Pine: characteristics, types, planting and care


Pine is a coniferous tree belonging to the class of coniferous plants. A special, unique feature of this tree is its phenomenal lifespan from 100 years to 600 years.

The name of the tree has supposedly Latin roots, according to other sources - Celtic.

Description and characteristics of pine

The height the tree reaches over the period of its life span varies from 35 m to 75 m. With this growth, the average trunk diameter reaches about 4 m. However, when grown in adverse conditions or in marshy areas, the height is limited to only 1 m. Pine is very fond of sunlight, thanks to it it can reach such large sizes. It blooms in late spring, cones appear during this process. However, they are all different in their shape and shades.

The pine tree is widely known for its appearance, which is given to it by numerous, woody shoots covered with needles. The needles themselves are smooth and hard, besides sharp.

Her life expectancy is no more than 3 years. The length of individual specimens can reach up to 20 cm. The tree is unpretentious to the soil. The root system depends on the landing site. If the soil is moist, the roots creep along the surface, leaving only 2-3 m deep. If the soil is dry, they penetrate down by 7-8 m. The radius of the root system is about 10 m. However, preferences for the type of soil are still there is. Pine gets along better in sandy soil.

Types and varieties of pine

Due to the wide range of places of growth, low whimsicality to the soil, today there are many different types of this tree. Some of them are derived artificially. This is due to the high characteristics of the wood of these trees.

Due to what they are widely used in many areas, ranging from carpentry to building houses and shipbuilding. At the same time, artificially bred species are not inferior to natural ones, and in some nuances even surpass them.

Consider the most common.


The most common species, grows almost everywhere. In height, it can reach up to 50 m maximum. The trunk is ordinary, straight, without bends. The bark of the tree is thick, brown in color with a gray tint.

Wood of this kind is very much appreciated in the production of various things, items from wood. This is due to high strength, high resin content. From sawdust produce oil, rosin.

Siberian cedar (Siberian cedar)

In its appearance, it has many similarities with ordinary pine. Differs in a dense crown, thick branches. The trunk is also straight, without bends. Its maximum height is about 40 m. Unlike ordinary, the needles of this tree are soft, long. Reaches up to 14 cm in length, has a dark green color.

Cones in this form appear only after 60 years of growth. They are large, egg-shaped. From one Siberian pine it is quite possible to collect 12 kg of nuts in one season.


A massive species, growing in height up to 50 m, with a diameter of up to 1.2 m. From other species, marsh pine is distinguished by needles of a yellow-green hue. Its length can be up to 45 cm inclusive.

Also, the tree is known for excellent heat-resistant, fire-resistant properties.


Sometimes this species is called White Pine. It has an average trunk height of 30 m. It is endowed with green needles, sometimes with a grayish tint. Needles about 30 cm long, collected in bunches. The tree owes its name to the last leader of the Aztecs - Montezume.

It received this name because the leader used the needles of this tree to decorate his headdress.


This species is also called cedar dwarf. Belongs to low bush plants. For example, tree-like specimens of a tree grow to a maximum height of 7 m.

A distinctive feature is the widely spread branches pressed to the ground, while the tips of the branches are slightly raised up, this gives the original shape of the crown.


The medium-sized species, reaches a height of up to 45 m. Over time, the crown becomes like an umbrella, which is very common among all species of pine. Crimean is listed in the Red Book, but despite this, the wood of this tree is considered a valuable material in the field of shipbuilding.

It grows mainly in the Crimea, can be found in the Caucasus. It is also used as a decorative tree for landscaping parks.


This species is a tree-like shrub. Needles of unusual shape, slightly twisted, curved. It has a dark, green tint.

Found a scope in turning business, where wood with a red core is very much appreciated.


It got its name for its special appearance, for a smooth, light shade of the bark. The shape of the barrel can be either straight or slightly curved.

The maximum height this tree can grow is 21 m.


Srednerosly view, in height can reach up to 50 m inclusive.

It grows over the mountains from Afghanistan to the Yun'an province of China.


Height is 30 m. Endowed with a rather long needles, about 15 cm.

Due to the appearance, the beautiful shape of the crown, this tree has found application in the decorative sphere, landscaping of parks.


Mountain view, found at altitudes from 1300 m to 1500 m. It reaches a height of 55 m.

However, in spite of the habitat of the tree, it is often used as a decoration; it perfectly survives outside the mountain climate.


This species is also called white eastern pine. Most often found in North America, Mexico. The trunk is almost perfectly even, with a diameter of almost 2 m. The height varies from 59 m to 67 m.

Naturally, with age, the crown becomes cone-shaped - flattened. The bark of the tree shades a little with purple, which makes this species unique. Widely used in construction.


In fact, the same ordinary pine. Widely distributed throughout the Russian Federation, most often found in Siberia.

Growth can reach up to 50 m, with a trunk diameter of up to 2 m.

Planting pine on the site and further care

Since pine belongs to the type of photophilous plants, naturally you should choose a well-lit place for it. The light must be natural, that is, sunny.

Pine grows well mainly in sandy soil, respectively, and planting is recommended precisely in this type of soil. However, it is possible to land in heavy soil, but drainage is required.

When planting, the distance between the trees must be at least 1.5 m.

Young specimens in the first 2 years of growth must be fed with mineral fertilizers. They will help young sprouts to better get used to the soil, get used to the environment. Additional watering is also necessary, since the tree is still young and immature. Adult species no longer need watering and fertilizers.

By nature, the tree is quite resistant to droughts, periods poor in rains. In this regard, additional watering is not required, however, it is not forbidden.

Young trees are very vulnerable to cold, for this they need to be covered with spruce branches. The “greenhouse” period lasts from autumn to April, after which they can be reopened.

Pines are planted mainly in parks, urban recreation areas, to create an aesthetic green background. For these purposes, young seedlings are used, the age of which varies from 3 to 7 years.

Pine propagation

In terms of reproduction, seeds are a 100% option.

Sowing is done in the spring. Seed ripening begins only after a year from the moment of pollination. Inoculate decorative specimens, and cuttings are usually not used, as they are poorly taken root.

Pine Diseases and Pests

Like all plants, trees, pine trees also have diseases and pests, consider the most common of them.


Looks like rust swelling in bubbles. A rust mushroom provokes this disease. Outwardly manifests itself in the form of plaque on the tips of the needles. It is impossible to fight, to protect healthy trees from infection is possible only by removing the patient. Regular prophylaxis, treatment with special preparations based on copper is recommended.

Butterflies, aphids

Butterflies feed on needles, young shoots. To combat them, a special biological product, called “Lepidocide”, is used.

Aphids not only feed on pine, but also serve as the causative agent of diseases. To get rid of them, the tree is sprayed with insecticides.

You can purchase special products and preparations in specialized garden and flower shops.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: healing properties of pine

With a detailed study of pine, it becomes clear why pine is located near medical institutions and sanatoriums. They perfectly disinfect the air. Pine needles are a kind of multivitamin, which includes a list of substances useful to humans.

In folk medicine, pine is used to combat diseases such as osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and cardiovascular diseases. Essential oil, which can be extracted from a tree, is used to treat colds, pain and redness in the throat, excellent results in psychotherapy.

Pine application

The spheres in which pine is popular are huge.

From ancient times, this tree was used for shipbuilding, creating furniture and decorative elements.

Some species and varieties are especially appreciated in the carpentry, due to the presence in them of a brown-red core. Pine is a very strong tree, items made from it are very much in demand because of strength, beautiful appearance. Very often the wood of this tree is used for the construction of private houses, decoration. This is due to the fact that it has better heat dissipation than other types of trees.

Pine wood gained immense popularity in shipbuilding due to excellent indicators of strength and elasticity, fiber density.

Many people use various types of this tree for decorative purposes. Of course, the cultivation process is quite long, but as gardeners say - it's worth it. Pine can be planted on the outskirts of the site, under it to place a recreation area. Branches will provide a pleasant tian in the summer. City recreation areas also cannot do without these trees. They are planted in parks because of the aesthetic, beautiful green appearance, and high ability to disinfect the air. A comparison of cubic meters of air in the city and in the pine forest proved the beneficial properties of these trees. In urban conditions, about 40 thousand of all kinds of microbes fall on 1 cubic meter of air. While in a pine forest, this figure is only 500 microbes.


Watch the video: Introduction to Loblolly Pine (September 2024).