We grow the Yellow giant: large-fruited fragrant raspberries


Although varieties of yellow raspberries appeared a long time ago, gardeners did not like massively. However, honey-colored berries are suitable for allergy sufferers and children, in addition, they are larger than the fruits of red. One of the varieties of such raspberries is the Yellow Giant.

Raspberry variety description Yellow giant

Raspberry Yellow giant - the brainchild of V.V. Kichin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. He developed many large-fruited raspberry varieties: Kirzhach, Beauty of Russia, Lazarevskaya, Malakhovka, Mirage, Taganka. After years of testing, the Yellow Giant was registered in 2001, and in 2008 it was included in the State Register for the Northwest Region.

The plant forms a slightly sprawling bush with powerful shoots a little over 1.5 m high. The stems are straight, thick, with spikes of medium size along the entire length of the shoots. The leaves are medium, green, slightly wrinkled, with a serrated edge. Large flowers are surrounded by long sepals.

Yellow giant raspberry leaves, slightly wrinkled, with serrated edges

The berries are dull, with a slight pubescence. Unripe - light green, as the ripening becomes yellower, in fully ripened berries a honey hue. Overripe berries may fall. The average weight of the fetus is 1.7-3.1 g.

The first fruits are of regular shape and largest in size.

The taste is sweet, with a pronounced raspberry aroma. Juicy berries are poorly transported and retain their presentation for no more than a day.

As they ripen, the yellow giant raspberries become darker

Grade characteristics

By maturity - medium-early variety, the berries ripen in the first decade of July. In favorable weather, a second wave of fruiting is possible. The yield is approximately 30 kg / ha (3-4 kg of berries per bush). It is considered poorly winter-hardy, it is recommended to cover the shoots of the first year under the snow. Weakly affected by diseases and almost not damaged by pests. In the southern regions of Russia, the Yellow Giant variety is able to produce a good crop on the shoots of this year, in the northern regions it bears fruit on last year's shoots.

In the author's description, the variety is repairing, although there is no mention of this in the State Register.

Landing Features

For planting raspberries choose the most lighted, warm, calm place on the site, away from the occurrence of groundwater. The roots of this culture can not stand waterlogging and stagnation of water. It is advisable that before this, raspberries do not grow on the plot, and ideally, legumes or siderates are planted in advance: white mustard or oats (to improve soil quality). Planting is oriented from north to south, so the plants receive more light, photosynthesis is stimulated, which leads to an increase in yield.

Large-fruited raspberries are suitable for growing in the suburbs. Berries evenly ripen even in the cool summers.

Raspberry plantings orient from north to south to improve the illumination of bushes

Getting planting material

To plant raspberries, use 1-year-old seedlings with a height of at least 1 m, with a well-developed root system. They must be purchased at specialized nurseries. They are growing and improving planting material, since raspberries are affected by a large number of specific viruses that degrade the quality of the fruit and affect the development of the bush. In nurseries, seedlings are decontaminated, simultaneously saving them from bacterial and fungal pathologies, as well as pests.

In suburban areas, raspberries are usually propagated by dividing the mother bush and transplanting root offspring. Both methods do not ensure the quality of planting material.

It has been proven that more than half of raspberries in the Moscow Region are infected with viral infections.


You can start planting in the spring, but it is recommended to do this in the fall, since the seedlings grow very early after the snow melts. Raspberries do not like too acidic soils, so dolomite flour should be added to the soil. This should be done in cases where the soil was enriched with peat.

If the land is waterlogged on the site due to stagnation of moisture or high-lying groundwater, plant raspberries in ridges or mounds. As a rule, in these cases, limestone gravel is poured to the bottom for drainage, and then the soil is poured into the hill, where raspberries are planted. After this, planting is plentifully watered and mulched. If the soil on the site is not waterlogged, it is best to use a trench method of planting.

For this:

  1. Dig trenches 40 cm deep and 60 cm wide.
  2. Between the rows it is better to leave a gap of 1.5-2 m, so that later it is convenient to pick berries.
  3. At the bottom lay branches of trees, plant debris, fallen leaves. All this, when overheated, gives the roots nutrients and warmth.
  4. Everything is covered with earth to a height of 10-15 cm and rammed tightly.
  5. At a distance of 50 cm, dig holes and plant raspberries along the length of the trench, without deepening the root neck. To enrich the soil with potassium, ash is added to the soil at the rate of 500 ml per 1 m2.
  6. Around the plants form an irrigation hole.
  7. Cut the seedlings, leaving 10 cm from the stem.
  8. Abundantly watered and mulched with sawdust, fallen leaves or covering material.

After planting, raspberry seedlings are cut, leaving 10 cm

In the first year after planting, weeds are weeded so that they do not drown out the young bushes. Experienced gardeners advise with the advent of spring shoots to cut last year's stumps to zero.

To give the plants better rooting and not to lose strength on the formation of fruits, it is recommended to pick off the first flowers.

Care Tips

Proper care of raspberries, consisting in pruning, watering, mulching, pest prevention, will certainly affect the quality of the crop.


Raspberry varieties Yellow giant is able to produce a second crop under favorable conditions, therefore, depending on the climate, it is recommended to carry out appropriate pruning of bushes.

  1. If from year to year on the plot the bushes give a second crop, then immediately after the first picking of berries, the fruitless shoot should be completely removed. In this case, a new crop will have time to form on young shoots.
  2. If you cut the shoots under the root every year, the plants will begin to produce crops exclusively on annual shoots. At the same time, they need to be cut off in the autumn only after the plant has dropped all the leaves.

Watering and mulching

Raspberries need to be watered immediately after planting, so that in spring the plants quickly grow. Bushes are abundantly watered also:

  • in the budding phase;
  • during the formation of the ovary;
  • immediately after harvest, so that the plants plant new fruit buds.

Raspberry roots are very sensitive to drying out, so it is recommended to mulch the plantings. This will protect the root system, prevent excessive moisture evaporation and prevent the weeds from growing.

Mulch under raspberry bushes will protect the soil from drying out, will not allow weeds to grow

Winter preparations

Provided with access to fertile land, well-lit and receiving enough heat, raspberry bushes gain so many nutrients per season that they winter safely. But it is recommended to bend annual shoots of the Yellow Giant variety in autumn so that they are covered with snow in winter. Raspberries face severe frosts in the middle of winter, low-temperature effects during the thaw and return frosts.

Disease Prevention and Pest Protection

The variety is slightly affected by diseases, but some pests can damage the crop.

  1. When the tops of young shoots suddenly nick, then the plant is affected by a fly. Periodic surface loosening of the soil around the bushes will relieve planting of raspberry fly larvae. Deep digging is undesirable, as raspberry roots can be damaged. If you add 500 ml of ash to the soil surface with an area of ​​1 m2then the deliverance will be complete.

    The missing tips of the shoots indicate the defeat of the raspberry fly

  2. They are saved from raspberry weevil by a solution of birch tar (10 g) with the addition of laundry soap (30 g), the mixture is diluted with 10 l of water. Spraying is carried out in the early spring, before the buds open, and in the first ten days of June in accordance with the pest development cycle.

    A solution of birch tar and laundry soap will save from raspberry weevil

  3. If protrusions appeared on the raspberry stalk, the gall midge chose the bush. All shoots with deformations are cut to the root and destroyed immediately, so as not to infect the entire raspberry.

    Swollen shoots need to be cut and burned

  4. Some gardeners use a strait of raspberry and currant bushes with boiling water to get rid of pests. To do this, in February, until the snow has completely melted, bushes from a watering can are shed before the sap flow. Water temperature - 80-90aboutFROM.

Video: on raspberry pest control methods


The yellow giant is by far the sweetest variety available, young shoots are also already 180 cm and above.


In our zone, the autumn harvest is up to 30% of the total, depending on the weather. By the way, most Kichinovsky varieties in Ukraine repeatedly bloom in the fall, but only individual berries ripen.

Oleg Saveyko


The Yellow Giant, which was taken from the Kichina plot, only shows remontance (autumn berries ripen only at the ends of summer shoots). And this is in our warm Baltic. Yes, and he freezes severely, as, however, and all of his large-fruited raspberries. I doubt that in the suburbs the Yellow Giant gives a second crop.



This is a common fruit bearing variety, it is not repairing, but semi-repairing, that is, at the tops in our conditions there may be a crop. In more southerly areas, it may yield a second larger crop.



Grade Yellow giant semi-repair and rather the repairability of this variety is a drawback. I hold the Yellow Giant as a non-repair grade, bending it to the ground for the winter. But berries sometimes appear on the shoots of substitution. The taste of berries is sweet with sourness. During the growth period, there were no freezing problems. Although this winter is very problematic - there is very little snow ... It is better to use it as a two-year raspberry (shoots grow one season - the berries ripen on these shoots the next year).

Svetlana K


Raspberry The yellow giant gives delicious aromatic fruits that do not withstand, however, long-term storage and transportation. Disputes about the variety's maintainability continue, because raspberries bear different fruits in different regions - the warmer the climate, the more likely it is to get two crops.
