What are false mushrooms and how do they differ from edible


False honey mushrooms are called several different species, which share an external similarity with the real. Not all of them are poisonous, there are also conditionally edible ones.

Their main difference is the absence of a mushroom smell, but you can also recognize them by the absence of a ring on the stem, as well as by the wateriness of the edge of the hat in wet weather.

Types of false mushrooms

Actually false mushrooms are called three types:

  • sulfur yellow
  • seroplate
  • brick red.

The first of them is poisonous, the rest are consumed after thorough boiling.

There are 3 more varieties of mushrooms that are often confused with honey mushrooms:

  • deadly poison Galerina edged;
  • conditionally edible Psatirella Candolle;
  • Psatirella is watery.

Not very attentive mushroom pickers can collect them, since both false and real ones often grow nearby or on the same stump. Moreover, false ones also often grow in friendly families, growing together from below with legs, like real ones.

Galerina edged (Galerina Marginata)

HatDiameter cm1,5-5
ColorFucking red
FlakesAre absent
Form in young
in old
Tubercle in the centerIn old
Watery edgeIn high humidity
LegHeight cmUp to 9
Thickness cm0,15-0,8
ColorBeige, red
Ringthere is
Special signsFibrous, hollow. Plaque from below

Contains the same poison amanitine as pale grebe. It occurs only near coniferous trees, and the real mushrooms are found in deciduous forests, although mixed willows can grow in mountainous areas. Poisonous galerin smells like flour, not mushrooms. It grows mainly in groups of 3-8 mushrooms or individually. It happens that the gallery is confused with winter openings. It should be borne in mind that the leg of a real mushroom does not have a ringlet, in contrast to a poisonous one.

To avoid poisoning, refuse to collect honey mushrooms among fir trees and other conifers!

Sulfur Yellow False Foam (Hypholoma Fasciculare)

HatDiameter cm 2-9
ColorSulfur yellow
Form in youngSpiky
In oldDisclosed
Tubercle in the centerthere is
Watery edgeNot
LegHeight cmTo 10
Thickness cm Up to 0.8
ColorLight yellow
Special signsHollow fiber

These false mushrooms are found in large families of up to 50 fused legs.

The cap in young mushrooms resembles a bell in shape, in old ones it looks like an open umbrella.

It differs from the real honey agaric in the yellow color of the cap, inedible smell, and also the leg devoid of a ring (all honey mushrooms except winter ones have it).

Brick Red False Foam (Hypholomalateritium)

HatDiameter cmUp to 9
Flakesthere is
Form in youngRounded or bell-shaped
In oldDisclosed
Tubercle in the centerIn old
Watery edgeIn rainy weather
RecordsColorYellowish to lead gray
LegHeight cmTo 10
Thickness cm1-2,5
ColorBright yellow above, brown below
RingNo or thin strip
FlakesSmall, sharp
Special signsFibrous, becomes hollow with age

The mushroom is classified as conditionally edible, for eating it must be boiled for at least 30-40 minutes, and then drain the water.

In many countries, brick-red false foam is considered quite edible. In Russia, it is eaten in Chuvashia. With insufficient preliminary boiling, it causes nausea, pain in the stomach and head, and vomiting.

Often these false mushrooms are confused with autumn ones. The former can be distinguished by the red-brown color of the hat, light yellow or beige pulp. On the leg of a real honey agaric there is necessarily a cuff, while false ones do not. The smell is unpleasant, and the autumn ones smell like mushrooms.

False Foam Seroplate (Hypholomacapnoides)

HatDiameter cm1,5-8
ColorYellow, orange, brownish
Form in youngRounded
In oldOpen
Tubercle in the centerthere is
Watery edgeNot
RecordsColorYellowish, gray with age
LegHeight cm2-12
Thickness cm0,3-1
ColorYellowish, reddish brown below

Foam seroplate is edible, but it is suitable for food only after thorough boiling. It is also called poppy seed, because as it grows from above, it is covered with specks the size of a poppy seed. The edges of the hat are darker than its center. The pulp smells of damp. These mushrooms can be found on windbreak and stumps, often pine.

They differ from autumn mushrooms by the missing cuff on the leg and radial wrinkles on the hat, as well as the color of the plates.

Psathyrella Candolle (Psathyrellacandolleana)

HatDiameter cm2-10
ColorMilky white, yellow in old
FlakesSmall brownish, quickly disappearing as they grow
The formConical
Tubercle in the centerthere is
Watery edgeNot
SmellMissing or Mushroom
RecordsColorFrom milky to violet-gray and brown-brown
LegHeight cm Up to 9
Thickness cm0,2-0,7
RingIs absent
FlakesAre absent
Special signsSmooth, silky

The fungus is considered conditionally edible. Before cooking, boil it, and then drain the water. The popular name is a flimsy woman, received for a very fragile, easily breaking cap, covered with small scales that quickly disappear. With age, it turns yellow.

It differs from ordinary mushrooms in the absence of odor in the pulp.

Psathyrella watery (Psathyrella Piluliformis)

HatDiameter cm1,5-8
ColorBrown yellowing to the center
The formBell-shaped, with grooves
Tubercle in the centerthere is
Watery edgeNot
RecordsColorFrom light beige to brown black
LegHeight cm3-10
Thickness cm0,3-0,9
ColorBeige below, powdery top
RingIs absent
FlakesIs absent
Special signsSmooth, silky, hollow inside

Psatirella is conditionally edible and suitable for food after boiling. In wet weather, droplets of aqueous liquid appear on the plates below. The hat is dark brown, yellowing with age, and yellowing begins from the center and extends to the edges. The smell is weak or absent.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: How to distinguish false mushrooms from edible?

IndicatorsAutumn honey agaricSeroplateBrick redSulfur yellow
LegBeige, there is a cuffLight yellow, reddish brown below, no ringletBright yellow above, brown below, no ringletLight yellow, no ringlet
HatBeige pinkYellow or brownBrick redSulfur yellow
RecordsLight brownGrayGrayYellow
Contact with waterThe edges of the hat become transparentNotNotNot
EdibilityEdibleEdibleConditionally ediblePoisonous

False honey poisoning and first aid

Among the false honey mushrooms, only the false honey mushroom is sulfur-yellow and the deadly galley is bordered.

Sulfur poisoningThe first symptoms occur after 1.5-4 hours. In this case, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, tremor in the limbs are observed. Palms and feet are covered with cold sweat. Poisoning with sulfur-yellow honeypenk is rare, since one mushroom can spoil the entire dish with a bitter taste. Call an ambulance. Symptoms disappear after a few days or a day if the dose was small. Before the doctor arrives, you need to rinse your stomach by drinking enough water and inducing vomiting, and then give activated charcoal.
Brick Red Foam PoisoningApproximately the same symptoms, if it is not boiled enough time.
Galley borderedContains amanitine, a poison of a toadstool. A dozen galeries is a lethal dose for a child. It causes severe and difficult to treat liver damage, and the symptoms of poisoning appear after 12 hours or more, when it is too late to induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention.


Watch the video: 057 RSW The Difference Between a Real Morel Mushroom and a False Morel (October 2024).