Pachypodium - home care, photo


Plant photo

Pachypodium (Pachypodium) - Succulent shrub from the Kutrovy family. The plant is common in various climatic zones, it develops well on different types of soil. Homeland Pachypodium - Australia, Africa. It is especially common on the island of Madagascar, where it is called the Madagascar palm.

The height of perennials in tropical forests reaches 4 - 7 mdiameter - 1, 3 m. At home, the pachypodium has a more modest size, grows from 0.3 m to 1 m. Develops slowly. Flowering begins in adulthood - from 7 years. The pachypodium forms spectacular flowers of different shades, and a lush hat of long green leaves adorns its top.

Growing slowly.
It blooms in autumn and summer.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of pachypodium

Pachypodium neutralizes harmful electromagnetic radiation, so the plant is placed next to computer equipment. Palm-shaped cactus is valued as a plant that protects the house from evil and envious people. It is believed that the flower attracts negative energy and neutralizes it. Negatives bypass the residents of the house, and the pachypodium, having taken a hit on itself, temporarily loses an elegant "head of hair".

Features of home care

Resistant to drought, Pachypodium feels great at home. Even a novice can easily grow it if it creates optimal conditions for the plant:

TemperatureIn winter, around + 15 ° C; in summer - from 20 - 29 ° C.
Air humidityIt tolerates dry air.
LightingBright, but at noon they shade on the southern windows; south and east windows.
WateringWinter once a month; in the summer - in the fall - once in 21 days.
PrimingReady-made substrate for cacti; soil mixture of equal doses of leaf and woody earth, perlite.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, liquid fertilizer for cacti is applied once a month.
TransferYoung cacti - every year; mature - after 3, 5 years.
BreedingVegetatively (cuttings) and seeds.

Despite the ease of maintenance, features of growing pachypodium exist. Cactus loves walks in the fresh air. In the summer, when the night frosts pass, he is taken out to the balcony. At other times, the room is often ventilated (while the cactus is placed away from the draft). When working with the plant, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from toxic milky juice and not prick.

Pachypodium care at home

Pachypodium - heat-loving and drought-tolerant plantas if specially designed for growing a house. To make it bloom, care for the pachypodium at home should be organized correctly.

Flowering pachypodium

The cactus develops slowly and bloom for the first time is decided in adulthood - at the age of 6 - 7. Flowering of the pachypodium is an interesting and short-lived sight. Depending on the species, the plant blooms in spring or summer and does not last long, about 7 days. In a short time, the cactus manages to amaze with its flowers, similar to stars.

Medium-sized flowers have different colors: cream, bright pink, lemon, white. Their center is "decorated" with a bright yellow spot. Inflorescences of some species have a pleasant aroma.

Temperature mode

For the pachypodium - a native of hot countries - it is fundamentally important to observe the temperature regime. In summer, the plant is kept at + 20 - 29 ° C and higher, in winter - at + 15 ° C.

The cactus cannot tolerate low temperature. They protect it from draft and temperature changes.


Drought-resistant pachypodium flower at home easily tolerates dry air. In winter, they put it next to the battery. Spraying, like other methods of increasing air humidity, is not required for the plant. But the leaves should be periodically wiped from dust.

Pachypodium Lighting

Loves bright lighting. In summer, if the weather is warm, it can be taken out to the balcony. There he will receive a sufficient amount of light and breathe air. Pachypodium flower at home is located on the windows of the southern and eastern directions. But if at noon a shadow is created on the south window, the plant may get burned.


Pachypodium - A succulent plant that can retain moisture in a fleshy stem. If during care it is possible to balance watering and dry soil, then the silhouette of the plant will be ideal.

Types of pachypodium dropping leaves are not watered in winter until young leaves begin to appear.

If the cactus does not drop the leaves, it is watered once a month in winter. During growth, water 1 time in 21 days.

Pachypodium pot

Properly selected capacity is important for the harmonious development of the plant. A pot for a pachypodium is best chosen wide and not very high. The cactus will grow well in a pot whose diameter is 20 mm more than the diameter of the previous pot. The root system should be in a slightly cramped environment.

A heavy capacity is needed so that a plant with a high and thick aerial part is stable. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the pachypodium in ceramic pots, at the bottom of which there should be drainage holes.

Pachypodium primer

For the pachypodium, a ready-made soil mixture for cacti is perfect. You can prepare the soil for the pachypodium with your own hands from equal portions of perlite, wood and sheet earth. Home pachypodium prefers a loose and moderately acidic substrate. Improve the soil with charcoal and moss; add brick chips, vermiculite.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

To maintain the plant in good shape and improve its appearance, fertilizing and fertilizing are needed. Pachypodium from the second half of May to the beginning of September once a month needs mineral fertilizers.

At the same time, it is taken into account that an abundance of nitrogen has a bad effect on the state of the cactus root system. Most of all he needs potassium. Introduce a liquid universal fertilizer for cacti, diluted in half.

It is worth remembering: organic for the pachypodium is prohibited.

Pachypodium transplant

Young cacti pachypodium transplanted every year. The plant develops slowly, therefore, in adulthood, pachypodium transplantation occurs every 3, 5 years. He suffers poor transplantation, instinctively fearing for his fragile roots. To help the plant survive stress, use the transshipment method.

The dried and damaged roots are removed, the cut points are sprinkled with chopped coal. After this, the plant is placed in a new pot of larger diameter. Expanded clay or fragments of brick are necessarily poured to the bottom to prevent stagnation of moisture.

In the first two months, the pachypodium is not fertilized: during this time, the flower has not yet used nutrients from the new soil.

Pachypodium pruning

To form a new image, not every grower will decide to cut the top of the pachypodium: is it worth it to injure the plant again for the sake of branching? After this operation, the pachypodium is sick for a long time, its leaves turn black. Pruning is done when the cactus is very grown and its tip rests on the ceiling or other obstacle.

To alleviate the pain of the plant, the procedure is carried out quickly and clearly, using a sharp clean knife. The wound is sprinkled with coal powder, the excess sprinkles are gently blown away or gently brushed off with a silky brush. Sprinkle with sulfur powder on top. The best time to trim is spring.

Rest period

For the pachypodium to remain strong and alert, it needs a period of rest. Plant rest begins in the second half of October and ends in early February. At this time, the cactus is not watered or fed. The optimum temperature is + 15 ° C.

Pachypodium reproduction

Propagation of the pachypodium is carried out using seeds or cuttings.

Propagation of pachypodium by cuttings

If the trunk of the cactus began to rot, pachypodium is propagated by cuttings. The method makes it possible to save the pachypodium. A healthy knife is cut with a sharp knife. Blot the spot with a napkin and sprinkle with charcoal powder. Dry for some time until a protective film appears. Then planted in a substrate or sand. Contain at + 26 ° C, sometimes watered.

Growing pachypodium from seeds

The main option for obtaining a new cactus. Seeds before planting are soaked in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. After 2 hours, they are sown in soil at a distance of 40 mm from each other, deepening by 10 mm. Cover with a film. Seedlings are aired daily, rarely watered - when the substrate dries. When seedlings appear, the film is removed. When the first 2 leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.

Getting a new pachypodium is a long process. Especially a lot of time is spent on rooting cuttings. It is important to observe moderation in watering so that the base of the trunk does not rot.

Diseases and Pests

Often with irresponsible care, pachypodium is overtaken by diseases and pests. This can immediately be seen by the changed type of plant:

  • leaves fall pachypodium - waterlogging (correct watering);
  • leaves darken and fall - from irrigation with unstaged cold water; lack of light (damaged leaves are removed; watering is adjusted; rearranged in a brighter place);
  • lower leaves fall pachypodium - moisture deficiency (water well);
  • rotting the trunk - excess watering at low temperature (do not water it for several days and rearrange it in a warm place);
  • will fade - moisture deficit (water well).

Sometimes the cactus is affected by insects: aphids, spider mites, scale insects. Insecticides are used against them.

Types of pachypodium home

In the natural environment there are more than 20 types of pachypodium. Some of them took root well at home.

Pachypodium Lamera / Pachypodium lamerei

A tree with an erect thick stalk, strewn with large thorns. The lower part is thickened. Spiral-like thickenings pass throughout the trunk. The top is decorated with a rosette of elongated lanceolate leaves attached to the base with long petioles. Blooms in large creamy flowers with a pale pink tint. The pharynx of flowers has a yellow tint.

Pachypodium Jayy / Pachypodium geayi

A tree with a spiky thick trunk. Spines gray with black finish. Dark green leaves with a vertical brown-red stripe in the center are covered with a delicate pile. Snow-white flowers with a yellow spot in the center. Tree height - up to 0, 5 m.

Pachypodium short-stemmed / Pachypodium brevicaule

The prickly juicy tuberous stem, whose diameter reaches 0.6 m. When there are no leaves, merges in shape and color with the stones surrounding it. Blooms with yellow small flowers of elongated shape.

Pachypodium saunders / Pachypodium saundersii

The height of the spherical stem reaches a little more than a meter. Spines are few. The leaves are lanceolate wide with a slight sharpening at the end. It blooms lushly with white flowers with lilac stripes.

Succulent Pachypodium / Pachypodium succulentum

The height of the tree is up to 0, 5 m. The diameter of the thickened lower part reaches 0, 15 m. It has numerous side shoots, their length reaches 0, 9 m. The shoots are strewn with long spines and lanceolate pubescent leaves. Blooms in summer with pink flowers with a red pharynx. Flowers are like bells.

A prickly tree with a powerful silver stalk stands firmly in a flowerpot. A graceful crest on the top brings a playful touch to his look, and bright flowers add charm. Pachypodium is an original plant, selflessly giving the owner joy and a sense of security.

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Watch the video: Pachypodium lamerei "Madagascar Palm" (October 2024).