Interesting Articles 2024

How to grow a violet from a leaf at home

Having even one indoor violet plant, over time, the grower asks the question: how to propagate it, because breeding is so interesting. Any plant loses its former beauty with age, but it is so pleasant every year to admire the delicate flowers of a favorite variety. Knowing how violets propagate, it is not difficult to get a new outlet.

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Sanchezia - home care, photo species

Sanchezia (Sanchezia) - decorative - deciduous shrub from the Acanthus family. The perennial plant is of great interest for its juicy emerald leaves with beautiful lemon stripes. The height of sanchezia, even indoors, can reach more than a meter, if you do not trim the top. The bush grows quickly, each year up to 7 new leaves appear on tetrahedral shoots.

Site planning standards: distance from the fence to buildings, a complete overview of the rules and regulations

When planning to build a fence, any owner of a suburban area tries not only to outline the material boundaries of his territory, but also to protect the property from the idle interest of passers-by and the attempt on the property of uninvited guests. Therefore, at the planning stage of the site, one of the key aspects, the solution of which must be approached with responsibility, is the distance between the fence and the building.

Beautiful hillside garden: retaining wall ideas for sloping land

It is quite difficult to arrange a beautiful garden on a site with significant changes in relief. The best option is the construction of retaining walls. This solution allows you to radically transform the appearance of the personal territory. Source: Tasks and arrangement of retaining walls If the entire site is located on the slope of a ravine or hill, it will be quite difficult to rationally use all available soil.

Alocasia home. Cultivation and care

Photo Alocasia (Alocasia) - a grassy evergreen plant from the Aroid family. Comes from Southeast Asia. It is found in nature in moist Ceylon forests, tropics of Malaysia, Indonesia. In a natural environment, where it is warm, humid and spacious, it grows up to 4 m. The height of domestic species ranges from 0.4 to 2 m, the leaves grow from 0.3 to 1 m.

9 signs of quality seeds that will bring a rich harvest

In order not to make a mistake when choosing seeds and not to be disappointed with a meager and poor-quality crop, it is better to purchase planting material in large retail outlets. Do not listen to the seller praising the products. It is recommended that you carefully consider the packaging. Manufacturers cherishing their name place on it all the information about raw materials.

Pseudotsuga - soft needles and unusual bumps

Pseudotsuga is an evergreen coniferous tree from the Pine family. The natural habitat for the plant are China, Japan and the Pacific coast of North America. Most often, these giant trees resemble a familiar spruce with a conical crown and slightly drooping branches. Cones with small “ponytails” under wooden scales are also highly decorative.

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Wicker wooden fence: we analyze the wisdom of the device "wattle"

The popularity of the rustic style in rural landscape design is determined by the natural naturalness of its elements: wicker hedges, wooden arbors, decorative benches ... A wicker wooden fence is to the liking of many owners of country houses who want to distract from everyday life and arrange a natural design with rustic motifs on their plot.

DIY garden house: classic of timber + non-standard according to Finnish technology

Nowadays, most people in the warm season want to live in nature. Breathing clean air, temporarily getting rid of the atmosphere of a noisy smoky metropolis and constant stresses is the dream of many citizens. Some years have been collecting the necessary amount for the construction of a capital house in the country. But in order to move to nature, it is not at all necessary to wait for when the right amount of money will be collected from you.

How to transplant geranium, how to plant a flower step by step

Geranium is jokingly called the symbolism of the Soviet era. At that time, almost every window flaunted bright "balls" of pelargonium. Indoor flower was given for a birthday to a woman and family for housewarming. They exchanged processes with each other, collecting different shades. The plant does not lose popularity even now.

Akalifa flower - home care

Akalifa (fox tail) is a perennial ornamental plant with dark red fluffy flowers. Growing acalypha is possible even for a beginner grower - caring for the crop is quite simple. What does Akalifa look like Akalifa is a bush plant about 1 meter high. In nature, the shrub can reach more than 2 meters.

Gaylardia perennial and annual, planting and care, photo

Gaylardia is a plant of the Astrov family. The birthplace of this flower is America. In the wild, grows in Mexico and the southern United States. Named after Gaillard de Charenton, a philanthropist who lived in the eighteenth century and made a great contribution to the development of botany. This plant is a symbol of Oklahoma.

Fusarium wilting of strawberries, methods of treatment

Strawberry is a garden culture that is popular among gardeners. Berries are consumed raw, used to make desserts. Each grade has distinctive features. The main characteristics are the ripening time, the amount of sugar in the composition, and resistance to infectious diseases.

Streptocarpus - a bouquet of bright colors

Streptocarpus is a beautiful flowering compact plant from the Gesneriaceae family. It forms a large rosette of leaves near the ground and dissolves bright, dense inflorescences, which, of course, attracts great attention. The flower is native to the tropics of southern Africa, Madagascar and East Asia. He usually prefers shady, moist forests, but can grow on mountain slopes near the sea coast.

How to clean a well yourself when silting: the top 5 best ways

The well is convenient in that it is an excellent alternative to centralized water supply, such a source of water on the site solves problems with irrigation and the use of life-giving moisture for household needs. But from time to time, it is necessary to carry out preventive work so that the well is clean and the system works properly, so many owners of summer cottages think about how to clean the well with their own hands, without spending a lot of money on it.

Ceropegia Wood - home care

Tseropegeya belongs to the genus Lastovnevye, it is not so common in nature (can only be seen in tropical forests). The name comes from Greek, translated into Russian means "candelabrum" (an unusual type of liana). The family includes more than 180 species, some of which are actively cultivated by flower growers.

Indoor palm: types, rules of care

The homeland of palm trees is considered the island of Madagascar and Colombia. Some species grow in Spain and southern France. Their application is diverse - from eating to use in the construction industry. A palm tree is also good as an ornamental plant. The palm family includes over a hundred genera, including: Coconut palm, Sabal, Date, Bismarck.

Peony Canary Brilliants

Peony Canary Diamond (hybrid) can be safely called one of the brightest representatives of Ito-hybrids. Summer residents and landscape designers highly appreciate this variety for undemanding care and large terry buds. Peony Itoh Canary Brilliants (Paeonia Itoh Canary Brilliants) - what kind of variety, the history of creation Flower Canary Brilliants is an Ito-hybrid, which refers to a semi-double or terry form.