Pineapple Pumpkin: description, planting, care


Pineapple pumpkin is a variety that is considered to be nutmeg. Their popularity among gardeners is due to the tenderness of the flesh, good taste and mid-ripening. Harvested after 110 days after planting.

From this vegetable make preparations for the winter, excellent desserts. They will be a good addition to cereals. Finding it in supermarkets is quite difficult. Despite the unpretentious care, the variety is rare.

Description of Pineapple Pumpkin Variety

Pineapple pumpkins have a thick stem and long lashes. The fruiting period lasts throughout the summer and autumn months. Ripe vegetables contain large amounts of sugar. This explains the possibility of its use for culinary purposes.

She is about 2 years old. The ripening process can be significantly accelerated by timely watering and maintaining a favorable temperature regime.

The mass of one fruit does not exceed 2.5 kg. Its thin dense peel has a pleasant nutmeg smell. The longer the vegetable is stored, the more pronounced it is. Pineapple pumpkin is planted in the southern regions.

To get a crop in the middle lane and in the northern regions, film shelters are used. For the cultivation of a hybrid, it is recommended to use loose fertile soil.

Distinctive features of the pineapple pumpkin

It is characterized by the average size of the bushes, rough leaves, painted in bright green color. The root system is well developed. On one lash, 4 to 6 cream-orange fruits are formed. The pulp is dense, the taste is nutmeg.

Additional advantages include a long storage period, cosmetological and culinary value. Under favorable conditions, up to 5 kg of crop is collected from 1 m2.

Landing Features

Pineapple pumpkin is ranked among plants that are easily cultivated. To plant this vegetable, you can use seeds and seedlings. Material should be purchased at a specialist store. Seeds before planting must be disinfected with formalin.

The last ingredient in an amount of 3 g is dissolved in 300 g of a warm liquid. After processing, the planting material is dried. This method is characterized by accessibility and safety. It does not require much time. To test seed germination, they are germinated. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed +55 ° C.

Pumpkin is recommended to be planted after potatoes and legumes.

This helps to prevent the risk of disease. After digging the ground, it is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and fertilized with a composition that contains shavings and humus.

The mixture is designed to strengthen the immune system and accelerate growth. It should be noted that due to the powerful root system, the plant needs free space. If more than one bush is planted per 1 m2, the yield will decrease.

Do not plant pineapple pumpkin near squash and squash. This culture loves light and space, but does not tolerate drafts.

Seedlings are placed in the soil only after its preparation. A mixture made of river sand, peat and humus is added to it. Disinfecting the soil composition is a mandatory step. Plants can be grown in cardboard boxes, flower pots and special boxes.

The container must be dry. Watering is carried out once a week. The first top dressing is carried out 14 days after planting. It is done on a warm, calm day in the early hours.

Outdoor Pineapple Pumpkin Care Rules

Among the most important nuances are:

  • timely soil moisture - about 2 l of warm water is required per bush;
  • the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers - every two weeks;
  • loosening - helps to retain fluid and improve air exchange;
  • harvesting begins in the middle of the first autumn month;
  • pinching - the stem is formed when its length reaches 1.5 m.

Pineapple pumpkin should be stored on the balcony or in the refrigerator. The vegetable contains fiber, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Dishes prepared on its basis have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, organs of vision and gastrointestinal tract. Bonuses also include a powerful anti-aging effect.

Diseases and Pests

Pineapple pumpkin is quite resistant to various ailments.

Disease / pestSymptomsRemedial measures
AnthracnoseTan manifestations of leaf bladesUse of the composition "Epin" and ash.
BacteriosisBrownish spots on various parts of the plantProcessing through a solution of copper sulfate.
AphidWithering cultureMorning spraying with yeast and ash. Procedures are carried out every three weeks.

Mr. Summer resident: tips for collecting and applying pineapple pumpkin

To get a plentiful harvest, you must follow these rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to sow old seeds.
  • Small ovaries should not be watered. This can lead to excessive lengthening of leaves and lashes.
  • To normalize the acidity of the soil, straw must be spread on the site.
  • There is no need to remove weeds.
  • The plant should not be watered with cold water.
  • If vegetables differ in impressive weight, support structures are made from improvised means.
  • Using a drip system, it is possible to facilitate control of fluid flow.

Pineapple pumpkin is chosen due to its high resistance to fungal pathologies, unpretentiousness, attractive appearance. This hybrid is on the list of the most successful.

The disadvantages of this culture include the complexity of caring for the lashes, the need for the formation of plants. According to experts, with appropriate care, the yield will exceed all expectations. The time and effort spent will quickly pay off.


Watch the video: How To Grow A Pineapple Plant And Get FRUIT!! (October 2024).