Osteospermum: photo, cultivation and care


Osteospermum - perennial and annual grasses, shrubs and shrubs native to South Africa, belonging to the family Compositae.

Varietal variety is used mainly for decorative purposes. Due to its direct resemblance to chamomile, the plant is often referred to as African, Cape or Blue-eyed daisy, as well as Cape daisy.

Description and features of osteosperm

Osteospermum is formed by a bush that grows up to 1 m in height, however, this size is extremely rare and 0.5 m samples prevail in flower beds. Usually, the plant is grown by gardeners as an annual. A key feature is the aroma emitted by foliage and stem, which on the entire surface have a slight pubescence.

Flowering begins in June and continues until the autumn cold weather, characterized by abundant formation of new buds. In appearance, the flower resembles a chamomile, but with a larger palette of shades, in particular such as light, scarlet and orange.

Dimensions range from 2.5 to 7.5 cm, they can be opened only in sunny weather, so the annual protects its pollen. Osteospermum can slow down or even stop development during the summer heat, while you should not water the plant excessively or proceed with its treatment. This reaction is natural and will pass by itself when the temperature normalizes.

Types and varieties of osteosperm

International organizations include about 70 species of plants and its hybrids.


The branched annual reaches 1 m in height. Not wide leaves are pointed to the edge with several teeth.

Petals are mostly white in color with veins at the base, frame a dark basket.

Hybrid varieties

ZuluBright yellow.
BambaShades from white to purple.
Sky and iceWhite, blue core.
VoltaPink petals turn white as they bloom.
ButtermilkBright yellow, turn pale during flowering.
Silver sparklerWhite.
CongoViolet, pink.
PembaHalf assembled by a straw.
Sandy pinkPink.
Starry iceInside are blue, outside are white. Reed inflorescences in the shape of a spoon.


Low annual, up to 0.5-0.7 m in height. Flowers change color as they bloom.

Hybrid varieties

ButtermilkThe yellowish hue is replaced by bronze on the shady side.
Lady leitrimLilac petals frame the core of a dark color.
SparklerWhite with blue.


Small dimensions are made up for by the high density of flowers on one shrub.

Hybrid varieties

AquilaThey include a diverse palette - from white to purple tones.
CashInflorescences are simple lilac, pink, or white, about 5 cm.

Decorated with longitudinal stripes.

Ice whiteWell-defined white petals frame the dark core with an admixture of yellow stamens.
Sunny PhilipThe violet edges curl up and form the shape of a tube, the rest of the area is white.
Double ParpleA characteristic purple color, the petals in the center are tubular.

Reproduction of osteosperm

It is produced by seed and cuttings, but the latter is suitable only for indoor samples.

Seed propagation

In order to avoid problems associated with picking, large seeds are initially planted in separate cups. The most appropriate time for this varies and varies by region. According to the lunar calendar must be planted in April.

The soil is suitable for loose, good moisture permeation. It consists of:

  • Sand;
  • Peat;
  • Sod land.

For convenience, you can plant seeds in peat tablets - this will no longer fertilize osteopermum, since the soil will already be saturated with all the necessary nutrients. A similar method guarantees the preservation of the root during transplantation. In order to properly plant a plant, you must:

  1. Place the seed in the soil to a depth of not more than 0.5 cm;
  2. Cover the container with glass or polyethylene;
  3. Leave in a warm, dry place for 1 week.

It is noteworthy that the sowing process is devoid of pre-soaking the seeds, this is due to the peculiarities of ostesperm, which is very sensitive to excess moisture.

A week later, it is worth placing the seedlings on the windowsill, the favorable temperature for them will be about +18 ° C. Shoots will begin to stretch when there is a lack of natural light, you can make up for it by using an additional source, phytolamps are perfect. It is worth considering that the recommended daylight hours should last about 14 hours. It is important to ensure regular, but at the same time moderate watering, since if the water stagnates, the osteospermum can rot.

15 days before transplanting the plants into the open ground, it begins to harden. To do this, shoots should be carried out for several minutes outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air. When the threat of frost passes and the weather characteristic of May is established - you can transplant the plant into open ground, while it is necessary to maintain a distance of 0.5 m between the seedlings.

Propagating osteospermum with seeds that were collected in your own garden - you should not expect to receive similar samples, this applies to terry varieties to the greatest extent.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are preferable to produce no later than April. For propagation, trim from the top of an already mature plant is suitable. It is necessary to cut off those that reach 7 cm in length. The lower leaves should be removed and the slice updated. Then, having tilted somewhat, the seedlings are placed in a substrate consisting of sand and vermiculite. Then you should create the effect of a greenhouse by covering the container with polyethylene and placing it in a well-lit place. Then you need to regularly ventilate and water the cuttings. After 2 weeks they will take root.

Outdoor planting and care

A sun-loving plant is preferable to an open, well-lit place, a slight shadow is acceptable.

Basic soil requirements:

  1. Acidity is about 7 pH, and slightly acidic;
  2. Moderate fertility;
  3. Friability;
  4. Water and air permeability.

First you need to dig the soil, giving it friability, level it and provide enough time for settling. An earthen lump cannot be destroyed, so its volume should be taken into account when digging holes. After planting, it is necessary to slightly compact the earth around and moisten abundantly.

The saturation of flowering depends on the regularity of watering during this period, but the rest of the time it is worth moistening as necessary.

Nipping and dressing

Branching of a plant directly depends on timely pinching. First of all, this applies to the tops of the shoots. Also, cultivation is not complete without the use of mineral fertilizers 3 times per season:

  1. 15 days after planting in open ground;
  2. At the stage of tying buds;
  3. On the eve of autumn.

To maintain a decorative look, it is important to timely release the plant from fading inflorescences.

Wintering osteosperm

Osteospermum can overwinter safely only in relatively warm regions, that is, those where the minimum temperature will not drop below -10 ° C. In this case, the flower needs additional insulation, for example, it can be covered with dry foliage.

If the temperature range does not meet the requirement, it is worth resorting to the following actions:

  1. Carefully remove the bush, while not damaging its root system;
  2. Arrange in a wide container;
  3. Leave with a temperature not lower than -10 ° C and sometimes water;
  4. In the spring, plant the osteospermum back.

A shrub that has wintered on the street should prune all the stems in the spring.

Diseases and Pests

Osteospermum is not attacked by most insect pests common in the middle latitudes, a similar situation with ailments. Excessive moisture, which causes root decay, can harm the bush. In this case, the bush should be treated with fungicides.

It is not always possible to cure the plant, so it is worthwhile to take preventive measures in a timely manner that will help maintain the health of the shrub. Prevention of the disease includes:

  • Timely weeding;
  • Proper storage of seeds;
  • Regular monitoring of soil pH is unacceptable as too low or excessively high levels of acidity;
  • Constant weeding, proper hydration;
  • Maintenance of soil friability;
  • Harvesting residual plant fragments, it is important to prevent their wintering in the ground.

In the absence of other sources of food, the aphids will eat osteosperm. The characteristic symptoms will be yellowing and falling of leaves. To get rid of the pest - just spray the bush with insecticides, alternative methods, for example, soap solution, are also suitable. To make it, you need to take 1-2 glasses of ash and pour 10 liters of boiling water with 1/7 of a standard piece of laundry soap, which must be previously crushed into shavings. Then leave the solution to infuse overnight. Sift through cheesecloth before spraying. Great for protecting young plants.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: ideas for the location of Cape daisies in the garden

The plant looks great both in the landscape of a large and a small garden. Planted as a border plant, combined with stone compositions, also suitable for mixed flower beds and mixborders. A simple appearance makes the plant universal, combined with a large number of species and varieties of plants.

Used to decorate lawns, a lonely standing bush will attract attention. Compact varieties are suitable for planting in a pot, for hanging planters, balconies and terraces. It will not be superfluous to tie up the stems, if the splendor of the bush does not allow it to keep its shape. Dwarf varieties can be used as soil plants. Osteospermum of white tones will create a wonderful composition with lavender, Iberis, forget-me-nots and petunias.


Watch the video: Osteospermum flowers plant - grow and care (October 2024).