Interesting Articles 2024


Crassula - Species and Varieties, Lavoid and Perforate

Everyone knows the money tree, but, as it is called scientifically, not everyone knows. A widespread plant is called Crassula, or Potted Crassula. This is an original plant of Crassula, the species of which are so numerous, the forms are so diverse and bizarre, the palette of colors is amazing that there is an assumption: these are not earthly flowers, but aliens from other planets.


Kentrantus is a medium-sized bright plant with beautiful inflorescences, which is actively used in landscape design and for the design of flower beds. It belongs to the Valerianov subfamily, which is why it is called red valerian in the common people, but it does not have medicinal properties. The homeland of Kentrantus is considered to be the Mediterranean, so he prefers light sandy soils, heat and sunlight.

Bromeliad family - tillandsia, pineapple, bromeliad and others

Indoor plants not only decorate the interior of a house or apartment, but also purify and refresh the air. Fans of flowering greens will be interested to learn about different types of plants from the Bromeliad family. Family Bromeliad Plants from the Bromeliad family are descended from the tropics, and several species have been found in the American subtropics and one in West Africa.

Japanese and gray spirea - description, planting and care

Japanese spirea is the most popular species. It blooms profusely throughout the summer season, while maintaining a pleasant appearance in the fall, is unpretentious in care. Japanese Spirea does not harm its "neighbors" and is often used in landscape design. Description of popular varieties The following varieties are very popular among gardeners: Japanese Spirea Golden Princess Compact shrub up to half a meter in height.

How to plant apricot: planting methods and all the important nuances

Apricot was often called the "Armenian apple", although its origin was not reliably established. In Armenia, it has been grown since ancient times and is considered one of the national symbols. The life expectancy of an apricot tree in a warm climate reaches 100 years, of which 30-40 years it abundantly bears fruit and delights with its delicious, aromatic fruits.

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Thuja Danica (Danica) spherical - description

Thuja western (Occidentalis) Danica varieties - a favorite plant of landscape designers around the world. The form is unpretentious, tolerates the unfavorable winter conditions of Siberia and the Moscow Region equally well, frosts, summer heat and drought, and is resistant to the gas pollution of the urban environment. In the landscape, it can act as a tapeworm and blends well in groups.

Rosa Prairie Joy - characteristics and description of the bush

Rosa Prairie Joy belongs to the group of Canadian roses, has high resistance to temperature extremes. Well suited for the design of hedges, creates a spectacular accent in a single or group monoplant. Description of the variety Originator of the variety breeder Henry Marshall (Canada) introduced the variety in 1977.

Beautiful iris in landscape design: original ideas for any site!

A translucent rainbow gently shimmered in raindrops sparkling in the rays of the setting sun. People rejoiced. Prometheus - their protector - stole heavenly fire from the gods and gave it to the peoples so that they could warm themselves and cook their food. It was then that the celestial arch flashed with delicate colors, which, without fading, glowed all night, as a symbol of calm, hope and prosperity.

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess (PAK Salmon Komtess)

Pelargonium Pac Salmon Komtess is a whole group of varieties. These include rosaceous, zonal, ivy cultures. They have distinctive features and require compliance with a number of care recommendations. Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess: general information Pelargonium Salmon (PAC Salmon) belongs to the Geranium family.

Spring care for planting garden strawberries

Strawberries (wild strawberries) - the berry is tasty, healthy and loved by many. At the same time, it is a rather capricious plant and requires compliance with a set of agrotechnical measures that should be started in early spring, otherwise the gardener should not see a plentiful harvest, and the plants themselves should look unattractive without care and will become easy prey for pests and diseases.

Hibiscus or Chinese rose - a curiosity of home decor

Many have heard that there is a room flower called "Chinese rose", but most have no idea that this is one of the famous varieties of hibiscus that grows in the southern climate directly on city streets, and in the northern regions has long been successfully cultivated in the volume of a flower pot .

All About Opal Plum Variety

European plum Opal is not very well known to gardeners in Russia. There is no information about her in the State Register. But the variety is interesting, so let’s familiarize it with gardeners who are faced with the choice of a suitable option for their garden site. History and varietal characteristics of Opal plums Like many European varieties, a rather old variety of Opal plums of Swedish selection is not in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

5 useful tips to help beautifully arrange a small cottage

In the country, a person leaves the city bustle to enjoy the silence in nature. And, of course, I want the site to be well-groomed and cozy, because after work on the beds it is so nice to rest and enjoy the beauty around. Making a small territory so that it becomes a real paradise for the whole family is not so difficult.

Dieffenbachia: look, features and content

Crocuses are perennial flowers growing in almost all climatic zones. Large bulbs produce a bunch of delicate bright green leaves and one thick peduncle. The color of the petals varies from boiling white to dark purple and burgundy. By flowering time, there are two types: spring and autumn.

Planting and growing Nika pears

Nick Pear is one of the attractive varieties for gardeners. The characteristics of the variety make it possible to grow it not only in the middle lane, but also in the northern regions of Russia.The process of planting and care does not differ in any difficulties and is quite affordable even for beginners. Description and characteristics of the variety. The Nika pear variety is a winter hybrid that was bred at the Institute of Michurin as a result of crossing two varieties - Talgar Beauty and Daughter of Dawn.

Why do dracaena fall leaves down

Dracaena is grown due to its beautiful appearance and pleasant smell. The plant has long or narrow green leaves and buds of yellow, white, pink color, collected in panicles. However, the flower may lose its decorative effect. Many are worried about why dracaena lowered leaves. Dracaena leaves are falling - what could be the reasons? First of all, you need to know that regular falling of the lower leaves and their yellowing is a normal phenomenon that will accompany the flower throughout its growth.

Flower Physostegia - outdoor care

The flower physostegia belongs to elegant undemanding perennials in the country. High flower shoots with luxurious buds are impressive. The Virgin Physostegia, which is usually cultivated by gardeners, is ideal for flower beds, will appreciate the bright flowers that are arranged in rows vertically.