Grouse flowers: description, types, planting, care


Flowers Grouse (Fritillaria) belong to the genus of herbaceous perennials and to the family Liliaceae. In the world there are more than 150 varieties of this plant. The habitat is the Northern Hemisphere, where the temperate climate prevails, as well as Asia. Due to its visual resemblance to a bone throwing cup in Latin, it is called "fritillus" - translated as "pockmarked" or "motley", so its Russian name appeared.

Description, features

Perennial plant, the reproduction of which occurs with the help of seeds or bulbs. Their structure is curious, since it does not have a top cover and literally consists of many scales.

If they are damaged, this will lead to the death of Grouse.

Some gardeners prefer to call the plant a paradise tree for its outward resemblance to a lush palm tree. The flowers are drooping, differ in different shades, can be collected in groups or be arranged one at a time.

Gardeners consider this plant necessary on the site, since it, in addition to beauty, is also beneficial. It is believed that the smell spreading from the flower effectively expels the mole and the bear. Some gardeners, planting it around the perimeter of the site, are trying to protect themselves from rodents.

Types of grouse

It is customary to distinguish two varieties of plants by habitat. The humid climate of the middle strip is considered ideal for the first group. Their height is only 40-80 cm, the color may be different.

These include:

  • chess;
  • Russian;
  • Ussuri
  • chess-like;
  • whorled;
  • cirrhosis;
  • mountain and others.

The second group of these flowers is represented by exhibits that prefer the dry and hot climate of southern Europe and Asian countries.

Grouse Imperial is considered the highest representative of this group, with flowers in yellow or orange.

There are also very small plants belonging to this group: hazel grouse, oriental, Zagros or large-flowered. The most common colors of these flowers are burgundy and purple. They are great for creating rock gardens.

Flowers with a silver coating look especially gentle and delight the eye with different shades. These species include varieties Caucasian, Armenian, Albura, yellow and golden. Kamchatsky, Olga, needle-like and others are distinguished by the most delicate colors with notes of greens and cream shades.

Imperial (Royal)Among gardeners, the most common species is the Hazel ginger Imperial or Royal. It differs in size from other varieties of this flower. The stem of the plant reaches 90-120 cm in height; beautiful large flowers are located on its top. The flowering period coincides with tulips and cherries. The colors are varied - from bright yellow to brick red. It is very difficult to confuse this species with others, since its tubers have a very specific smell.
ChessThe fastest propagation and unpretentiousness in the content is observed in the hazel grouse. We only sell white-headed varieties Alba and Aphrodite. In total, biologists know more than a dozen varieties of this plant species.

Chess grouse, beloved by gardeners in Russia and Europe, is distinguished by large flowers with a bright chess color. "Cells" stand out distinctly on brownish-pink petals. The flower grows in forest thickets, withstands wintering and spring flooding. The color of the buds is marked by a variety - from lilac to pure white. Reproduction is sometimes self-sowing.

MikhailovskyA fragile flower, only 25 cm high with two burgundy buds with a yellow border around the edge. The plant is unpretentious, perfectly survives wintering. Today, a miniature copy of this variety of hazel grouse has been established, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm. Dry and warm soil is best suited for them. Propagation of this species occurs predominantly by seed. At least every 2-3 years, it is recommended to dig and warm the bulbs, especially in humid and cold climates.
RussianThis plant variety is listed in the Red Book. It is found in nature on mountain slopes or steppes. The stem height reaches 40 cm, the flowers are large, bright chocolate tint.
ModestSmall size and delicate colors provided this variety with such a name. On a short stem, not more than 20 cm, there is only one bud of bright yellow color. Reproduction of this variety of hazel grouse requires a lot of diligence and time. It is planted in well-heated soil, with drainage. Flowering occurs early, immediately after the snow melts, and in winter it is grown on the windowsill, in a pot.
PersianThe variety has been known since the 19th century and came to us from eastern countries. The stem grows to 100 cm in height, inflorescences are arranged in a cone in an amount of about 30 bright flowers. The leaves of the plant have a blue tint, and the flowers are almost black. It looks very unusual and beautiful.

It is better to grow such a flower in well-warmed soil with an admixture of sand, on the south side of the site, where the sun's rays are warm and fall. It also winters well, but requires quality shelter with dry foliage.

KamchatskyAs the name implies, in Kamchatka grows the same name sort of flower Grouse. In height reaches 60 cm, the flowers can be almost black or bright yellow. Bulbs of this variety are very similar in scales to lily bulbs. Reproduction can also be done with the help of scales.
AmanskyThis variety is young, grown since the 70s of the last century. Mostly grows on limestone slopes with tall bushes and grass. The homeland of this species are the mountain slopes of Libya, Turkey, Syria.

The plant is small, the stem height reaches 25 cm, it is very fragile, flowers are greenish in color with purple patches. A large number of flowers grow from one small size of the bulb. It is better to plant it on the sunny side of the garden, in the soil with good drainage, adding lime or chalk. The flower perfectly tolerates wintering, but it is not worth planting it in open ground in the fall.


Gardeners prefer hazel grouse to other garden plants because of its unpretentiousness and beauty. Bulbs, consisting of several scales, contain buds, with the help of which they multiply.

There are general rules for planting this plant:

  • September-October are considered favorable months for planting grouse, later planting will lead to freezing of the bulbs or lack of flowering.
  • The place where the new plant is defined should be sunny, partial shade allowed.
  • Bulbs are handled carefully, damage will lead to the death of the flower.
  • Before landing in the ground they are treated with a solution of manganese.
  • Too wet and cold soil for planting does not fit, the bulbs rot.
  • Planting depth is about 12 cm for low flowers, about 20 cm for high.
  • Bulbs are laid sideways in the soil, sprinkled with coarse sand.

In general, the land where the garden plant is planted should be nutritious and light. It is recommended to add peat to prepared wells.

Grouse care

Planting and caring for different types of hazel grouse are minimal. With proper care, the flower will delight with bright buds and a strong stalk, which will be a real decoration of the garden.

It is important to water the hazel grouse on condition of too dry summer, the soil should not dry out.

After watering, weeding the beds and sprinkling with peat or wood ash is recommended. It is also necessary to fertilize the plant with special dry fertilizers. The first part is added at the end of April, the second - in August.


The flower propagates by seeds or bulbs. Both methods are good and give flowering quickly.

  1. Seeds are harvested immediately, as soon as the leaves of the plant become yellow. Sowing is carried out in enriched soil. Two years after planting, the strengthened bulbs are dug up and stored in a warm, dry place.
  2. The bulbs of most varieties of hazel grouse increase in size over time, and "babies" grow. After a couple of years, they are excavated and separated and further planted in the ground.

After flowering

After the flowers fade and the boxes begin to dry, the hazel grouse will still delight for some time with its greenery. Then, around the beginning of July, they start digging the bulbs and putting them in storage. They are washed with warm water, dried and cleaned in a room where the temperature is not higher than 30 ° C, provide a constant flow of fresh air. New roots grow by the end of summer, and the bulbs become suitable for planting.

Mr. Summer resident warns: errors that will interfere with flowering grouse

Some gardeners do not wait for the flowering of hazel grouse and several common reasons are to blame for this:

  • cool and humid summers contribute to the decay of the bulbs (they are heated and dried naturally);
  • small bulbs (at a size less than 5 cm there will be no flowering, the plant is gaining strength);
  • growth in one place (they begin to divide and do not bloom, in order to avoid this, they dig and store before autumn planting);
  • Incorrect landing depth
  • unsuitable soil (dry, not enriched land is not the best place for flowers);
  • winter with little snow (lack of snow leads to freezing).

In order for the plant to bloom and please the eye annually, the rules of planting and care must be observed. They do not require much effort, but the garden will acquire extraordinary beauty.


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