The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for April 2020


In April 2020, a lot of work remains to be done, and the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener will help to cope with it in the best way. He will tell you favorable and unfavorable days for working with green plants, flowers, seedlings, vegetables, etc. If we follow the recommendations given below, we will definitely have a rich harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable sowing days in April 2020

On what dates in April it is recommended to sow, and on which not:

The cultureFavorable datesUnfavorable
Eggplant (dark nightshade)1-2, 9-10, 18-19, 28-298, 15-17, 20, 22, 23
Bow1-2, 9-14, 18-19
Carrot9-10, 13-14, 18-19
Cabbage1-2, 9-10, 13-14, 18-19, 28-29
Potato7, 9-10, 13-14, 18-19, 28-29

In what numbers can flowering plants be planted, and in which not

On which April dates it is possible to plant flowers, and on which it is undesirable:

FlowersFavorable numbersUnfavorable
One year old5-7, 9-12, 18, 19, 26, 298, 15-17, 20, 22, 23
Biennials, perennials1-2, 6, 7, 9-14, 18, 19, 26, 29
Bulbous, tuberous7, 9-14, 18, 19
Indoor3-5, 9, 11, 24, 26

Lunar calendar of gardeners for April 2020 by date

The table below provides recommendations on what kind of work can be done in certain numbers.


  • "+"- fertile days;
  • "-"- infertile;
  • "+/-"- average fertility.
  • ◐ - the growing moon;
  • ◑ - decreasing;
  • ● - the new moon;
  • ○ - full moon.

The first column of the tables lists the work for gardeners, the second for gardeners, and the third for gardeners. Red in front of the table indicates prohibited work for everyone.


♋ cancer +, ◐.

You can not sow and plant ampelous, climbing plants, use poisonous drugs.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing green grassy vegetables;
  • sowing spices, vegetables, herbs in a greenhouse;
  • sowing under a film of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • planting cucumbers, cauliflower and Beijing cabbage under polyethylene;
  • soil loosening, top dressing, picking.
  • shrubs planting;
  • sowing one, perennials.
  • vaccination and re-vaccination;
  • circumcision;
  • berry planting.


♌ Leo, -, ◐.

It is not recommended to plant and sow, germinate, fertilize and water vegetables.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • loosening;
  • preparatory measures for beds, weeding.
  • work with dahlias, peonies and perennials.
  • removal of unnecessary branches, shoots;
  • weed control;
  • work with a lawn;
  • vaccination.


♍ Virgo, +/-, ◐.

Do not soak seed.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • moistening the soil, making minerals;
  • weeding;
  • preparatory measures for beds;
  • sowing valerian, dill, including pharmacy;
  • pick.
  • sowing, planting, transplanting all flowers and ornamental shrubs;
  • perennial division.
  • rooting
  • lawn works;
  • work with grapes;
  • creation of a crown of trees, rejuvenation;
  • moistening the earth, top dressing not at the root;
  • getting rid of diseases and insects;
  • planting stone fruit.


♎ Libra, +/-, ◐.

It is not recommended to plant, transplant seedlings, to be vaccinated, to use chemicals.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing green vegetables;
  • planting potatoes;
  • seeding of green manure;
  • the use of nutrient mixtures, watering, loosening;
  • planting a film of pepper, beans, cabbage.
  • landing;
  • rooting.
Planting stone fruits.


♎ Libra, +/-, The full moon ○.

No landing work is allowed.

Mow the grass, loosen the soil around the trees and shrubs. Plan your planting, buy planting material and inventory.


♏ Scorpio, +, ◑.

Do not pick and trim.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing onions, carrots, radishes, beets, potatoes, darling, garlic;
  • sowing seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, nightshade, pepper, cabbage;
  • planting under the film of greenery seedlings;
  • planting potatoes;
  • hydration, top dressing.
Planting any flowers.
  • landing;
  • vaccination;
  • remove shelters if this is not done;
  • sow green manure in the greenhouse.


♐ Sagittarius, +/-, ◑.

Do not plant seedlings of vegetables, treat them from diseases and pests.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing onions, garlic, beets;
  • sowing root and green vegetables, radishes, peas, beans;
  • elimination of shoots and specimens with infections;
  • the destruction of fungi and parasites without treatment.
  • rooting
  • sowing of cold-resistant annuals;
  • sowing seedlings of any colors;
  • planting tuberous, bulbous and curly.
  • berry planting;
  • sprinkling of their layers;
  • pruning.


♑ Capricorn, +/-, ◑.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing of early crops;
  • planting potatoes;
  • planting cabbage;
  • weeding, thickening of landings;
  • the introduction of nutrient mixtures;
  • the use of chemicals;
  • pick.
Planting of any plants, except annuals and ampelous.
  • pruning
  • overgrowth destruction;
  • fruit planting;
  • sprinkling of layering;
  • rooting
  • vaccination;
  • top dressing;
  • weeding.


♒ Aquarius, -, ◑.

Sowing, landing, diving, feeding and watering is prohibited.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • pinching and pinching of greenhouse crops;
  • territory treatment;
  • fight against diseases and pests.
Any work except prohibited.
  • cutting unnecessary shoots;
  • formation;
  • whitewash;
  • weeding;
  • disinfect the greenhouse.


♓ fish +, ◑.

Unwanted pruning, the use of chemicals, work with the ground.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing greens and early vegetables;
  • planting seedlings under the film;
  • sowing and planting cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant;
  • dive, transplant.
  • annual planting.
  • vaccination and re-vaccination;
  • fertilizer plantings.


♈ Aries, -, ◑.

Contact with plants is prohibited.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • weeding;
  • preparation of beds;
  • you can collect herbs;
  • spraying with toxic drugs.
Any work except prohibited.
  • fight against bugs and infectious lesions;
  • circumcision;
  • digging, loosening, mulching;
  • we put props under bushes, trees and climbing plants.


♉ Taurus, +, New Moon ●.

Plants are the most vulnerable, therefore it is not recommended to do any work with them, but you can fight weeds, they will not bother for a long time after weeding that day.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • pinching and pinching vegetables.
Any manipulations except prohibited.
  • You can do cropping;
  • we protect the garden from diseases and pests.
  • we repair fences, hedges, garden paths.


♉ Taurus, +, ◐.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • diving and transplanting seedlings, soaking seeds;
  • sowing of green crops, green manure, grain in open ground.
  • bulb planting;
  • transplantation of perennials, ornamental shrubs;
  • fertilizer with minerals of plantings and indoor flowers.
  • planting seedlings of berry bushes, fruit trees;
  • fertilizer.


♊ Gemini, -, ◐.

Transplanting and picking, watering and feeding are prohibited.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • sowing and planting plants with elongated, curly stems;
  • spraying with chemicals.
Planting ampelous and curly varieties.
  • weeding;
  • removal of infertile branches taking nutrients.


♋ Cancer, +, Moon ◐.

Do not treat the garden from diseases and pests.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting under a film of nightshade and pumpkin;
  • sowing greens, nigella, peas, tomatoes, green zucchini, cabbage;
  • planting potatoes;
  • dive seedlings.
  • planting of one-, two-, perennials, ornamental shrubs;
  • transplanting indoor flowers
  • berry planting;
  • vaccination;
  • watering, organic dressing;
  • lawn mowing.


♌ Leo, -, ◐.

An unfavorable day for planting, watering, feeding, you can not stepchild, dive, remove weeds.

GardenersTo flower growersGardeners, general work
  • territory treatment;
  • use of chemicals (Actara and others).
Any manipulations except prohibited.
  • cutting strawberry tendrils, extra shoots of raspberries;
  • creating a lawn;
  • fight against insects and infections, including with gray rot on strawberries.

Gardener works in April

A month begins with loosening the soil. At the same time you need to make nutrient mixtures.

Fertilizers must contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter.

If the soil is clayey and too compact, it needs to be dug to a depth of 10-15 cm. If a large amount of melt water accumulates, it is necessary to dig small grooves to drain them.

And also to remove garbage, plant debris from the territory.

Then you can remove the harness, unleash young specimens, cut off dead bark. Finish pruning the crown, remove the shoots.

If due to work trees appear wounds, cover them with garden varieties.

Work with berry plants

What needs to be done in April:

  • Final pruning.
  • Pluck currant kidneys affected by bugs.
  • Cut the blackcurrant cuttings of 15-19 cm from below under the kidneys and from above 10-15 mm above them. Plant in loose soil at an angle. One kidney should stay upstairs. Moisten the earth and mulch.
  • Remove covering material from strawberries, clean the area of ​​debris, fallen leaves, trim the antennae. Loosen the ground between the rows to a depth of 4-5 cm. Introduce nutrient mixtures with nitrogen.
  • Spray the plants with a solution from a mixture of Abiga-Peak and Novosil. Instead of the first use Horus, Topaz. Growth stimulator (Novosil) must be added to one of them.
  • Trim raspberries on a formed kidney. Loosen, add organic and complex mineral mixtures. Mulch 3-6 cm.

For reference! In autumn, currant cuttings are cut to a height of 10-15 cm, only after a year they are planted. Gooseberry is easier to propagate by layering.

Planting seedlings

If fruit trees were not planted in the fall, this can be done in April:

  1. Soak seedlings and plant.
  2. Water and mulch abundantly with compost.
  3. Coronate pruning to restore the relationship between the root system and the branches.
  4. If there are branches on the side, cut to 1/3.
  5. Shorten the central conductor 0.2-0.3 m above the skeletal branches.
  6. On the stem 0.4-0.5 m, blind the kidneys.

Important! For planting, use only one-, two-year-old seedlings with formed roots and loose buds.

Read about spring planting on our website: apple trees.

Fighting infections and insects

The first to emerge from hibernation is an apple beetle. This occurs during the period of kidney swelling. He still shows little activity, unable to fly, but can climb the crown along the trunk. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a hunting belt, for example, glue. It is created as follows:

  • To clear the section of the trunk on which it will be superimposed, so that the insects do not have the opportunity to make moves. It is recommended to do this in the middle or top, in two areas.
  • Make a strip of thick paper and coat it with a special glue or chemical pest. Also, a belt can be created from cotton wool by fluffing it. She will catch insects.
  • Protect the strip from precipitation with a polyethylene visor.

After the appearance of the first leaves, applying the belts will not bring the desired result. All insects by this time will reach the crown. They can only be removed by shaking the trees and shrubs. It is recommended to do this in the morning, until the temperature rises above +10 ° C. First, lay litter under the branches, so that the pests were easy to collect and destroy. During this period, aphid larvae, leafworm caterpillars and others are active.

If the insect damage is too strong, it is advisable to use chemicals (see which days it is better to do this):

  • Fufanon, Spark or Kemifos;
  • Altar
  • Kinmiks + Topaz for currant;
  • copper sulfate + lime for cherries, plums, apricots;
  • Bordeaux liquid (1%), Gamair or Rake, if the leaves have already bloomed;
  • Fufanon + Extrasol for spraying raspberries at the end of the month;
  • Abiga Peak for spraying peaches in the 2nd decade of April.

Advice! Novosil or Extrasol can be sprayed for crop resistance to adverse events.

Work of gardeners in April

You need to check how the garlic and onions planted before winter survived the winter. If they were covered with leaves, grass, covering material, all this needs to be removed, and the soil should be loosened so that it warms up. Fertilize with nitrogen.

If garlic was stored at home, it can be planted. Keeping it warm further makes no sense. In the earth, it will form large heads.

In April, plant and onion sets.

To clear the territory with perennial crops: batun, chives, asparagus, rhubarb. Loosen the ground.

Unlearn the rhubarb beds. Make spring complex fertilizing with minerals. If necessary, in the planting of the bush, take shares from the periphery. In this area, the kidneys are more viable, the cultures will be strong. In addition, such delenki later shoot arrows. In the same way, you can plant lovage bushes.

When a sorrel grows well, it does not need to be fed. If the culture is poorly developed, it is necessary to make weak fertilizers (1/2 tsp. Urea per sq. M).

If the sorrel has long been growing in one place, it needs to be transplanted to another.

Soil preparation

Before starting sowing, you need to prepare the soil. It is necessary to walk a rake along the beds dug up in the autumn. The soil in April is moist, this will make it much easier than on dry soil. Source:

Remove plant debris from the territory and put them in a compost pit. Pour each layer with soil or humus. Moisten the pile periodically so that the compost is ready faster.
From the beds you need to remove weed grass along with the roots. After a week, repeat the manipulation.

The use of herbicides to kill weeds is undesirable.

Shelter beds

When it is still cool at the beginning of the month, cover the beds. Thanks to this, greens will appear faster. Polyethylene is better to use a new one, because he lets in more light. If the old is taken, then it must be thoroughly washed. To remove shelter in the heat.

Sowing crops resistant to cold

April is the most favorable month for landing:

  • all kinds of greens;
  • carrots;
  • clerk;
  • chard;
  • indow;
  • Japanese cabbage;
  • radishes.

They must be planted before the hot days begin.

Other cultures:

  • Brain Peas. Harvest can be harvested in early summer. If you wait for May, the crop will sprout worse, give less yield.
  • Cabbage of all varieties and salad. Sowing should be done in the middle of the month. These plants are not afraid of the cold. With severe frosts, they can be covered with a film.
  • Asparagus. High spud (20-25 cm) with earth or soil + compost + humus. Level the hill, tamp a little so that the shoots that appear are visible.
  • Mustard, Phacelia. It is recommended to place in areas for tomatoes, eggplant, pepper at the beginning of the month.

Important! With sowing seedlings in open ground, it is better not to rush. Even if the seedlings are under cover. First you need to let the weed grow. Under the covering material, it will appear in 2-3 days.

Planting potatoes

By April, potatoes were already laid out at home for sprouting. If the weather is warm, he can sprout indoors. Therefore, planting in open ground is better not to put off.

Potato patches are recommended to be covered with foil or non-woven material.

Potatoes with rot, spots, threadlike processes are unsuitable for planting. The culture cannot be planted on the old beds where it grew last year. And also next to tomatoes.

Sowing spices

In addition to the fact that spices can be added to dishes and drinks for taste and aroma, they also scare away insect pests.Beds with herbs should preferably be covered with polyethylene to preserve moisture. This is done if it is possible to warm the shelter during warming. Otherwise, the plants will burn in the heat.

Extermination of harmful insects

In April, a cruciferous flea appears. To protect crops from this insect, crops need to be sprinkled with wood ash, set glue traps.

Cruciferous fly can also destroy plants. From it will save the loosening of the earth and wood ash. You can also protect crops with the help of a shelter, firmly pressing the film to the ground.

Work in greenhouses

In early April, the greenhouse should be fully prepared for seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers. If the structure is made of film, it is advisable to change it to a new one. If glass, wash. Add organic matter or complex mixtures with minerals to the ground.

In the shelter you can plant a radish:

  • Make grooves in 10-15 cm.
  • Sow radish seeds through 30-40 mm, 15 mm deep. If they are of poor quality, then the distance is reduced to 10-20 mm. If the radish sprouts up densely, it needs to be thinned out.
  • Do not open the shelter. After sprouting the sprouts, ventilate regularly.
  • Water periodically so that the soil is constantly slightly moist.

You can sow onions, garlic and spinach. They will help maintain the necessary microclimate.

There are skeptics who believe that the recommendations of the lunar calendar do not affect the success of work in the garden, garden or flower garden. However, those who adhered to the tips note that they have brought great benefits. It was possible to achieve good development of plants, lush flowering, rich harvest.

It’s easy to follow the lunar calendar to try to make sure that it really helps in working with crops, trees and flowers.
