the preparation is similar to the process when planting in open ground.

Culture is planted in the greenhouse in early March. Lowering the temperature to -9 ˚С she is not afraid, and the seeds germinate from 0˚С to + 5˚С. For the smooth production of fresh herbs, leaf varieties are sown every two weeks.

Sowing seeds

Before sowing seeds in closed ground, they also need to be prepared in advance. The process is similar to the preparation for sowing in the ground.

Before sowing parsley seeds in a greenhouse, beds are preliminarily formed.

After soaking in clean warm water, the seeds must be treated with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate, as greenhouse crops are more susceptible to disease. Germinated seeds are slightly dried and sown. For this:

  1. In the greenhouse, grooves are made with a depth of 1-1.5 cm, after spilling them with warm water.

    After the formation of the beds, grooves are made and spilled with warm water

  2. Seeds are sown in grooves and lightly sprinkled with earth.
  3. After sowing, the bed is mulched or covered with a spanbond (if parsley is sown in March).

Rhizome cultivation

Get parsley in the greenhouse can be much faster, without waiting for the germination of seeds. In this case, gardeners use rhizomes for planting. To cultivate crops in this way:

  1. In late October, several large root crops with an earthen lump were excavated from the site.
  2. They are placed in a trellis box and stored until spring in the cellar, where the temperature does not drop below zero.
  3. Planting rhizomes in the greenhouse is carried out at an angle of 8-10 cm. If the root is too long, do not bend or collapse it. Before planting parsley, it is cut with a sharp knife so that it is 12-15 cm to the apical kidney.

    Parsley rhizome too long is cut with a sharp knife to 12-15 cm

  4. Between plants leave a distance of 4-5 cm, and between rows - 10 cm.

When planting, you can not fill the neck and root head with earth.

Video: sowing parsley indoors

Planting parsley at home

If you want to have fresh parsley on the table even in winter, you do not have to buy it in a store, because you can grow a crop at home, for example, on a windowsill. You should start with the preparation of soil, containers and planting material.

Soil preparation and tanks

In order for parsley to grow and develop normally at home, it is recommended to use a ready-made soil mixture for violets for planting: the composition of this substrate is perfect not only for flowers, but also for various greens. You can also prepare the soil yourself, for which several steps should be performed:

  1. For leaf varieties, mix in equal proportions the turf soil and organic fertilizers (peat and humus in equal parts). For root parsley, a composition of 70% of the land from the garden and 30% of organic matter will be required.
  2. To treat the soil with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for the purpose of disinfection.
  3. To introduce a comprehensive universal fertilizer.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.

As a planting capacity for parsley, you can use a pot, container, seedling box or any other container with a depth of more than 20 cm. The capacity should be spacious, regardless of the variety selected. Before filling it with earth, it is treated with boiling water and drainage holes are made at the bottom.

For planting parsley at home, you can use ready-made soil for violets

Preparing and planting seeds

Preparation of seeds before planting is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Perform calibration by selecting only large grains.
  2. Soak them in warm water for a day, which will speed up the biting. Water is changed several times.
  3. The seeds are treated for several minutes in a 2% manganese solution, after which they are washed in water and dried.

After preparing the seeds, you can begin to sow them:

  1. Planting capacity is filled with soil mixture.

    Planting capacity is filled with prepared soil mixture

  2. Make small lines (grooves) with a distance of 5 cm from each other.

    Shallow furrows for parsley seeds are made on the surface of the earth at a distance of 5 cm from each other

  3. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm and slightly sprinkled with earth.

    Parsley seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm

  4. Cover the tank with polyethylene and put in a place with good lighting.

    Before emergence, the container is covered with a film to create the optimal microclimate.

For seed germination, it is necessary to provide a temperature of + 17-20˚FROM. When the soil is kept moist, seedlings should appear after 2 weeks.

Video: planting parsley at home

Growing parsley seedlings

It is not always possible to get lush parsley bushes with direct sowing of seeds in the ground. The greens in this case are fine and dense. To get a good crop, plants are best cultivated in seedlings. You can get seedlings in two ways:

  • to sow the seeds in the cassette, and then transplanted into the soil by transshipment, which eliminates damage to the root system - in this case, the plants do not experience stress and continue their growth without changes;
  • to grow seedlings in the planting capacity and then transplant it to the area with open roots - in this case, the plants will need some time to recover.

Preparation and sowing of parsley seeds for seedlings

Seeds are prepared in the same way as for open ground. Sowing is carried out in prepared containers (pots, cassettes, seedlings) with nutrient soil on previously made grooves with a depth of 1 cm. Parsley planting time for seedlings is the first half of March.

So that the seedlings are not too thick, the seeds are laid out with an interval of 2 cm from each other.

Parsley seeds can be sown in cassettes, seedlings, boxes or cups

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with earth, watered, covered with a film and transferred to a window sill. If the temperature is maintained within + 25 ° C, seedlings will appear faster. When the first leaves appear, the film is removed.

Video: planting parsley seeds on seedlings in a simple way

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

When the second pair of leaves appears, the seedlings are dived into separate containers, which will contribute to better development. Plants are transplanted to the site in early May, after moistening the soil. Planting is done on a prepared bed with an interval of 5-8 cm and 25 cm - between the rows.

In order to be able to harvest parsley several times during the season, the greens must be cut to the root, which will facilitate re-growth.

Parsley seedlings are planted in open ground in early May on a prepared bed

Parsley compatibility with other plants

When planting a particular crop on your site, it is worth considering which plants are suitable for close proximity to it and which are not. So, for parsley, good neighbors are:

  • wild strawberries;
  • bow;
  • basil;
  • cabbage;
  • Strawberry;
  • watercress;
  • radish;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • dill.

    Parsley grows well with other herbs in the garden.

However, parsley is not friendly with a head of lettuce, so these plants need to be planted away from each other.

Parsley is an unpretentious crop that can be grown both at home, in a greenhouse, and in beds. The main thing is to carry out preliminary preparation of seeds and soil, to properly sow and to timely cut greens. The rest of the parsley does not cause much trouble - to grow it under the power of each gardener.


Watch the video: Top 6 Struggles of Growing Herbs Indoors w solutions!!!. Garden Answer (October 2024).