Sizigium - a fruiting tropical miracle


Sizigium is a very nice guest of the Myrtle family, who lives in tropical forests. The plant is distributed in the Eastern Hemisphere (in Australia, Malaysia, India and Madagascar). It attracts neat, evergreen shrubs or small bonsai trees with unusual flowers and fruits. Photos of syzygium can be seen in fashion magazines or in online flower shops. Today, more and more gardeners are daring to acquire this exotic plant in order to bring a piece of tropical forest to their home.

Plant description

Sizigium - a perennial tree or tall shrub with a powerful root system. Lateral processes appear from the very base. Upright stems quickly lignified and covered with a rough dark brown bark. The height of an adult plant can reach 20-30 m. In the culture, the height of the bush is 1-1.5 m. The branches of the first year of life have a very beautiful reddish bark.

Petioles are opposite and have an obovate or oval shape. The edge of the leaf is pointed, and the side surfaces are smooth. The leathery sheet plate is dark green and slightly curved in the shape of a book along the central vein. The length of the foliage reaches 12 cm, and the width is 4 cm.

The flowering period is in the summer. Large umbrella inflorescences consist of many snow-white, cream, lilac or pink flowers. Flowers quickly lose their petals and consist of bunches of long stamens. The stamens are 10 cm long. Flowers and fruits exude an intense spicy aroma and are used in cooking as a well-known clove seasoning.

After the flowers wither, large clusters of fruits remain at the ends of the branches. Small pear-shaped berries can be eaten. They are covered with thick yellowish or pink skin.

Types of syzygium

In the genus syzygium, there are about 50 species. Due to the large size, only a few are used in culture. The most popular is syzygium fragrant or fragrant. It is he who serves for the manufacture of seasoning, and therefore is also called the "clove." Seasoning is made from not yet blossomed, dried buds. The proportion of essential oil in them is 25%. Evergreen trees with a spherical crown reach a height of 10-12 m. Shiny hard leaves densely cover young branches. Their length is 8-10 cm, and their width is 2-4 cm.

Sizigium fragrant or fragrant

Sizigium kumini or caraway. The plant consists of sprawling trees up to 25 m high. Old branches are covered with smooth light gray bark. Oval leaves look much larger. Their length is 15-20 cm and their width is 8-12 cm. The leathery dark green foliage densely covers the branches. White small flowers are located between the leaves in the middle of the shoots. The diameter of one flower is only 1.5 cm. Later, in place of flowers, miniature fruits 1-1.2 cm long with a reddish skin ripen.

Sizigium kumini or caraway

Syzygium iambose. The tree has a more modest size, its height does not exceed 10 m. On the branches are long lanceolate leaves and larger cream flowers. Lush umbrellas of flowers are located almost on the very edge of the branch. A rounded or oblong fruit is covered with a yellow peel.

Sizigium iambosa

Syzygium paniculata, which is sometimes called "Eugenia myrtle", forms a sprawling shrub up to 15 m high. Young shoots are painted in red-brown. On older branches, the bark cracks and begins to exfoliate. Leaves of dark green color are located quite often. Between the foliage, closer to the edge of the shoot, there are umbrella inflorescences of white stamen flowers. A small pear-shaped berry is 2 cm long. It is covered with shiny purple or violet skin.

Syzygium paniculata

Syzygium variegate. The plant is a tall spreading bushes with very unusual foliage. Dark green lanceolate leaves are covered with small whitish spots that create a marble pattern. Pear-shaped red fruits have a clove flavor, and taste like cranberries.

Syzygium variegate

Sizigium blushing - A popular indoor view with reddish young shoots and bracts. On the back of the sheet in the center you can also see a reddish vein. The leaves are more rounded with a blunt edge. Reddish fruits are gathered in large clusters at the ends of branches.

Sizigium blushing


Reproduction of syzygium is possible in the following ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • formation of air layers;
  • rooting of petioles.

Sowing seeds is carried out in the middle of winter. Peeled and dried seeds are pre-soaked in a solution of manganese. In a small box, sheet earth, turfy earth and sand are mixed. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The earth is watered and covered with a film. The box is kept in a bright and warm place (+ 26 ... +28 ° C). Shoots appear after 3-4 weeks. With the advent of two real leaves, they are dived into separate pots and taken out to a cooler place (+18 ° C). After the formation of the quadruple leaf, the stem must be pinched so that it begins to scrub.

To root the cuttings, half-lignified branches 10-15 cm long are cut. The lower edge is treated with root and deepened into garden soil by 3-4 cm. Before the roots appear, the seedlings are kept in a bright, warm room (+ 24 ... +26 ° C). After 1-1.5 months, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots.

To root the air layer, you should press the side shoot to the ground and fix it. After a few weeks, independent roots will appear on it and the seedling can be separated.


Sizigium moderately increases the root mass, so the plant is transplanted every 1-3 years. Large specimens in floor tubs only replace the topsoil. For planting, use garden soil with low acidity. You can use a soil mixture of the following components:

  • peat;
  • leaf humus;
  • river sand;
  • sheet earth.

At the bottom of the pot lay a drainage layer of large disinfected material.

Syzygium Care

Syzygium is not too complicated to care for. He needs to find a bright place with protection from direct sunlight. Daylight hours for him should be 12-14 hours. In winter, the northern windows may need additional lighting. With insufficient lighting, the stems stretch out and the leaves turn pale.

Summer air temperature should be in the range + 18 ... +25 ° C. On hotter days, it is recommended to expose the plant to fresh air or to ventilate the room more often. In winter, it is necessary to provide a rest period and lower the temperature to + 14 ... +15 ° C.

Watering syzygium often needs to dry only the surface of the earth. A single serving of liquid should not be too plentiful. Water is used warm, soft, well-maintained. A tropical resident prefers high humidity, so you should periodically spray the leaves. When cooling, spraying and watering is reduced.

In March-September, twice a month, mineral fertilizers are applied to the ground for flowering exotic plants.

Diseases and Pests

Syzygium is resistant to plant diseases, but with stagnation of water and dampness it can suffer from rot. Sometimes its leaves attract a red spider mite, leaf-leaf and mealybug. When parasites appear, the shoots are sprayed with an insecticide.


Sizigium serves as a wonderful decoration of the room. It forms a beautiful evergreen flowering bush. No less valuable are the plant buds. Syzygium essential oil is used in homeopathy. It is an excellent antiseptic, and also helps fight warts, lichen and other skin diseases.

Dried fruits facilitate the course of diabetes, stimulate the excretory system, and cleanse the liver. Fresh berries and flowers are eaten, added in the form of seasonings and side dishes. The use of syzygium essential oil in the tobacco and perfumery industries is also known.
