Beauty of the North: we grow frost-resistant grapes in the garden


Grapes are a thermophilic culture. But the inhabitants of the northern regions of our country have the opportunity to grow large and sweet clusters on their plot. Breeders bred frost-resistant varieties, one of which is the Beauty of the North.

How was the Krasa Severa grape variety obtained: a brief history

The beauty of the North (another name is Olga) has been cultivated by Russian winegrowers for several decades. The variety was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements in 1994, although this grape has been in state variety testing since 1977. The variety was created specifically for the northern regions. And until now, the Beauty of the North is considered one of the best in terms of frost resistance and unpretentiousness.

The hybrid variety was obtained by crossing the Zarya Severa and Taifi pink grapes by specialists of the I.V. Michurin Central Genetic Laboratory. Spouses I.M. Filippenko and I.L. Shtin gave him the name Olga in honor of his daughter, and later he received a middle name - Krasa Severa.

Grape varieties of the North - one of the best in frost resistance

Main properties and features

Krasa Severa is a table grape variety (although some craftsmen make good homemade wine from it) and belongs to the early varieties of the culture (the growing season is only 110 days). Loose and rather large clusters have a conical shape. The weight of one grape brush is on average 250 g.

The weight of a brush of grape varieties Krasa Severa on average is 250 g

The berries are large, oval or round. The pulp is juicy, the taste is pleasant, slightly tart, with a slight acidity. The peel of the fruit is colored in a greenish-yellow tone, but with full maturity the berries turn white with a slightly pink tan.

Ripening of grapes occurs at the end of August. The variety is resistant to frost and can withstand winter temperatures up to -26 ° C, and with good shelter it does not freeze even at -30 ° C.

Table: Variety Advantages and Disadvantages

High productivity (up to 12 kg per bush).Exposure to insect pests, wasps and birds.
Pleasant grassy taste with a slight acidity.
Short growing season (average 110 days).
Good transportability and long shelf life of berries.Poor resistance to diseases (mildew, oidium).
High resistance to frost.
Berries do not crack under conditions of high humidity.

Features of planting grape seedling

Although the Beauty of the North is suitable for growing in areas with climatic conditions unfavorable for this southern culture, in order to grow an excellent grape crop, you must choose the right place for planting it and plant the vine in accordance with all the rules.

The grapes will be large, if you choose the right place for planting

Choosing the best place

The landing site for the Beauty of the North should be sunny and protected from the winds. Also, when choosing a place, you must consider the following:

  • grapes do not tolerate even temporary shading. In such conditions, the ripening period of the berries increases, the quality of the bunches deteriorates, the immunity of the plant decreases, resulting in an increased risk of fungal infections;
  • you can’t plant a crop in a lowland, because the air is colder here, which causes damage to the vine;
  • it is not recommended to plant grapes on the northern slopes, as well as near roads, since compacted soil is more susceptible to freezing;
  • rows of grapes should be arranged from north to south. So they are fully illuminated on the one hand in the morning, and after lunch on the other.

In order for the grapes to bear fruit stably, you need to plant it in a sunny place

We prepare a pit for landing

The vines must be protected from freezing. For this, experienced growers are advised to plant the culture in trenches 30-40 cm deep.

Grapes are advised to be planted in trenches or boxes 30-40 cm deep


  1. First, they dig a trench, and in it there are holes 80x80 cm in size.

    Landing pits of 80x80 cm in size are prepared in the trench every 1.5-2 m

  2. Planks or pieces of slate are installed on the sides.
  3. Gravel drainage is laid at the bottom, on which a layer of branches and wood chips are laid.
  4. Humus is mixed (2-3 buckets), phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (300 g), 1/2 buckets of wood ash. Pour the mixture into the drain and trample.

    Drainage is poured to the bottom, a nutrient substrate from humus, ash and fertilizers

  5. A layer of earth is poured over the fertilizers.

We plant grape seedlings

Grape planting dates - June 1-10. During this period, the threat of freezing frost passes, and the seedlings will take root well.

  1. Roots free from packaging and straighten them.
  2. The earth is shaken off and a seedling is placed in the planting pit.
  3. The voids are covered with earth so that 30-40 cm remain to the edges of the trench, and the stalk is completely covered with soil. In this case, he will give additional roots, which will provide the nutrition necessary for the bush. Tamp the soil slightly.
  4. After planting, the seedling should be abundantly watered (approximately 15-20 liters of water per plant). As the young vine grows, they tie up and cut off the stepsons above the first or second leaf.

The seedling is set in a hole and the voids are covered with soil so that 30-40 cm remain to the edges of the trench

To be able to easily care for the vine, you must immediately install the trellis. To do this, on the sides of the trench they dig in pillars and pull 3-4 rows of wire, to which the vine is subsequently tied.

The nuances of care for the grape variety Krasa Severa

In the first three years after planting, the gardener needs to pay special attention to the formation of the vines and the protection of grapes from frost.


Typically, the vine is recommended to form a fan. To form the so-called sleeves, allowing the grapes to increase the supply of perennial wood, they act as follows:

  1. In the first year, the 2 strongest shoots are left and all stepsons are cut off.
  2. In autumn, the top of these shoots is cut to 30-40 cm.
  3. Next year, 4 shoots are left, cutting off stepsons from them.
  4. Sleeves are tied to trellis wire at an angle of not more than 45about.
  5. In August, minting is carried out. As a rule, more than half of the grape shoot does not ripen, so this part must be shortened. It is cut over the upper trellis wire, about 18-22 leaflets. This procedure will be enough to form a good crop and get large clusters.
  6. In October, the final pruning is carried out: all the leaves remaining on the vine are removed and unripe shoots are removed.

Single-plane fan-shaped grapevine formation is the best way to grow the Beauty of the North

The advantages of a fan formation are obvious. Vine bushes are lit on both sides, it is convenient to lay the vines in trenches for wintering. Fruit branches give an excellent harvest of well-ripened berries, and the bush can bear fruit 10-15 years. After this period, you can simply form new sleeves, and the grapes will continue to give their owners an excellent harvest.

Feeding and watering

Grapes need abundant watering in the first half of summer, while it is necessary to moisten all the soil in the plantings. The procedure is carried out in the morning or in the evening after sunset, trying to prevent drops from falling on the leaves (this can cause a burn).

Drop watering is well suited for irrigation of grapes - water is guaranteed not to fall on the leaves

Topping grapes requires both root and extra root. Timing and fertilizers for root top dressing:

  1. In the early spring (after removal of the shelter). 50 g of nitrogen, 40 g of phosphorus, 30 g of potash fertilizers are added to the grooves dug under the bush, sprinkle with earth.
  2. 1.5 weeks before flowering. A solution of chicken droppings (diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2) is diluted with water 5 times, adding 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt (per 10 l of the mixture). On the bush you need 1-2 buckets. Immediately after this procedure, the grapes must be watered abundantly.
  3. The period when the berries reached the size of a pea. Top dressing, similar to the second, but in a much lower concentration.
  4. The ripening period of berries is 50 g of potash and phosphorus fertilizers per bush.

Foliar top dressing takes place:

  • in spring, before flowering;
  • after the formation of the ovary;
  • at the beginning of berry ripening;
  • 10-15 days after the previous one.

For foliar top dressing, complex fertilizers with the addition of trace elements are used. It is better to purchase ready-made mixtures (Aquarin, Novofert, Kemira) and act according to the instructions.

The Krasa Severa variety is susceptible to oidium (powdery mildew) and mildew (downy mildew), therefore it is recommended to systematically carry out preventive spraying with Topaz, Tiovit Jet or Ordan. Make a solution according to the manufacturer's recommendations and timely process grape bushes.

The composition of the nutritional mixture for grapes includes a number of drugs

Winter preparations

Harvest the Beauty of the North should be removed before mid-September, then remove all shoots from the trellis and carry out preliminary pruning, removing all weak and small branches. At the beginning or middle of October, the final pruning is carried out. They remove all leaves and thoroughly clean the soil of all plant debris. Cropped vines are tied together in bunches. Then they and their soil are sprayed with a 3% solution of iron sulfate and immediately, while the shoots are still wet, sprinkled with wood ash (vitriol and ash destroy fungal spores).

In the trench and next to the plant lay baits with poison for mice, which are very attracted to vines in winter.

Bound bundles are carefully laid in a trench and covered with lapnik, boards, pieces of cardboard, pieces of linoleum. In such a warm box, the vines of the Beauty of the North will endure frosts perfectly.

The vine is laid in a trench and covered with spruce branches, planks, covering material

Video: features of growing grapes in Siberia

Gardeners reviews

Good grade, what's the talk? It’s just that most of the bushes transplanted “at an age” “sit” for a while, and only begin to grow actively for 2-3 years. As a rule, this is due to improper landing, and most often - with not enough short pruning during transplantation. In general, when planting / replanting, the bush should be cut to 2-4 buds, this is an axiom, but few people do it!



Apparently, all the same, this is one of those varieties that require a stock of perennial wood.



For three years she did not bear fruit with me. Absolutely. This year he was going to cut down. But threw a bunch of inflorescences. I’ll take a while with the ax.



Krasa Severa is considered one of the best varieties for cultivation in areas with adverse weather conditions. Grapes are distinguished by excellent frost resistance - the vine does not freeze at low temperature, and with good shelter it will tolerate severe Siberian frosts. The berries of this variety have a juicy flesh and a pleasant taste.


Watch the video: Growing Hardy Kiwi in a Cold Climate (October 2024).