Passiflora - growing, home care, photo species


Passiflora (Passiflora) - grassy lush blooming liana with large, star-like flowers. The homeland of the Passiflora is South American, Brazilian, Peruvian, Paraguayan rainforests. Due to the decorative properties and the wonderful aroma of a flower, passionflower is cultivated in many countries of the world and is called a passion flower. It has already adapted to the Mediterranean, subtropical and temperate climate with short-term nighttime temperature drops.

Growing in a tropical forest, the photophilous passionflower liana is forced to get to the sun on its own. With the help of special numerous antennae on a powerful, woody stem, she clings to supports and trees and gets to the upper tier of the forest.

Some specimens in natural habitats reach 45-47 meters in length. At home, perennial passiflora grows to 3 meters, annually gives shoots 2-2.5 meters in length and is a completely unpretentious plant. Numerous flowers cover the plant throughout the summer, but each life cycle is no more than a day.

High growth rate. Shoots annually 2-2.5 meters in length.
Numerous flowers cover the plant throughout the summer, but each life cycle is no more than a day.
The plant is easy to grow.

Toxicity and toxicity of passionflower

Despite the presence of some healing properties, passionflower is not recommended for consumption. The substances contained in the plant, entering the body, can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain, kidney, or liver.

Passiflora care at home. Briefly

Passiflora at home needs standard care, which is not difficult:

Temperature modeThe temperature in summer should not exceed 23-25ºС. In winter, the plant rests at 13-17ºС.
Air humidityHumidity should be sufficient. It needs to be raised daily with a pallet with moistened expanded clay. In addition, spraying is recommended. Once every two days, with warm water, avoiding contact with flowers.
LightingThe lighting is bright with plenty of direct sunlight. Otherwise, flowering decreases or completely fades.
WateringWatering is moderate, once every two days, so that the soil is constantly moist. However, do not leave excess water in the pan. In winter, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.
PrimingPassiflora soil should be light and breathable. You can cook it yourself by mixing sheet, turfy soil, humus and sand in the proportions of 3: 2: 2: 1, respectively.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFertilizing and fertilizing are required during the growing season. Specialized liquid remedies for flowering plants are suitable.
Passiflora transplantTransplantation is recommended no more often than every 2-3 years. The right time is April.
BreedingReproduction occurs by cuttings, antennae, seeds.

The main features of growing passionflower in its love of sunlight and humidity, fear of strong drafts and the need for support. Without sufficient lighting, the plant will quickly cease to bloom and lose its decorative effect. The room where the passionflower grows must be ventilated, but at the same time it should be protected from strong winds.

Liana can be grown in hanging containers, it is suitable for creating flower arches, baskets and other compositions.

To ensure the best flowering, in addition to light and moisture, constant pruning is required. At the end of the dormant period, shoots are thinned out, last year's ones are completely removed, there will be no flowers on them in the new year.

Passiflora care at home. In detail

Flowering passionflower

Stunningly beautiful, large, bright flowers are what passionflower is famous for. Home care does not require special skills, the main condition is a lot of light. Then the plant will throughout the summer delight with a large number of flowers and the constant change of one bud after another.

Depending on the variety, the five-petalled Passiflora flowers, resembling a huge daisy in shape, can have bright red, pink, purple, blue, white color. In addition to the main petals, an additional crown of threads is formed on the bud, which differs in color from the main one. In the center of this bright "star" 5 stamens and a pestle of impressive sizes flaunt.

Many varieties of passionflower produce a marvelous, delicate aroma. When pollinating flowers, fruits are formed, some of them are edible. At home, pollination can be done independently. To do this, use a brush and carefully transfer the pollen from one flower to another.

Temperature mode

Passiflora at home needs warmth. The minimum indicators in the winter are 12-13ºС, the maximum - 17-18ºС. At the same time, watering is significantly reduced, and spraying is stopped.

The optimum temperature in the summer is 17-25ºС.


Domestic passiflora can grow in a dry climate, but the intensity of growth and flowering will decrease significantly. Therefore, to create the most favorable conditions, it is necessary to spray it regularly, especially near heating appliances, and also place the pot in wet pebbles.

An indicator of insufficient air humidity is the drying of the ends of the leaves.


The main and main condition for the abundant and prolonged flowering of passionflower is a sufficient exposure to sunlight for at least 4-5 hours a day.

Ideal for southern windows, balconies, verandas with light shading. The western and eastern sides are also suitable for cultivation, but then you should not count on lush flowering. For owners of northern windows, passionflower will become nothing more than a lush, green vine. Flowering under these conditions is unlikely.

In winter, most species of passionflower cease to bloom, go to rest. But there are also varieties that can continue to bud in the winter, but for this they must be warm and very light.


Passiflora flower at home watered abundantly and often. But excess moisture should be avoided, to prevent the accumulation of excess water in the pan. Insufficient watering is fraught with a reduction in the number of flowers, wilting, yellowing, or completely falling leaves. But these signs do not appear immediately, but only with a systematic violation of the conditions of care.

In winter, if the temperature in the room exceeds 20-24C, watering the plants can not be greatly reduced.

Passiflora soil

Preference should be given to ready-made mixtures for flowering plants: begonias, lime, senpolia. Enrich them with ordinary manure. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic, well drained and breathable.

You can prepare the substrate yourself. The basis is sheet earth, humus, sand, and turf are added to it. Well suited for the cultivation of passionflower hydroponics.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

With the beginning of the growing season, passiflora is recommended to be fertilized. For this, any complex mineral or organic top dressing is suitable. During the period of active flowering, the plant needs preparations with a large amount of potassium in the composition. Fertilizing is carried out twice a month.

Passiflora transplant

The flower needs a transplant every 2-3 years in April. But do not sharply increase the size of the pot. This will not eliminate the need for a subsequent transplant and will provoke the growth of the root system throughout the soil. Passiflora will not bloom during this period. A small capacity is suitable for it.

Around the pot, it is necessary to organize a support along which the liana will curl and grow. Otherwise, it will entangle all surrounding objects that it encounters on the way. The best option for support is a ladder made of bamboo or plastic, a metal ring.

The willow twigs bent and dug into the ground are ideal as a support for creating interesting floral arrangements, but they should be updated annually.

How to trim passiflora?

Passiflora needs to be trimmed regularly. In the early spring, last year's ones are removed and the lashes grown during the winter are shortened. The whole plant is trimmed by more than half. Throughout the growing season, it is necessary to cut off faded and unsightly, leafless shoots. Trimming is 3-5 cm from the base.

It is not necessary to shorten the liana too much, this can lead to decay of part of the root system.

Rest period

The behavior of passiflora in winter depends on the type of plant. For those varieties that cease to bloom and drop leaves, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for relaxation. From mid-autumn to the end of winter, they are left in a well-lit place at a temperature of 15-18C, moderately watered and exclude fertilizer application.

Passiflora propagation

Propagation of the plant occurs in several ways.

Passiflora propagation by cuttings

Cut from the beginning to mid-summer, the stem with 2-3 leaves is immersed in water for 2-4 weeks and provide good daylight and artificial lighting. During this time, he will take root. In addition to water, rooting is successfully carried out in a sand-peat mixture.

Before planting, the ends of the cuttings are disinfected, apply wood ash and a stimulator of root formation. After immersion, the soil is watered, covered with polyethylene and left in a warm place at a temperature of 21-26ºС for 25-35 days. Previously, root can be added to the substrate.

To accelerate the formation of roots will help heating the bottom of the pot with a handle, you can use a mini-greenhouse. Throughout the whole rooting period, polyethylene is periodically opened for ventilation, the soil is watered, and the sprout is sprayed with warm water.

Growing Passiflora from Seeds

Planting seeds is carried out at the end of winter. They are pre-rubbed with sandpaper or soaked for 20-24 hours in lemon juice. Then the seeds are placed in a mixture based on leaf soil, sand, humus and peat, watered, covered with glass and left in a warm place at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C for 3-4 weeks. During this period, the seeds germinate. Seedlings with two leaves are ready for picking.

Diseases and Pests

The following symptoms indicate a deterioration in the health status of passiflora:

  • Passiflora leaves twist, become soft - the plant is cold;
  • Passiflora leaves turn yellow and fall - the reason is low temperature, insufficient watering;
  • Passiflora leaf tips dry - Passiflora lacks air humidity or watering;
  • Passiflora is slowly growing - lack of nutrition or poor lighting;
  • Passiflora does not bloom - little light, excess nitrogen in the fertilizer, too big a pot;
  • Rotting stems - excess watering.

It may happen that after buying passionflower, it threw off all the flowers. These are the effects of stress. After a while, the plant will bloom again.

In addition to diseases, passionflower is susceptible to the invasion of pests: aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips.

Types of homemade Passiflora with photo and names

Passiflora blue

The most unpretentious and widespread type of vines, reaching 9 m in length. It blooms from early spring to late autumn, the buds are large, up to 10 cm, white or blue.

Passiflora changeable

The stems and leaves of this species are covered with a delicate fluff. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm in diameter, white, blue, pink, purple shades. Fruits are rounded.

Winged passionflower

One of the largest species with a powerful vine and bright red flowers up to 12 cm. It blooms very beautifully and plentifully, but only in warmth and in sufficient light. The fruits have a pronounced aroma.

Passiflora meat red

Unpretentious grade. It has healing properties, it is used in the manufacture of some sedatives. It is able to relieve pain and muscle spasm, eliminate insomnia, nervousness, stabilize blood pressure, and soothe. It grows in length up to 10 m., Flowers can have different colors.

Edible passionflower

It differs in that after pollination, edible fruits are formed on it - passion fruit. Blossoms in huge, beautiful, white buds up to 7 cm with unusual purple stamens. At home, the fruits are obtained by artificial pollination, a few years after planting. There are self-pollinating varieties, they are also suitable for home.

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Watch the video: Grow Passion flower or Passiflora vine in your Garden or Cans. (September 2024).