Black Moor: tomato original coloring and great taste


As a child, we knew that ripe tomatoes should be red. Then it turned out that they can be yellow and pink. And now ... Now, almost no black fruit can surprise anyone. A bit unusual, of course, but tasty. One of these varieties of tomatoes is the Black Moor.

Description of tomato variety Black Moor

The Black Moor variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2000 and is intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and in unprotected soil. It is supposed to be used by small farmers, amateur gardeners, summer residents of all climatic regions. Of course, planting a variety in open ground is not possible everywhere, but in greenhouses it feels great even in cold climates. Judging by the available reviews, it is grown not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries: Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic republics, Kazakhstan and Georgia.

The direction of fruit use is universal: even an official document presupposes both the use of the Black Moor in salads and its full-canning. This is due to the excellent taste and geometric characteristics of tomatoes: they are very small (weighing no more than 50 g) and fit perfectly into any standard glass jars. Tomato juice is also tasty, although it has a somewhat unusual color.

Probably, you can find fault and say that these tomatoes and blacks are not really ... Well, the Moors are not quite coal in color!

According to the State Register, the variety is indeterminate, but in most descriptions it is believed that it is more correct to consider it semi-determinant: although the bush grows quite high (up to one and a half meters in greenhouses), its growth is still limited and stops after the formation of a certain number of fruit brushes (often about 10). The leaves of the Black Moor are medium in size, dark green in color. The first flower brush and, accordingly, the first fruits are formed over the 8th or 9th leaf, every 2-3 leaves - the next. The number of tomatoes in the brush is large: from 7 to 10 pieces, and there are usually a lot of brushes on the bushes.

In terms of harvest, the variety belongs to mid-season. The first fruits are ready for use 115-125 days after emergence, fruiting is extended. Tomatoes are even, plum or egg-shaped, smooth, in the ripened state, they have a color from dark red to brown or almost black. They contain only two seed nests and a very dense skin. Average yield: from 1 m2 5-6 kg of fruits of great taste are harvested. They are distinguished by an unusually sweet taste, juicy and fleshy flesh.

The bush requires mandatory formation and garter. The variety is relatively stable in terms of weather conditions, but often suffers from various diseases, and during drought it is highly susceptible to apical rot of fruits. Despite the need for preventive measures to protect the plant from disease, the rest of the agricultural technology of this variety is simple, even the most inexperienced gardener can grow it.

Video: the fruits of the tomato Black Moor

Appearance of Tomatoes

Tomatoes of the Black Moor variety are difficult to confuse with others: firstly, there are not so many varieties with fruits of this color, and secondly, the combination of color, shape and size is typical, perhaps, only for the Black Moor da De Barao black.

The fruit brush looks pretty impressive, although the tomatoes are small

These tomatoes look interesting on the bushes: a large number of fruits of variable color hanging simultaneously in clusters causes a festive mood, because it seems that the plant seemed to be specially dressed up.

Since the fruiting of the variety is stretched, at the same time, fruits of different colors hang on the bushes

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

Tomato Black Moor has an undoubted gamut of advantages that explain its popularity among gardeners. A small list of obvious advantages looks like this:

  • great taste of fruits of unusual coloring;
  • a useful set of chemicals in the fruit (dark color is due to the presence of anthocyanins);
  • universality of purpose;
  • good preservation of the crop, the ability to eat unripe fruits, which perfectly "reach" during storage;
  • adaptability to growing conditions: the ability to grow both in greenhouses and outside them, in all regions of the country.

The main disadvantage of the variety is its low resistance to fungal diseases. In addition, the fruits are prone to cracking, despite the dense skin. Surprisingly, it does not protect tomatoes from damage in long transport: the crop is not highly transportable. Productivity cannot be considered high either, although a bucket per square meter is a good result for many tomatoes.

The main feature of the variety should be considered the unique taste of tomatoes, in which there is a high sugar content and a slight acidity. From the point of view of the structure of the bush, a shortened internode is considered a feature.

There are a huge number of tomato varieties with small fruits of the same shape as that of the Black Moor, but the main difference between the varieties from them consists precisely in the unusual color. The fruits of the variety De Barao black look similar, but it bears fruit a little later, and the bush of De Barao is higher than that of the Black Moor.

De Barao black is called the "double" of the Black Moor

Now several dozen varieties of aronia tomatoes are bred, and some of them are very good. Such, for example, Amethyst jewel, Wine jug, Black pear, Black bear, etc. However, perhaps only De Barao and Black Moor have been awarded such flattering reviews of gardeners at the moment. And the shape of the fruits of the vast majority of other varieties is very different.

Features of planting and growing tomato Black Moor

The agricultural technology of the Black Moor tomato is absolutely identical to the agricultural technology of any other tomato varieties of indeterminate type of medium maturity. It is very difficult to grow it by direct sowing in the ground, it is practiced only in the southern regions. In other areas, growing seedlings is mandatory, care for it begins two months before planting plants in the garden. Therefore, the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings coincides with other similar varieties. So, in the middle lane for greenhouse cultivation, seeds can be sown at home in early March, and for open ground in the middle or end of the month.


Growing seedlings is a process well known to every gardener, and consists of the following operations.

  1. Seed preparation (this includes calibration, disinfection, and also hardening).

    After some germination, seeds are usually placed in the refrigerator, but long roots should not be allowed to grow.

  2. Soil preparation (the soil mixture must be air and water permeable). The best soil is soddy ground mixed with equal parts of humus and peat with the addition of wood ash (a handful on a bucket of the mixture).

    If possible, soil for seedlings can be purchased at the store.

  3. Sowing seeds in any small container with a height of 5 cm, with a distance of 2-3 cm from a seed from a seed.

    A sowing tank can always be found at hand

  4. Maintaining the required temperature: until the first shoots appear around 25 aboutC, from their appearance (for 4-5 days) no more than 18 aboutC, and then the usual room temperature. Illumination for the entire period of growing seedlings should be quite high.

    If the apartment is a bit dark, fluorescent or special lamps are required

  5. Picking 10-12-day-old seedlings in separate pots or in a larger box, with a distance of 7 cm between plants.

    For picking, the best choice is peat pots.

  6. Periodic moderate watering, as well as 1-2 top dressing with full mineral fertilizer.

    Azofoska - one of the balanced fertilizers convenient in application

  7. Hardening, which begins 7-10 days before planting seedlings in the garden.

Good seedlings, ready for planting in the ground, should be about 25 cm high, with a thick stem. You can plant it in unprotected soil when the earth warms up to at least 14 aboutC, this is observed in the central regions around the end of May. If the seedlings begin to outgrow, and it’s still cold, you will have to build a temporary film shelter.

Like other varieties, Black Moor is planted in open ground in sunny areas protected from cold winds in a bed well fertilized, especially with phosphate fertilizers. Seedlings are planted according to a scheme convenient for the gardener, but not too often: with distances of 50 cm between the bushes, possibly in a checkerboard pattern. In the greenhouse, a slightly more compact planting is possible, but at the same time there is a higher risk of contracting fungal diseases. Immediately drive in stakes for tying or equip a trellis.

When planting seedlings, we must try to maintain the integrity of the earthen room

Planted seedlings are well watered, mulched and do not touch for a week and a half. After this, the usual gardening worries begin.


In general, all operations for the care of the Black Moor tomato are standard: watering, loosening, weeding, top dressing, forming a bush, tying up, fighting diseases. They try to water in the evening, when the water has already warmed up in the tanks with sunbeams. Tomatoes should not be transfused, but there is no need to allow strong drying of the soil. Usually enough weekly watering, only the norm is different: especially a lot of water is required during the flowering and growth of the fruit, and very little during ripening. While the bushes are not closed, be sure to loosen the soil after watering, remove weeds.

Tomatoes are fed regardless of the fertility of the soil: refueling with fertilizers for the entire season is most often not enough. The first top dressing is 2-3 weeks after transplanting, then another 3-4 times per season. You can use any formulations, but in the second half of the summer it is better not to introduce nitrogen, limited to superphosphate and ash.

Black Moor both in open ground and in greenhouses can be formed in 1, 2 or 3 stems, depending on the preferences of the gardener and the frequency of planting bushes. The remaining stepchildren systematically break off, preventing them from growing longer than 5-7 cm. The optimal number of inflorescences left on the bush is 7-8 specimens. Tying stems to stakes or trellis per season is carried out 2-3 times. As the fruit ripens, the lower leaves are torn off, especially yellowing, as well as those that close the fruit brushes from sunlight. This operation is especially important in greenhouse cultivation.

There are various schemes for forming bushes, but do not forget about the convenience for the gardener, and most importantly, the bushes must be tied in time

Preventive spraying of tomatoes from fungal diseases is very useful, but you can use chemicals (Bordeaux liquid, Oksikhom, Ridomil Gold) long before the crop ripens. After flowering, it is better to use folk remedies: soap and soda solutions, garlic infusions, etc.

Ripening fruits are removed 1-2 times a week, and if possible, more often: do not leave completely ripened tomatoes on the bushes. The fruits of the Black Moor are stored not bad, but they are usually processed quickly: they make juice, salt, pickle or cut into salads.

Video: tomato bushes Black Moor

Reviews about the variety Black Moor

I praise this variety for productivity, but to taste it did not shine at all. The taste is quite simple, not interesting, with the prevalence of acid. And when ripening, exactly this taste is preserved.



Black Moor- quite successfully and prolificly grows in OG. In a greenhouse, a different grade is better.



Black Moor - small tomatoes. Fresh taste to none. Affected by diseases, but very productive. I liked it in canned form, the dense ones do not crawl out in the bank. Especially canned in apple juice.



The World Cup is my favorite black tomato by mouth (I like tomatoes with sourness), the fruit is 4 cm long, in my opinion it is not suitable for conservation, but De Barao will not eat black at gunpoint, but it is fruitful, he stands like an apple tree from a fairy tale, all hung up, fruits the size of an apple and in the pickle he’s a great clever, lies in a jar, does not make anyone nervous. We gave Black Lamb a chance, but he didn’t come to the World Cup to taste, cheated on him with red pickling hybrids and the same DB, but red, nothing better for cans, it’s not invented.



We plant the Black Moor regularly - juicy, high taste, high productivity (Leningrad region - a zone of risky agriculture).



Black Moor - a very interesting variety of tomatoes, characterized by the original coloring of the fruit. Not everyone may like the appearance of tomatoes, but everyone will appreciate their great taste both fresh and in the blanks. The cultivation of this tomato is not difficult, so it can increasingly be found in amateur gardens.


Watch the video: This Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit. National Geographic (October 2024).