Gimenokallis - growing and care at home, photo species


Gimenokallis (Hymenocallis) - a bulbous plant with beautiful peculiar flowers and also pleasantly smelling. The birthplace of Gimenokallis is South and Central America, it is in the tropics that this plant grows in nature.

Appearance without peduncle is not particularly noticeable, they include hymenocallis to the Amaryllis family. The name comes from two Greek words, "hymen" means film, and "callos" is translated as beauty. The name perfectly characterizes the hymenocallis during the flowering period, the stamens are fused with petals because of this the flower looks very unusual. The leaves grow by 50-100 cm, but the peduncle is usually slightly higher than the green mass of the plant.

Also see how to grow indoor amaryllis.

Average growth rate.
Mostly blooms in summer, but the Caribaea species blooms in winter.
The plant is easy to grow indoors.
The bulb can live for many years with proper care.

The difference between hymenocallis and ismen

Due to the inaccessibility of habitats in the nature of hymenocallis, it is difficult to accurately classify. Some experts sometimes do not distinguish it from ismene, but these are completely different plants:

  • gimenokallis throws only one peduncle, and often forms a false stem from dead leaf plates;
  • in Izmena the flower is located at an angle relative to the peduncle; in Gimenokallis, the flowers are arranged strictly vertically;
  • green streaks of flowers are characteristic of izmena; this is not peculiar to hymenocallis.

Interesting! It is believed that Izmena was separated from heminocallis, but even now these two plants belong to the same family.

Caring for gimenokallis at home. Briefly

The plant is not picky, gimenokallis feels great at home, the main thing is to create acceptable conditions for it. Even a beginner grower will not have difficulties with this, the main indicators will be:

Temperature mode24 degrees during growth and up to 14 heat during dormancy.
Air humidityMedium.
LightingBright diffused light, partial shade.
WateringAbundant in the period of growth and flowering, in the dormant period is scarce.
Gimenokallis soilLeaf land 3, turf 1, sand 1, peat 1.
Fertilizer and fertilizerLiquid for flowering houseplants.
Gimenokallis transplantOnce every three years.
BreedingChild bulbs sprouting from seeds.
Growing FeaturesAdequate watering and lighting.

A long period of life is important, with proper care one bulb will grow and develop long enough, with flowering will be annual.

Caring for gimenokallis at home. In detail

The plant gimenokallis feels great at home, everyone can grow it. The main criteria will be timely watering and a sufficient amount of lighting, otherwise there will definitely not be any difficulties.

After the purchase, Gimenokallis, like other indoor residents, needs to be given time to adapt to the new microclimate. After that, if necessary, transplant or choose the most suitable place for its permanent placement. In order not to destroy the plant, you should adhere to some rules and recommendations, so a migrant from the tropics will grow and develop perfectly.

Gimenokallis planting

The plant does not really like the change of soil and pot, so its transplant is carried out no more than once every 3-4 years. It’s not worth replanting immediately after the purchase, after 2-3 weeks it is necessary to inspect the soil and roots, if 2-4 cm remains from the bulb to the side of the pot, then such a booth does not need a transplant.
Change the soil and the pot is necessary only in case of detection of pests or diseases.

When planting the bulb, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • the bulb is immersed in the ground at 2/3, 1/3 is located above the soil mixture;
  • disembarkation is carried out in March-April;
  • to achieve flowering, it is necessary to grow leaves, a plant with children rarely blooms.

An exception to the planting dates will be purchased bulbs.

Flowering hymenocallis

Almost all types of hymenocallis bloom in summer, the exception is only H. caribaea, it blooms only in winter.

Before flowering, varieties with dying foliage actively increase the green mass, then the stalk expels the flower stalk from it. After some time, quite an unusual form of flowers forms on the peduncle, on one from 6 to 12 buds can develop.

A characteristic feature of the flowers of hymenokalis is the complete fusion of all the petals and stamens, when opened, they resemble a crown. The diameter of the flower can reach 15 cm, but mostly they are smaller.

Interesting! Mostly stamens are longer than fused petals, but there are several species that have shorter stamens.

Temperature mode

Home heminocallis is actively developing in the spring and summer in mid-latitude conditions. In winter, special attention should be paid to evergreen species, with a lack of lighting, the temperature around the stem must be reduced artificially. To do this, the pot with the plant is pushed close to the window and slightly shaded, a transparent box is perfect for this.

Thermometer indicators vary for each of the periods of life:

  • in summer, the thermometer should show 24 heat;
  • winter (rest period) is characterized by 10-14 degrees;
  • from February to April, you must maintain at least 16 with a plus sign.

Important! When transplanting and removing bulbs from the soil, they are sent to a dry place with a temperature of 10-12 heat.

For evergreen boles with artificial lighting, the temperature regime should not be regulated, they will be satisfied with the existing indicators.


Caring for gimenokallis at home does not include frequent spraying and artificial humidification of the air around the plant. It is enough to occasionally wash away the settled dust under a warm shower from the leaves, while the peduncle and the flowers themselves should be protected from the stream of water.


The origin of the plant also affected its preferences in lighting. For normal growth and development, the western, eastern and southern windows are chosen for the stem, since it perfectly perceives bright diffused light, but partial shade will be glad.

In well-lit places and flowering will be excellent, northern and poorly lit places will not allow the plant to lay a peduncle during dormancy.

In winter, for evergreen species, it is necessary to arrange a 10-hour light day artificially illuminated with lamps.

Watering Gimenokallis

It is watering that often presents the greatest difficulty for gardeners; it is sometimes quite difficult to guess with the amount of moisture. A migrant from the humid forests of Central America during the period of growth and forcing of a peduncle loves moisture very much. To meet the needs, you must follow these rules:

  • during the growth period, watering is plentiful, drying of an earthen coma is unacceptable;
  • closer to autumn, after a flowering period, the need for moisture decreases, the flower prepares to rest;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, it is enough 1-2 times a week in small portions.

Excess moisture often causes bulbs to rot. it is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pot.


For planting, it is best to select a ceramic pot, its volume should be moderate. It should be understood that the roots of the plant are powerful and grow rapidly. A large size capacity will not make it possible to lay a peduncle, but there will be a lot of children.

An ideal option would be a container in which the bulb will go 4-5 cm deep, while 1/3 of it will remain above the soil. The distance from the rim to the bulb will be 2-4 cm. Under these conditions, the plant will certainly please flowering in the first year.


Gimenokallis transplant involves placing the bulb of the plant not only in a more suitable pot, but also completely replacing the soil mixture. For it, a slightly acidic, loose with nutrients option is suitable. You can not fool yourself and buy a substrate for bulbs in the store, but you can do it yourself:

  1. Sheet land, turf, river sand, ratio 3: 1: 1.
  2. Humus, turf, sheet land, river sand, peat, ratio 2: 2: 2: 1: 1.

Advice! In the purchased soil for bulbs, you need to add some charcoal.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

It is necessary to feed the plant during the period of active growth and pasture of the peduncle, the procedure is carried out once every 2-3 weeks with liquid preparations for flowering indoor plants. Strict adherence to the instructions will help the strain to drive out a sufficient amount of greenery and bloom; at the end of this period, top dressing is removed.

You need to choose drugs with a minimum nitrogen content or even without it.

Rest period

From the end of August to mid-January, a period of rest is observed in gimenokallis. Most boles drop foliage and rest before the next flowering. In order for the arrow to fit exactly, it is necessary to create conditions:

  • reduce watering;
  • completely exclude top dressing;
  • reduce the temperature to the recommended.

Only after that, in May, the plant will drive out the peduncle and will delight the flowers.

Growing hymenocallis from seeds

One of the options for plant propagation is germination from seeds, while collected independently, this will not work.

Purchased seeds are germinated according to the recommendations on the packaging. The process is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand with intensive irrigation.

Propagation by daughter bulbs

The most common propagation of hymenocallis by daughter bulbs. They are carefully separated from the mother bulb and planted in small pots in a mixture of peat and sand. The containers are placed in half-shaded places and wait for germination, then they are transplanted into prepared soil in larger pots.

Diseases and Pests

Most pests for the stem are not terrible, they try to bypass this flower side. Occasionally, thrips, mealybug, daffodil can be found. Get rid of them with insecticides.

Diseases affect more often:

  • Hymenokallis does not bloom, There may be several reasons for this. The absence of a dormant period, a lack of light, a lack of nutrients will affect the trunk in exactly this way.
  • Wither leaves from a lack of moisture or from its abundance, this is judged by the condition of the soil.
  • Yellow dots on leaves they will talk about staganospore, and the bulb will be immediately affected.
  • Wormholes on the petals formed at low temperatures.
  • Gimenokallis leaves turn yellow and lose their elasticity due to the large amount of moisture, watering is very plentiful.

Other troubles are extremely rare, it is not worth focusing on them.

Types of indoor hymenocallis with photos and names

The genus of hymenocallis has more than 50 representatives, the description of all will take a lot of time, so let's focus on the most common.

Hymenocallis beautiful Hymenocallis speciosa

Evergreen representative from Antilles. Among other things, it differs from the congeners by a flower stalk with an umbrella of flowers, each of which reaches a diameter of up to 15 cm, and sepals curved in an arc often reach 7 cm.

Hymenocallis Caribbean Hymenocallis caribaea

Evergreen stem with flowering in 4 months came to us from the Antilles. It is he who is most popular with flower growers. Allocate its dark green leaves and an umbrella of large flowers with long sepals.

Hymenocallis narcissiflora Hymenocallis narcissiflora

This species comes from Peru, it is distinguished by the yellow color of the petals and the location of the stamens, they are completely in the crown of fused petals. There are varieties with purple and white flowers, the flowering period is long, begins in mid-summer and lasts until mid-autumn.

Gimenokallis festive, Gimenokallis pleasant Hymenocallis x festalis

This representative of the Amaryllis is a hybrid of basket and Elisen hymenocallis. It differs in pink fragrant flowers on a high peduncle, Peru is considered its homeland. Blooms in large flowers for 2-3 months.

Now reading:

  • Hippeastrum
  • Amaryllis - planting and care at home, photo species
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